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The service robots that have been hyped by capital and the Winter Olympics are not just a flash in the pan

2022-07-06 12:41:00 New industrial insight

In the near future , The holding of the Beijing Winter Olympics , Become the focus of attention of many parties .

Whether it's the ice breaking slowly rising at the opening ceremony “ Five rings of ice and snow ”, Or intelligent snow making in Winter Olympic venues , Or use 5G technology “8K+VR” All round HD live broadcast and so on , One includes artificial intelligence 、5G、AR、 Naked eye 3D And cloud and other scientific and technological achievements , It has become a major feature of this Beijing Winter Olympics .

Besides the front-end arena 、 Displayed at the opening ceremony , The Olympic village where the athletes live 、 In the hotel of the entourage “ Black science and technology ” And everywhere . As required by epidemic prevention , In order to reduce personnel close contact , Service robots of each sub circuit “ Work with certificate ”, In particular, the unmanned robot restaurant has become a place for many foreign friends to shoot and punch in .

But speaking of these service robots , Aside from being brilliant at the Olympic Games , In fact 2021 The year also ushered in a big financing boom , Many representative enterprises and emerging enterprises of the segment track have successively obtained financing , Old and new forces compete , With the help of capital, the situation of several parties' scuffle has been formed . that , With the relative maturity of technology and Application , How big will service robots be in the future ?

The service robot that is popular by capital and Winter Olympics

In addition to the Winter Olympic mascots that have been reported by the media in recent days, they have been on the hot search list in a row “ Ice mound ” outside , Just count China at the Winter Olympics “ Black science and technology ” 了 .

Among them, the service robot represented by artificial intelligence has become “ celebrity ”.

One is the robot of food making . Such as cooking robot 、 Coffee robot 、 Ice cream robot 、 Intelligent liquor mixing robot and so on , Unmanned robot restaurant in the Olympic village , It has become the top priority of athletes before the opening of the Winter Olympics “ Punch in ”. Order from 、 Meal preparation 、 The whole process of serving is unmanned , A complete set of processes automatically completed by robots , Through the top “ Cloud rail transmission system ” Let the food “ drop from the clouds ”, Let the foreign friends Marvel .

The other is the service robot to strengthen epidemic prevention . There is a mask detection and early warning 、 Patrol robot with functions of thermal infrared temperature measurement and circular propaganda , Cleaning robot for disinfection , A remote ultrasonic robot that realizes zero contact diagnosis between doctors and patients .

In addition, guide the robot 、 Logistics robots 、 Intelligent safety robot 、“ Cheerleading ” Humanoid robots …… From the Olympic village to the competition venues , Service robots are everywhere .

however , Before a fire of the Winter Olympics heats up the service robot , The increasing scale of the service robot market cannot be separated from the boost of capital . More and more service-oriented robot enterprises have obtained financing , Internet giants enter one after another , Industrial capital will end up messing up , Meituan 、 Sequoia China 、 tencent 、 byte 、 High allocations 、 Softbank and others keep betting .

· 2021 year 5 month , Tencent investment 、 Sequoia Capital China and other intelligent meal delivery robot system service providers “ Purdue Technology ”5 One hundred million yuan C Round of funding ;

· 2021 year 9 month , Meituan invested in intelligent meal delivery robot system service provider “ Purdue Technology ”, It is reported that this is the fourth time that meituan has financed Purdue technology ;

· 2021 year 11 month , Sequoia Capital completed the research and development of Chinese intelligent surgical system developer Jingfeng medical C Round of funding ;

· 2021 year 11 month , Gaoxian robot announces the completion of 12 One hundred million yuan C Round of funding , This round of financing is funded by today's capital 、 Softbank vision fund jointly leads investment and financing .

From the point of view of subdivisions ,2021 In the investment and financing volume of the whole year , Highest heat 、 The four largest sub categories of financing are distribution & Cleaning robots 、 Medical robot 、 Logistics robots and collaborative robots .

Among them, the field of medical robots is unparalleled , According to public data ,2021 In, the number of financing events of domestic medical robots reached 53 rise , The amount of financing exceeds 65 One hundred million yuan , On average, there are 4 Start financing ; Abdominal surgery robot 、 Orthopaedic surgery robot 、 Vascular interventional surgery robots are in full bloom . And in the last month of the year ——12 At the beginning of the month, there are lancet robots 、 Two enterprises of runmaide medical have successively obtained financing .

however , This is not the most eye-catching , What has aroused widespread concern in the industry is 2021 year 9 month “ Qinglang intelligence ” complete 2 Billion dollars D Round of funding , It is the largest single commercial financing amount in the field of commercial service robots in China , This has further heated the service robot track , The proportion of service robots in the robot field has been rising to 36%.

Only in the past two years, the epidemic has driven the service robot market to show explosive growth , A blue ocean market continues to expand , It brings more than opportunities .

The bigger the cake , Scuffle continues

As a blue ocean race track full of imagination , The bigger the cake is, the more players will inevitably pour into it and divide it . With the more and more frequent application of service robots , There are more and more players in the track , A scuffle is brewing . Take the catering robot and cleaning robot as examples , The coexistence of several major forces .

1. Dining robot

With more and more application scenarios of catering robots , No longer limited to catering stores , medical institution 、 The hotel 、 office 、 Scenic spots and other scenes also have food matching needs , The scale of the catering robot will not be interrupted and expanded , Attract players to keep entering the game , Gradually form four forces .

One has the advantages of algorithm and software AI Start a business , Take Purdue technology, which is often mentioned in the industry 、 Orion, starry sky, etc . For example, Purdue Technology , Since the establishment of Pudu robot, it's only 6 The annual financing amount has reached 7 rise , from 2020 Year to 2021 year , Purdue won 10 A hundred million yuan financing , Behind him stood Sequoia 、 Meituan 、 Tencent and other investors , It is enough to see the favor of capital .

One is the traditional old players represented by pangolins , R & D with advantages has independent intellectual property rights and core technology . Pangolin robot was founded in 2006 year , Is a company focusing on the research and development of service robots 、 Production and sales of high-tech enterprises , Have 100 Many independent patents and intellectual property rights , Master the robot chassis 、 Algorithm 、 Deep learning and other core technologies , Represented by the catering robot, it gradually turns to logistics 、 Welcome and other fields expanded , Mainly used in catering 、 The hotel 、 The new retail 、 government affairs 、 education 、 Medical care 、 Public service 、 Finance 、 Exhibition hall and other scenes .

In addition, there are core technologies 、 Application scenarios 、 Emerging players with scale advantages , Such as Qinglang intelligence , Qinglang intelligent is the first enterprise to enter the indoor service robot industry ; And the advantages of having a core technical team 、 Customer 、 Logistics platform players represented by meituan with advantages such as supply .

2. Cleaning robots

For cleaning robots , It seems to be more said that as a floor sweeper robot in the smart home family .

Sweeping robots have experienced sweeping 、 Sweep the floor 、 Sweep and drag together 、 Sweep the floor and collect dust 、 Sweep and drag together and collect dust 、 The functional evolution path of sweeping and towing and washing mop .

Players who innovate together on this path can also be divided into four categories , One is to iRobot、 Covos and other pioneers are representatives . As has “ The first wave of sweeping robot ” Known as covos , In related hardware 、 sensor 、 Algorithm and AI And other intelligent technologies are close 20 Years of deep experience , Also benefit from 2020 During the year of home quarantine “ Lazy economy ” Usher in a new round of explosion , The mass of “ Lazy products ” The market dividend brought by the further increase of consumption . On the stock price , since 2018 year 5 According to 20.02 The issue price of yuan has doubled 6 More than double , Quotation so far 129.25 element , The range rose to 1134.47%.

besides , There are more players who want to share smart home ( Cleaning robots ) A piece of .

The second is Haier 、 Traditional household appliance manufacturers represented by Midea , The third kind is Xiaomi 、360 Internet enterprises represented by . Take millet for example , Xiaomi ecology is called Xiaomi by the outside world “ The grocery store ”, Its smart Internet platform connects with the smart home appliance industry, making home appliances very popular , RUIMI's investment is short 6 Won... In 200 A number of technical patents , Including the sweeping robot , Sell far away 65 Countries and regions .

Put aside these cross-border players , The fourth kind of emerging stone technology 、 Startups represented by Yunjing intelligence swarmed . As we all know, in this circuit , A technological breakthrough and update are enough to cause an uproar , Get dividends from the market . Take Yunjing intelligence as an example ,2019 In, Yunjing launched with “ Automatic cleaning mop ” Multifunctional sweeping and towing all-in-one machine products , It better solves the pain point of human participation . Only this functional innovation , Yunjing then broke out of the siege and won 10% Above market share .

There is no denying that , With the boost of capital and the Olympics , Service robots have received more and more attention . that , How much wind energy will service robots blow in the future ?

How big will the air outlet of service robots be in the future ?

From the demand side point of view , The aging trend of China's population is accelerating , According to the data of the seventh national census , In our country 60 The proportion of the population aged 15 and above reaches 18.7%, among 65 The proportion of the population aged 15 and above reaches 13.5%, The supply of labor is gradually decreasing ; Coupled with rising labor costs , Catalytic demand for service robots ,“ Replace people with machines ” Become the choice of cost reduction for most enterprises . It's like fishing at the bottom of the sea 2021 The mid year report mentioned , Already in super 70 Jiamen store applies intelligent boiler matching machine , Improve efficiency and labor costs .

In this context , The increase in labor demand may boost the use of service robots by enterprises , Today's shopping malls 、 There are obvious changes in the hotel , See a lot of robots .

With the more personalized and diversified needs of the public in the future , Such as guiding the robot with vision 、 Accompanying service robots and other emerging scenes and products will also develop rapidly , So as to promote the development of the service robot market .

Supply end , Visual algorithms 、 Navigation algorithm 、 Technological advances in natural language processing and other aspects have further enhanced the functions of products , Let AI be truly intelligent . With the continuous influx of players from major sub circuits, the competition will also push the relevant enterprises in technology 、 product 、 The application scenarios and other aspects continue to expand , Push the whole industry forward .

This is also inseparable from the support of national policies for this industry . The state has continuously introduced new policies to support the rapid growth of service robots , Like the country “ the 14th Five-Year Plan ” The outline of the plan clearly points out , Promote the optimization and upgrading of the manufacturing industry , In depth implementation of intelligent manufacturing and green manufacturing engineering , Cultivate advanced manufacturing clusters , Promote the innovation and development of high-end manufacturing industries including robots .

In supply 、 Need to be 、 With the help of national policies , According to the CCID report, the market scale will increase from 2020 Year of 283.8 Billion yuan doubled to 2023 Year of 751.8 One hundred million yuan , This also means that the service robot market will have more room for development in the future .

Reference material :

  1. Liu Kuang : Catering robot battlefield : Somewhat chaotic
  2. Bullet economy : Sweeping robots are sucking gold

source : New industrial insight


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