当前位置:网站首页>In 2020, the average salary of IT industry exceeded 170000, ranking first
In 2020, the average salary of IT industry exceeded 170000, ranking first
2022-07-06 12:34:00 【Android_ XG】
2020 Annual average wage data released .
Under the impact of the epidemic , Average wage growth has fallen back to years of low levels , But it still keeps growing .
among , The average wage of Urban Non private units exceeds 9.7 Ten thousand yuan ; Programmers are still the most popular ,IT The average annual wage of the industry exceeds 17 Ten thousand yuan is the first .
Non private sector 97379 element , Private sector 57727 element
data display ,2020 In, the average annual wage of the urban non private employees in China was 97379 element , Year-on-year increase 7.6%, The growth rate is lower than that of last year 2.2 percentage , Real increase after price factor 5.2%.
Besides , The average annual wage of employees in urban private units is 57727 element , Year-on-year increase 7.7%, The growth rate is lower than that of last year 0.4 percentage , Real increase after price factor 5.3%.
Non private units in cities and towns specifically include state-owned units 、 Urban collective units 、 Joint venture 、 Joint stock system 、 foreign investment 、 Investors from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan . Private units in cities and towns specifically include private limited liability companies 、 A private company limited by shares 、 Private partnerships and sole proprietorships .
The average wage growth rate fell, but still maintained growth
data display , The average wage growth rate of Urban Non private sector employees is 1984 The lowest point since , The average wage growth rate of urban private sector employees fell back to 2009 The second lowest point since statistics began in .
Meng Canwen, deputy director of the Department of population and employment statistics of the National Bureau of statistics, said , Under the impact of the epidemic , The average annual wage of employees in urban units still keeps increasing , It reflects the CPC Central Committee 、 The State Council has made great achievements in coordinating epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development .
After the outbreak last year , The CPC Central Committee 、 The State Council coordinates epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development , A series of tax cuts and fee reductions have been introduced 、 Measures to assist stabilization posts , While promoting the recovery of economic stability , It effectively reduces the operating cost of the enterprise , It has promoted the improvement of enterprise efficiency , It has created conditions for wage growth .
Programmers smell good !IT The average annual wage of the industry exceeds 17 Ten thousand yuan is the highest
View by industry ,IT Industry in Urban Non private units and private units , The average annual wage is the highest .
data display , In the non private sector of cities and towns , The highest average annual salary 3 Two industries are information transmission 、 Software and information technology services 177544 element , Scientific research and technical services 139851 element , The financial sector 133390 element .
In the urban private sector , The highest average annual salary 3 The two industries are information transmission 、 Software and information technology services 101281 element , The financial sector 82930 element , Scientific research and technical services 72233 element .
The wages of programmers have also maintained a rapid growth . In the non private sector of cities and towns ,2020 Annual information transmission 、 Average wage growth in software and information technology services 10.0%, Faster than last year 0.7 percentage , The growth rate ranks third . In the private sector , information transmission 、 The average wage growth rate of software and information technology service industry is the highest , reach 18.7%.
Why are programmers getting paid so fast ? Analysts say , Under the influence of the epidemic , Online office 、 New consumer demand such as online education and remote consultation continued to be strong , Drive the rapid growth of average wages in the Internet and related service industries .
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