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2-year experience summary, tell you how to do a good job in project management

2022-07-06 13:03:00 Java misty rain

I divide management skills into two categories , Project management and team management , This article teaches you how to do a good job in project management .

Before describing this article , First, I would like to briefly introduce my management experience : I stayed in Baidu before 3 And a half years , Systematically learned the project management process of Baidu ,19 After coming to Xiaomi in , led ShareSave The team did 1 Years of project management and team management , Then he led the back-end team of basic services in overseas shopping malls , Did 1 Years of team management .

Take a look at the projects I have taken , While ensuring the quality of the project , There are few delays , It mainly comes from my own set of project management experience , Now I will ShareSave For example , Share this set of experience with you .

remarks : I have not passed the exam PMP certificate , No systematic project management training , The content of the article is based on experience , If biased , Welcome to point out , It will certainly improve !

Project process

I divide project management into 4 Stages , They are the demand stage 、 R & D stage 、 The test phase and the launch phase .


In the process of project management , Project management tools are needed , We use TB(Teambition) For example .

Product planning

Why do I need to “ Product planning ” List separately , Because this is really important , Product planning is like a lighthouse on the sea , Guide your way .

With product planning , The product can put the demand into the demand pool in advance , Each iteration only does high-quality requirements .

The following is the product planning requirements :


Requirements review

Requirements review stage , The product must provide complete requirements documents , If there is UI The place of interaction , It is necessary to provide prototype drawings in advance , Reject requirement reviews without prototype drawings .

The requirements must be very clear , It is better to refine to specific function points , Reject vague requirements ( For example, in one sentence, demand ).

The following are requirements review requirements :


In order to improve the efficiency of requirements review , Before the requirements review , A lot of preparation is needed , For example, pre demand communication 、 Preliminary R & D evaluation , After the preliminary work is ready , During the requirements review, the main issues can be discussed , Avoid a situation that requires repeated communication .

The following is the requirements phase process ( Some links can be deleted , For reference only ):


R & D stage

Technical scheme is the soul of the whole project , Many projects have problems in the late stage , The big reason is that the technical scheme is not well done .

Project scheduling is used to control the rhythm of the overall project , I have the following experience :

  1. The project schedule should not be full every day , It is suggested to reserve 20% buffer;

  2. If the project time is tight , May adopt Batch test The way ;

  3. The schedule should have Milepost , Development 、 Joint tune 、 To measure 、 go online 、 Acceptance, etc ;

  4. The project schedule cannot only reach the online stage , It also needs to include online grayscale and project acceptance ;

  5. Front end scheduling depends on UI Design .

The following are the project scheduling requirements :


The following is the R & D process ( Some links can be deleted , For reference only ):


test & Go live

The online scheme can protect the online stability , The importance is self-evident .  Because online leads to serious online problems , This project may be in vain .

About testing & Online process , I have the following experience :

  1. We need to go through the testing process together test Case;

  2. Before the test , Some projects still need to be done Project presentations ;

  3. Before going online , Need to spend time together Online solutions , Highlight risk points ;

  4. You may need to Small flow verification , Or grayscale ;

  5. Some projects have Project acceptance link , Finally, it was opened to the whole staff .

Here's the test & Online stage process ( Some links can be deleted , For reference only ):



Requirements change

Focus on requirements change , This is also a headache for many programmers , As long as the correct control , It's not that terrible .

The following is the requirement change request :


To sum up : The sooner the requirements change, the better , Change requirements , Scheduling needs to be adjusted , Near the line , In principle, requirements change is no longer allowed , Otherwise, it needs to be approved by the leader .

Daily station will

Why mention this , Because some students are usually silent , Finally, I'll give you a big trick . So you need to know everyone's daily work progress 、 Problems and risks , It is convenient for you to promote and coordinate the solution , Even temporarily adjust the project rhythm .

How to open the station , This one is also exquisite ,10-15 Minutes is the best , Every student should participate in :

  1. What did you do yesterday ?

  2. What are you going to do today ?

  3. What's the problem ?

remarks : The best time to stand is in the morning or in the evening , The way is flexible , Early can be weekly 2-3 Time , In the later stage, it will be opened every day .


Summarize several important points of project management :

  1. Product planning Like a lighthouse on the sea , You can't beat around ;

  2. The requirements document Be sure to be as detailed as possible , Reject requirements reviews without prototypes ;

  3. Technical solution Is the soul of the whole project , There is no loss in investing more time in this area ;

  4. Project scheduling There are milestones 、 Yes buffer, Scheduling shall include online gray scale and project acceptance time ;

  5. Code Review、 test Case No less ;

  6. Online solutions Anticipate the risks , Protect the online stability .

Finally, I hope everyone can become an excellent project leader , This is ShareSave Agile development process , Teach you how to manage projects in an agile way , It's worth learning from !

It is better to believe in books than to have no books , Because of limited personal ability , There are inevitably omissions and mistakes , If found bug Or better advice , Welcome criticism and correction , Thank you very much


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