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Comparative analysis of the execution efficiency of MySQL 5.7 statistical table records

2022-07-06 12:48:00 wx5caecf2ed0645

Problem description

When the statistics are recorded , I seldom pay attention to the details , I have time to analyze it for a few days , Here is my analysis process , What's wrong , Also please correct me .

[email protected]#mysql.sock : tc0112:28:09>select count(*) from test2;


| count(*) |


|  1120198 |


1 row in set (0.13 sec)

[email protected]#mysql.sock : tc0112:28:11>select count(*) from test2;


| count(*) |


|  1120198 |


1 row in set (0.13 sec)

[email protected]#mysql.sock : tc0112:28:13>select count(*) from test2;


| count(*) |


|  1120198 |


1 row in set (0.13 sec)

[email protected]#mysql.sock : tc0112:28:14>

It has been queried three times, and the time consumption of each query is 0.13 second .

[email protected]#mysql.sock : tc0112:31:01>select count(*) from test2 use index (PRIMARY);


| count(*) |


|  1120198 |


1 row in set (0.15 sec)

[email protected]#mysql.sock : tc0112:31:02>select count(*) from test2 use index (PRIMARY);


| count(*) |


|  1120198 |


1 row in set (0.15 sec)

[email protected]#mysql.sock : tc0112:31:05>select count(*) from test2 use index (PRIMARY);


| count(*) |


|  1120198 |


1 row in set (0.15 sec)

Used the primary key to query three times , Each query takes 0.15 second , Why there will be 0.02 What about the difference in seconds ?

The analysis process

View execution plan

Our first thought is to see if the implementation plan is the same .

[email protected]#mysql.sock : tc0112:33:34>explain select count(*) from test2;


| id | select_type | table | partitions | type  | possible_keys | key            | key_len | ref  | rows    | filtered | Extra       |


|  1 | SIMPLE      | test2 | NULL       | index | NULL          | index_vote_num | 4       | NULL | 1114117 |   100.00 | Using index |


1 row in set, 1 warning (0.07 sec)

[email protected]#mysql.sock : tc0112:33:35>explain select count(*) from test2 use index (PRIMARY);


| id | select_type | table | partitions | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref  | rows    | filtered | Extra       |


|  1 | SIMPLE      | test2 | NULL       | index | NULL          | PRIMARY | 4       | NULL | 1114117 |   100.00 | Using index |


1 row in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)

From the execution plan shown, we can see that , Two SQL The execution plan of the statement is different , The primary key index is slow 0.02 second , What's the cause of the ?

Check the index as follows :

[email protected]#mysql.sock : tc0112:34:27>show index from test2;


| Table | Non_unique | Key_name       | Seq_in_index | Column_name | Collation | Cardinality | Sub_part | Packed | Null | Index_type | Comment | Index_comment |


| test2 |          0 | PRIMARY        |            1 | id          | A         |     1054391 |     NULL | NULL   |      | BTREE      |         |               |

| test2 |          1 | index_name     |            1 | name        | A         |     1055674 |     NULL | NULL   |      | BTREE      |         |               |

| test2 |          1 | index_vote_num |            1 | vote_num    | A         |        9929 |     NULL | NULL   |      | BTREE      |         |               |

| test2 |          1 | index_group    |            1 | group_id    | A         |         501 |     NULL | NULL   |      | BTREE      |         |               |

| test2 |          1 | index_group    |            2 | sdate       | A         |      824214 |     NULL | NULL   | YES  | BTREE      |         |               |


5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

cardinality Is the estimate of non duplicate records in the index .

Use profile See where the time difference lies

[email protected]#mysql.sock : tc0112:41:21>select count(*) from test2;


| count(*) |


|  1120198 |


1 row in set (0.14 sec)

[email protected]#mysql.sock : tc0112:41:33>show profile cpu,block io for query 3;


| Status               | Duration | CPU_user | CPU_system | Block_ops_in | Block_ops_out |


| starting             | 0.000047 | 0.000033 |   0.000009 |            0 |             0 |

| checking permissions | 0.000005 | 0.000004 |   0.000001 |            0 |             0 |

| Opening tables       | 0.000013 | 0.000010 |   0.000003 |            0 |             0 |

| init                 | 0.000011 | 0.000008 |   0.000003 |            0 |             0 |

| System lock          | 0.000006 | 0.000005 |   0.000001 |            0 |             0 |

| optimizing           | 0.000003 | 0.000003 |   0.000001 |            0 |             0 |

| statistics           | 0.000010 | 0.000007 |   0.000002 |            0 |             0 |

| preparing            | 0.000007 | 0.000006 |   0.000002 |            0 |             0 |

| executing            | 0.000002 | 0.000001 |   0.000000 |            0 |             0 |

| Sending data         | 0.133695 | 0.133527 |   0.000000 |            0 |             0 |

| end                  | 0.000016 | 0.000009 |   0.000000 |            0 |             0 |

| query end            | 0.000009 | 0.000009 |   0.000000 |            0 |             0 |

| closing tables       | 0.000008 | 0.000008 |   0.000000 |            0 |             0 |

| freeing items        | 0.000017 | 0.000017 |   0.000000 |            0 |             0 |

| cleaning up          | 0.000009 | 0.000009 |   0.000000 |            0 |             0 |


15 rows in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)

[email protected]#mysql.sock : tc0112:41:27>select count(*) from test2 use index (PRIMARY);


| count(*) |


|  1120198 |


1 row in set (0.15 sec)

[email protected]#mysql.sock : tc0112:41:56>show profile cpu,block io for query 4;


| Status               | Duration | CPU_user | CPU_system | Block_ops_in | Block_ops_out |


| starting             | 0.000052 | 0.000036 |   0.000010 |            0 |             0 |

| checking permissions | 0.000005 | 0.000003 |   0.000001 |            0 |             0 |

| Opening tables       | 0.000013 | 0.000011 |   0.000004 |            0 |             0 |

| init                 | 0.000010 | 0.000007 |   0.000002 |            0 |             0 |

| System lock          | 0.000006 | 0.000005 |   0.000001 |            0 |             0 |

| optimizing           | 0.000003 | 0.000002 |   0.000001 |            0 |             0 |

| statistics           | 0.000010 | 0.000008 |   0.000002 |            0 |             0 |

| preparing            | 0.000008 | 0.000006 |   0.000002 |            0 |             0 |

| executing            | 0.000002 | 0.000001 |   0.000000 |            0 |             0 |

| Sending data         | 0.149678 | 0.149268 |   0.000191 |            0 |             0 |

| end                  | 0.000014 | 0.000006 |   0.000002 |            0 |             0 |

| query end            | 0.000009 | 0.000007 |   0.000002 |            0 |             0 |

| closing tables       | 0.000008 | 0.000006 |   0.000002 |            0 |             0 |

| freeing items        | 0.000014 | 0.000011 |   0.000003 |            0 |             0 |

| cleaning up          | 0.000015 | 0.000011 |   0.000003 |            0 |             0 |


15 rows in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)

The difference is mainly in Sending data part ,Sending data Include “ collect + send out " data .

see optimizer_trace

[email protected]#mysql.sock : tc0112:45:02>set optimizer_trace='enabled=on';

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

[email protected]#mysql.sock : tc0112:46:05>set optimizer_trace_max_mem_size=1000000;

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

[email protected]#mysql.sock : tc0112:46:11>set end_markers_in_json=on;

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

[email protected]#mysql.sock : tc0112:46:16>select count(*) from test2;


| count(*) |


|  1120198 |


1 row in set (0.13 sec)

[email protected]#mysql.sock : tc0112:46:22>select * from information_schema.optimizer_trace\G

*************************** 1. row ***************************

                            QUERY: select count(*) from test2

                            TRACE: {

  "steps": [


      "join_preparation": {

        "select#": 1,

        "steps": [


            "expanded_query": "/* select#1 */ select count(0) AS `count(*)` from `test2`"


        ] /* steps */

      } /* join_preparation */



      "join_optimization": {

        "select#": 1,

        "steps": [


            "table_dependencies": [


                "table": "`test2`",

                "row_may_be_null": false,

                "map_bit": 0,

                "depends_on_map_bits": [

                ] /* depends_on_map_bits */


            ] /* table_dependencies */



            "rows_estimation": [


                "table": "`test2`",

                "table_scan": {

                  "rows": 1114117,

                  "cost": 6375

                } /* table_scan */


            ] /* rows_estimation */



            "considered_execution_plans": [


                "plan_prefix": [

                ] /* plan_prefix */,

                "table": "`test2`",

                "best_access_path": {

                  "considered_access_paths": [


                      "rows_to_scan": 1114117,

                      "access_type": "scan",

                      "resulting_rows": 1.11e6,

                      "cost": 229198,

                      "chosen": true


                  ] /* considered_access_paths */

                } /* best_access_path */,

                "condition_filtering_pct": 100,

                "rows_for_plan": 1.11e6,

                "cost_for_plan": 229198,

                "chosen": true


            ] /* considered_execution_plans */



            "attaching_conditions_to_tables": {

              "original_condition": null,

              "attached_conditions_computation": [

              ] /* attached_conditions_computation */,

              "attached_conditions_summary": [


                  "table": "`test2`",

                  "attached": null


              ] /* attached_conditions_summary */

            } /* attaching_conditions_to_tables */



            "refine_plan": [


                "table": "`test2`"


            ] /* refine_plan */


        ] /* steps */

      } /* join_optimization */



      "join_execution": {

        "select#": 1,

        "steps": [

        ] /* steps */

      } /* join_execution */


  ] /* steps */




1 row in set (0.00 sec)

[email protected]#mysql.sock : tc0112:46:33>

[email protected]#mysql.sock : tc0104:49:23>select * from information_schema.optimizer_trace\G

*************************** 1. row ***************************

                            QUERY: select count(*) from test2 use index (PRIMARY)

                            TRACE: {

  "steps": [


      "join_preparation": {

        "select#": 1,

        "steps": [


            "expanded_query": "/* select#1 */ select count(0) AS `count(*)` from `test2` USE INDEX (PRIMARY)"


        ] /* steps */

      } /* join_preparation */



      "join_optimization": {

        "select#": 1,

        "steps": [


            "table_dependencies": [


                "table": "`test2` USE INDEX (PRIMARY)",

                "row_may_be_null": false,

                "map_bit": 0,

                "depends_on_map_bits": [

                ] /* depends_on_map_bits */


            ] /* table_dependencies */



            "rows_estimation": [


                "table": "`test2` USE INDEX (PRIMARY)",

                "table_scan": {

                  "rows": 1114117,

                  "cost": 6375

                } /* table_scan */


            ] /* rows_estimation */



            "considered_execution_plans": [


                "plan_prefix": [

                ] /* plan_prefix */,

                "table": "`test2` USE INDEX (PRIMARY)",

                "best_access_path": {

                  "considered_access_paths": [


                      "rows_to_scan": 1114117,

                      "access_type": "scan",

                      "resulting_rows": 1.11e6,

                      "cost": 229198,

                      "chosen": true


                  ] /* considered_access_paths */

                } /* best_access_path */,

                "condition_filtering_pct": 100,

                "rows_for_plan": 1.11e6,

                "cost_for_plan": 229198,

                "chosen": true


            ] /* considered_execution_plans */



            "attaching_conditions_to_tables": {

              "original_condition": null,

              "attached_conditions_computation": [

              ] /* attached_conditions_computation */,

              "attached_conditions_summary": [


                  "table": "`test2` USE INDEX (PRIMARY)",

                  "attached": null


              ] /* attached_conditions_summary */

            } /* attaching_conditions_to_tables */



            "refine_plan": [


                "table": "`test2` USE INDEX (PRIMARY)"


            ] /* refine_plan */


        ] /* steps */

      } /* join_optimization */



      "join_execution": {

        "select#": 1,

        "steps": [

        ] /* steps */

      } /* join_execution */


  ] /* steps */




1 row in set (0.00 sec)

According to the collection of optimizer_trace Information , I didn't see the difference .

Use strace analysis

Commands used

strace -o ./xxxx.log -T -tt -f -p `pidof mysqld`

The main contents collected are as follows :

2779  17:31:57.090832 recvfrom(19, "\3select count(*) from test2", 27, MSG_DONTWAIT, NULL, NULL) = 27 <0.000011>

2746  17:31:57.131173 <... futex resumed> ) = -1 ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out) <1.000589>

2746  17:31:57.131221 futex(0x3176e68, FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE, 1) = 0 <0.000009>

2746  17:31:57.131471 futex(0x3176e94, FUTEX_WAIT_BITSET_PRIVATE|FUTEX_CLOCK_REALTIME, 388151, {1593250318, 131449000}, ffffffff <unfinished ...>

2745  17:31:57.198173 <... futex resumed> ) = -1 ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out) <1.000774>

2745  17:31:57.198219 futex(0x420a018, FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE, 1) = 0 <0.000008>

2745  17:31:57.198251 futex(0x420a044, FUTEX_WAIT_BITSET_PRIVATE|FUTEX_CLOCK_REALTIME, 388233, {1593250318, 198244000}, ffffffff <unfinished ...>

2779  17:31:57.221047 sendto(19, "\1\0\0\1\1\36\0\0\2\3def\0\0\0\10count(*)\0\f?\0\25\0\0"..., 62, MSG_DONTWAIT, NULL, 0) = 62 <0.000157>

2779  17:31:57.221269 recvfrom(19, 0x57addc0, 4, MSG_DONTWAIT, NULL, NULL) = -1 EAGAIN (Resource temporarily unavailable) <0.000009>

2779  17:31:57.221303 poll([{fd=19, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}], 1, 600000 <unfinished ...>

2779  17:32:21.413376 recvfrom(19, "\3select count(*) from test2 use "..., 47, MSG_DONTWAIT, NULL, NULL) = 47 <0.000010>

2748  17:32:21.446209 <... nanosleep resumed> NULL) = 0 <1.009241>

2748  17:32:21.446265 nanosleep({1, 0},  <unfinished ...>

2738  17:32:21.501216 <... futex resumed> ) = -1 ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out) <1.007208>

2738  17:32:21.501262 futex(0x3177018, FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE, 1) = 0 <0.000008>

2738  17:32:21.501297 futex(0x3177044, FUTEX_WAIT_BITSET_PRIVATE|FUTEX_CLOCK_REALTIME, 388723, {1593250342, 501290000}, ffffffff <unfinished ...>

2737  17:32:21.523241 <... io_getevents resumed> [], {0, 500000000}) = 0 <0.510550>

2736  17:32:21.523280 <... io_getevents resumed> [], {0, 500000000}) = 0 <0.510589>

2735  17:32:21.523287 <... io_getevents resumed> [], {0, 500000000}) = 0 <0.510591>

2734  17:32:21.523292 <... io_getevents resumed> [], {0, 500000000}) = 0 <0.510593>

2733  17:32:21.523298 <... io_getevents resumed> [], {0, 500000000}) = 0 <0.510594>

2732  17:32:21.523303 <... io_getevents resumed> [], {0, 500000000}) = 0 <0.510597>

2731  17:32:21.523309 <... io_getevents resumed> [], {0, 500000000}) = 0 <0.510598>

2730  17:32:21.523314 <... io_getevents resumed> [], {0, 500000000}) = 0 <0.510600>

2729  17:32:21.523319 <... io_getevents resumed> [], {0, 500000000}) = 0 <0.510601>

2728  17:32:21.523324 <... io_getevents resumed> [], {0, 500000000}) = 0 <0.510594>

2737  17:32:21.523368 io_getevents(140091831586816, 1, 256,  <unfinished ...>

2736  17:32:21.523377 io_getevents(140091831599104, 1, 256,  <unfinished ...>

2735  17:32:21.523382 io_getevents(140091831611392, 1, 256,  <unfinished ...>

2734  17:32:21.523385 io_getevents(140091831623680, 1, 256,  <unfinished ...>

2733  17:32:21.523389 io_getevents(140091831926784, 1, 256,  <unfinished ...>

2732  17:32:21.523393 io_getevents(140091831939072, 1, 256,  <unfinished ...>

2731  17:32:21.523397 io_getevents(140092021788672, 1, 256,  <unfinished ...>

2730  17:32:21.523401 io_getevents(140092021800960, 1, 256,  <unfinished ...>

2729  17:32:21.523405 io_getevents(140091831902208, 1, 256,  <unfinished ...>

2728  17:32:21.523408 io_getevents(140091831914496, 1, 256,  <unfinished ...>

2779  17:32:21.563856 sendto(19, "\1\0\0\1\1\36\0\0\2\3def\0\0\0\10count(*)\0\f?\0\25\0\0"..., 62, MSG_DONTWAIT, NULL, 0) = 62 <0.000103>

2779  17:32:21.564086 recvfrom(19, 0x57addc0, 4, MSG_DONTWAIT, NULL, NULL) = -1 EAGAIN (Resource temporarily unavailable) <0.000008>

2779  17:32:21.564120 poll([{fd=19, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}], 1, 600000 <unfinished ...>

We found that there are more steps to use the primary key query , Naturally, it's time-consuming .

Check it out. SQL The logical reading situation of

[email protected]#mysql.sock : tc0105:39:52>show status like 'innodb_buffer%';


| Variable_name                         | Value                                            |


| Innodb_buffer_pool_dump_status        | Dumping of buffer pool not started               |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_load_status        | Buffer pool(s) load completed at 200625 11:36:26 |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_resize_status      |                                                  |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_data         | 21727                                            |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_bytes_data         | 355975168                                        |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_dirty        | 0                                                |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_bytes_dirty        | 0                                                |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_flushed      | 353199                                           |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free         | 11017                                            |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_misc         | 24                                               |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total        | 32768                                            |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead_rnd     | 0                                                |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead         | 0                                                |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead_evicted | 0                                                |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests      | 120950072                                        |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_reads              | 576                                              |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_wait_free          | 0                                                |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_write_requests     | 13289147                                         |


18 rows in set (0.00 sec)

[email protected]#mysql.sock : tc0105:39:54>select count(*) from test2;


| count(*) |


|  1120198 |


1 row in set (0.13 sec)

[email protected]#mysql.sock : tc0105:39:57>show status like 'innodb_buffer%';


| Variable_name                         | Value                                            |


| Innodb_buffer_pool_dump_status        | Dumping of buffer pool not started               |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_load_status        | Buffer pool(s) load completed at 200625 11:36:26 |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_resize_status      |                                                  |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_data         | 21727                                            |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_bytes_data         | 355975168                                        |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_dirty        | 0                                                |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_bytes_dirty        | 0                                                |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_flushed      | 353199                                           |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free         | 11017                                            |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_misc         | 24                                               |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total        | 32768                                            |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead_rnd     | 0                                                |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead         | 0                                                |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead_evicted | 0                                                |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests      | 121076043                                        |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_reads              | 576                                              |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_wait_free          | 0                                                |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_write_requests     | 13289147                                         |


18 rows in set (0.00 sec)

[email protected]#mysql.sock : tc0105:39:59>


[email protected]#mysql.sock : tc0105:40:30>show status like 'innodb_buffer%';


| Variable_name                         | Value                                            |


| Innodb_buffer_pool_dump_status        | Dumping of buffer pool not started               |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_load_status        | Buffer pool(s) load completed at 200625 11:36:26 |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_resize_status      |                                                  |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_data         | 21728                                            |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_bytes_data         | 355991552                                        |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_dirty        | 0                                                |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_bytes_dirty        | 0                                                |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_flushed      | 353303                                           |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free         | 11016                                            |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_misc         | 24                                               |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total        | 32768                                            |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead_rnd     | 0                                                |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead         | 0                                                |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead_evicted | 0                                                |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests      | 121120574                                        |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_reads              | 576                                              |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_wait_free          | 0                                                |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_write_requests     | 13289849                                         |


18 rows in set (0.00 sec)

[email protected]#mysql.sock : tc0105:40:31>select count(*) from test2 use index (PRIMARY);


| count(*) |


|  1120198 |


1 row in set (0.15 sec)

[email protected]#mysql.sock : tc0105:40:33>show status like 'innodb_buffer%';


| Variable_name                         | Value                                            |


| Innodb_buffer_pool_dump_status        | Dumping of buffer pool not started               |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_load_status        | Buffer pool(s) load completed at 200625 11:36:26 |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_resize_status      |                                                  |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_data         | 21728                                            |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_bytes_data         | 355991552                                        |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_dirty        | 0                                                |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_bytes_dirty        | 0                                                |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_flushed      | 353303                                           |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free         | 11016                                            |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_misc         | 24                                               |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total        | 32768                                            |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead_rnd     | 0                                                |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead         | 0                                                |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead_evicted | 0                                                |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests      | 121251637                                        |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_reads              | 576                                              |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_wait_free          | 0                                                |

| Innodb_buffer_pool_write_requests     | 13289849                                         |


18 rows in set (0.00 sec)


Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests Go to the primary key query 131063, Don't use the primary key 125971, Difference between 5092.


  • The execution plan is different , and MySQL Of CBO The algorithm is about , Use optimizer_trace There's no difference , We will not continue to analyze , If other experts have a better way to share .
  • The logical read difference is related to the index fields used .
  • Provided here MySQL Some analysis ideas and methods of , For your reference .

