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121 distributed interview questions and answers

2022-07-06 12:59:00 Java misty rain

Distributed transactions

A total of interview questions related to distributed transactions 17 Avenue , Continuous improvement later .

Tell me about your understanding of distributed systems CAP Theoretical understanding ,CAP What do they mean respectively ?

What is phase two submission ?

What is a three-stage submission ?

What is compensation business ?

What distributed transaction solutions do you know ?

Why can't the consistency and availability of a distributed system be satisfied at the same time ?

How do you understand data consistency ? What are the models of data consistency ?

When you do system design , How to choose between strong consistency and weak consistency ?

In your project , How to design distributed transactions , To achieve ultimate consistency ?

Sagas What is the transaction model ?

Be familiar with distributed lock implementation schemes ?

What conditions should distributed locks have ?

Which distributed lock implementation scheme is better ?

You know the database binlog and redolog Do you ? How to achieve consistency ?

How to design distributed idempotency ?

A simple and complete HTTP The steps of the request ?

How to improve the concurrent ability of the system ?

Distributed microservices

The micro service module collected a total of interview questions 42 Avenue , Basically, the coverage has been completed , Make progress and Optimization on these topics in the later stage .

Why Dubbo?

Dubbo Main application scenarios of ?

Dubbo Core functions ?

Dubbo Service registration and discovery process ?

Dubbo The service invocation process of ?

Dubbo Which protocols are supported , Application scenarios of each protocol 、 Advantages and disadvantages ?

Dubbo Which registries are there ?

Dubbo How to realize service governance ?

Dubbo The registry cluster of hangs up , How to consume normally ?

Dubbo What load balancing strategies does the cluster provide ?

Dubbo What are the cluster fault tolerance schemes of ?

Dubbo What serialization methods are supported ?

Say it once Dubbo Service request process ?

say something Dubbo working principle

The registry has gone up ,consumer Can we call provider?

How to realize the offline of dynamic sensing service ?

The service provider didn't hang up , But I can't see it in the registry ?

say something Dubbo Priority configuration

What's the point of load balancing ?

What are the common load balancing algorithms ?

What current limiting algorithms do you know ?

Tell me what a counter is ( Fixed window ) Algorithm

What is the sliding window algorithm

What is the leaky bucket algorithm

What is the token bucket algorithm

What is microservice ?

Spring Cloud What are the core components of ?

Spring Cloud What are the advantages ?

What is service fusing ? What is service degradation ?

Eureka and Zookeeper, As a registry , What's the difference?

Spring Boot and Spring Cloud The difference between ?

What is? Hystrix? How does it achieve fault tolerance ?

say something RPC Implementation principle of

Eureka What is the self-protection mechanism ?

What is? Ribbon?

What is? Feigin? What are its advantages ?

Ribbon and Feign The difference between ?

Talk about how micro services communicate independently ?

Spring Cloud How to register services ?

say something Dubbo And Spring Cloud The difference between ?

Briefly describe what is Nginx, What advantages and functions does it have ?

Nginx How to deal with a HTTP What about the request ?

Distributed storage

common 10 Avenue

When designing high concurrency systems , Why do we need to divide the database and the table ?

Which database and table middleware have been used ?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of different sub database and sub table middleware ?

How to split the database vertically or horizontally ?

If you want to design a database and table scheme that can dynamically expand and shrink capacity , How to do ?

After the database is divided into databases and tables , How to deal with design primary key generator ?

What are the differences between different ways of generating primary keys ?

Distributed ID There are several schemes for generating ?

What are the third-party frameworks for sub database and sub table ?

Distributed message queuing

common 27 Avenue

Why use message queuing ?

What are the disadvantages of message queuing ?

How to ensure high availability of message queues ?

How to ensure that messages are not consumed repeatedly ?

How to ensure that consumption is idempotent ?

How to ensure the reliable transmission of messages ?

What if the message is lost during transmission ?

How to ensure the order of messages ?

How to solve the delay problem of message queue ?

How to solve the expiration problem of message queue ?

What to do when the message queue is full ?

There are millions of messages that keep piling up for hours , How to solve ?

If you write a message queue , How to design architecture ?

With Kafka For example , You can ask the following questions :

Describe the Kafka Design framework ?

Kafka、ActiveMQ、RabbitMQ、RocketMQ What is the difference between ?

Kafka Whether there may be repeated consumption on the consumer side ?

Kafka Why partition ?

Kafka How to ensure data consistency ?

Kafka in ISR、OSR、AR What is it? ?

Kafka Under what circumstances will a message be lost ?

Kafka The message is to adopt Pull Pattern , still Push Pattern ?

Kafka How and ZooKeeper Interact ?

Kafka How to achieve high throughput ?

If it is RocketMQ, Many problems are similar , We can start from the following questions :

RocketMQ and ActiveMQ What are the differences ?

Why? RocketMQ No messages will be lost ?

RocketMQ What are the applications of transaction messages ?

RocketMQ How to ensure the high availability of the system ?

Distributed cache

common 25 Avenue

Cache avalanche 、 How to understand cache penetration ?

How to avoid related problems in business ?

How to ensure the consistency between database and cache ?

How to warm up the cache ?

How cache clusters fail ?

What are the applications of consistent hashing ?

How cache monitors and optimizes hotspots key?

Redis What are the data structures ?

Redis and Memcached What are the differences ?

Single threaded Redis How to achieve high-performance reading and writing ?

Redis Do you support transactions ?

Redis How to realize the pipeline of ?

Redis What are the failure strategies ?

Redis How to realize master-slave replication ?

Redis Of Sentinel What are the applications ?

Redis There are several ways of clustering ?

Redis and memcached What's the difference ?

Redis How to implement the cluster mode of ?

Redis Of key How to address ?

Redis How to realize the persistence bottom layer of ?

Redis What are the expiration policies ?

What to do if the cache is inconsistent with the database ?

Redis Common performance problems and solutions ?

Use Redis How to implement asynchronous queues ?

Redis How to implement delay queue ?

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I'll see you next time ! How to get answers : Liked Commented Closed ~

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