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DVWA exercise 05 file upload file upload

2022-07-06 14:47:00 Fuki is on the way

Purpose IP:

Local IP:

1.Security Level:Low

The code is as follows

The server did not check and process the uploaded files . I try to create a new one locally muma.php, Write a word Trojan :<?php @eval($_POST['test']);?>

( Pay attention to punctuation in English )

Upload files to dvwa

Return the path where the file was uploaded !


Go to the corresponding folder to find the file

Before connecting with a Chinese kitchen knife , There is a question . The new version of the phpstudy By default php7, Chinese kitchen knife connection failed , Switch to php5 That's it .( After changing the version , my dvwa Something went wrong , I had to repack it )

Open the Chinese kitchen knife , Right click , add to .

Address to fill in

On the right is a sentence in single quotation marks

Script type selection PHP(Eval)

Right click , Virtual terminal

Input ipconfig, Check address information , But the display failed .

The target virtual machine is installed 360, A warning window will pop up when entering the system command , Default block .

hold 360 Turn it off and try again , Command executed successfully !

You can also use the file management function , View the files of the entire virtual machine , At the same time, it can upload / download / Delete and other operations .

2.Security Level:Medium

Key source code :

The upload file type restricted here is image, extension jpeg or png, And the size is smaller than 100000 byte . We can use burpsuite Modify after interception , Bypass restrictions .

Local muma.php Rename it to muma2.png

Click upload ,Burpsuite Intercept the packet , Put the filename muma2.png It is amended as follows muma2.php, Then release .

Go to the target virtual machine to view muma2.php Successfully uploaded !

3.Security Level:High

The key source code is as follows :

strrpos(string,find,start) Function return string find In another string string The last place in , If no string is found, return false, Optional parameters start Specify where to start the search .

getimagesize(string filename) The function will read the file header , Returns the length of the picture 、 Wide and so on , If there is no relevant picture file header , The function will report an error . You can see ,High Level code reads the last in the file name ”.” String after , Expect to restrict file types by file names , Therefore, the upload file name must be in the form of ”*.jpg”、”*.jpeg” 、”*.png” One of . meanwhile ,getimagesize The function also limits that the file header of the uploaded file must be of image type .

Splice a picture with the previous sentence Trojan horse file , Form a new picture .

Open the picture with Notepad , You can see a sentence at the end of the Trojan horse .

Upload succeeded , But it can't be connected with a kitchen knife . I didn't think of a solution for the time being .

Reference resources :https://www.cnblogs.com/N0r4h/p/12257848.html



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