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Embedded-c language-9-makefile/ structure / Consortium
2022-07-02 04:35:00 【Orange peel does not stop school】
One 、Makefile
1.1. ask : If the project product code has 1 Wanyuan file .c, Compilation is extremely tedious
gcc -o main main.c a.c b.c .... A million .c
This simplifies the compilation of programs ?
answer : Must use only Makefile To achieve
1.2.Makefile function : Be able to make Compilation Rules , Future let gcc The compiler compiles programs according to this rule ,Makefile The essence is a text file , This file is for make Command to use , future make The order will be based on Makefile The Compilation Rules inside make gcc compiler .
1.3.Makefile Grammar format :
The goal is : rely on 1 rely on 2 rely on 3 .... rely on N
(TAB key ) Compile command 1
(TAB key ) Compile command 2
(TAB key ) Compile command N
(TAB key ) It can also be other commands :ls/cp/cd etc.
Be careful :Makefile With notes #
for example : The goal is to helloworld.c Compile the generated helloworld
vim Makfile add to
# Specify the rules : One step in place
gcc -o helloworld helloworld.c
# perhaps
# Specify the rules 1: Step by step
gcc -o helloworld helloworld.o
# Specify the rules 2:
gcc -c -o helloworld.o helloword.c
Case study : utilize Makefile compile helloworld.c file
vim helloworld.c
vim Makefile
make // compiler
make // Compile the prompt helloworld Is the latest
vim helloworld.c // Modify source file
ls -lh // see helloworld.c and helloworld The timestamp
make // Recompile again
First check if there is helloworld file , If there is , Just check helloworld.c Is the timestamp of the file newer than him , If helloworld.c File than helloworld Document new , Just recompile , Otherwise, do not update , without helloworld file , Just follow the Compilation Rules .
1.4.Makefile working principle
When executed make On command ,make The command first looks in the current directory Makefile, Once found Makfile file , Open this file and find all the Compilation Rules , These compilation rules determine that the ultimate goal is helloworld And source files helloworld.c, then make The command first finds whether the target file exists in the current directory helloworld, If helloworld There is , Then check that the helloworld and helloworld.c Which timestamp is updated , If helloworld Time stamp ratio of helloworld.c new , It indicates that the source file has not been changed , No need to compile , Prompt file is up to date , If helloworld Time stamp ratio of helloworld.c To be old , explain helloworld.c A modified , Recompile according to the command of the compilation rule , If you don't find it at first helloworld, The whole program is recompiled
1.5.Makefile Tips
(TAB key )gcc -c -o [email protected] $<
explain :
%.o: Target file .o
%.c: Source file .c
[email protected]: Target file
$<: Source file
The function is to save all the files in the current directory .c The file is compiled separately to generate the corresponding .o Target file
Two 、 Structure of composite type
2.1. at present C There are two ways for a program to allocate memory : Define variables and define arrays
Defects in defining variables : Not a lot of definitions , So the array is born
Define the defect of array : The data type is the same , So the birth structure
ask : Where do you need to define a large number of variables and the data types of variables are different ?
answer : For example, let the computer record or describe a student's information
The student information is as follows :
int age; // Age
char *name ;// name
int id; // Student number
float score; // credits
Obviously, the data types of variables are inconsistent , Arrays cannot , Using structures .
2.2. Structural features : It can contain a large number of variables and has no requirements for the data type of variables
Corresponding keywords :struct
A structure is also a data type , it It is a data type defined by the programmer , Analogy into a int type , The memory allocated by the structure is continuous , One member next to another
2.3. Structure declaration defines the method of use :
a) Method 1: Define structure variables directly ( Rarely used )
1. grammar :struct {
Structural members ; // Also called structure field
} Structure variable name ;
2. for example : Describe student information
// Define a structural variable of student information student1
struct {
int age; // Describe the student's age
int id; // Describe the student number
float score; // Describe the student's credit
char name[30]; // Describe the student's name
// Then define a structural variable of student information student2
struct {
int age; // Describe the student's age
int id; // Describe the student number
float score; // Describe the student's credit
char name[30]; // Describe the student's name
3. defects : Define one structural variable at a time , Structure members must be rewritten , tedious
b) Method 2: First declare the structure data type , Then use this structure data type to define structure variables ( Commonly used , master )
1. Syntax for declaring structure data types :
struct Structure name {
Structural members ;
Be careful : Memory will not be allocated Big programs , Structure Put the declaration in the header file to write
2. Define the syntax of structural variables with structural data types :
struct Structure name Structure variable name ;
Be careful : Will allocate memory Big programs , Structure The definition is written in the source file
3. for example :
//1. Declare the structure data type that describes the student information
struct student {
int age; // Describe the student's age
int id; // Describe the student number
float score; // Describe the student's credit
char name[30]; // Describe the student's name
//2. Define two structural variables of student information
struct student student1;
struct student studnet2;
// perhaps
struct student student1, student2;
4. defects : Every time you define a structure variable ,struct The structure name should be written every time , Very upset !
c) Method 3: First use typedef Keyword alias a declared structure data type ( The nickname ), then Define structure variables with aliases ( Most commonly used in actual development )
1) Be sure to master typedef keyword
function : Alias the data type ( The nickname )
grammar :typedef Original data type Alias ;
for example : Alias the basic data type ( Actual development code )
typedef char s8; //s=signed: A signed ,8:8 position
typedef unsigned char u8; //u=unsiged
typedef short s16;
typedef unsigned short u16;
typedef int s32;
typedef unsigned int u32;
typedef long long s64;
typedef unsigned long long u64;
typedef float f32;
typedef double f64;
// Use :
int a It's written in s32 a;
unsigned char b It's written in u8 b
2. use typedef Alias the declared structure
Be careful : Regulations : Add... After the alias _t, For large program header files ( Unwritten rules )
form 1:
grammar :typedef struct {
Structural members ;
} Alias _t;
for example :
typedef struct {
int age; // Describe the student's age
int id; // Describe the student number
float score; // Describe the student's credit
char name[30]; // Describe the student's name
form 2:
grammar :typedef struct Structure name {
Structural members ;
} Alias _t;
for example :
typedef struct studnet{
int age; // Describe the student's age
int id; // Describe the student number
float score; // Describe the student's credit
char name[30]; // Describe the student's name
form 3:
struct studnet{
int age; // Describe the student's age
int id; // Describe the student number
float score; // Describe the student's credit
char name[30]; // Describe the student's name
int weight; // The student's weight
// Take the alias
typedef struct student stu_t;
3. No matter what kind of typedef Alias the structure data type , Defining structural variables is the same
Define structure variable syntax : Alias Structure variable name ;
for example : Define two structural variables of student information
stu_t student1;
stu_t student2;
perhaps :
stu_t student1, student2;
2.4. Initialization method of structure variables , Two ways :
a) Traditional initialization methods :
1. grammar :struct Structure name / Alias Structure variable name = { Initialized value };
2. for example :
struct student student1 = {18, 666, 100, " Brother ", 128};
// perhaps
stu_t student1 = {18, 666, 100, " Brother "};
3. defects : When defining initialization, you need to initialize them all in sequence , Because some occasions can not be in order , The key is not to initialize all
b) Tag initialization mode :
1. grammar :struct Structure name / Alias Structure variable name = {
. A member name = initialize value ,
. A member name = initialize value ,
... };
2. for example :
struct student student1 = {
.name = " Brother ",
.weight = 128,
.age = 18,
// perhaps
stu_t student1 = {
.name = " Brother ",
.weight = 128,
.age = 18,
3. characteristic : Don't follow the order , Do not initialize all members
2.5. Access to structure variable members : Two forms
a) adopt "." Operator to access members of a struct variable
grammar : Structure variable name . Member name ; // The memory area of this member can be accessed in the future
for example :
stu_t student1 = {
.name = " Brother ",
.weight = 128,
.age = 18,
// Read view
printf("%s %d %d\n",
student1.name, student1.weight, student1.age);
// Write and modify
strcpy(student1.name, " brother ");
student1.weight = 821;
student1.age = 17;
b) adopt "->" Operator Accessing structure pointer variables Members of
grammar : Structure pointer variable name -> Member name ; // The memory area of this member can be accessed in the future
for example :
stu_t student1 = {
.name = " Brother ",
.weight = 128,
.age = 18,
stu_t *p = &student1; // Define a structure pointer variable p Point to student1 Structural variable
// Read view
printf("%s %d %d\n",
p->name, p->weight, p->age
strcpy(p->name, " brother ");
p->weight = 821;
p->age = 17;
2.6. Structure variables can be assigned directly
for example :
stu_t student1 = {18, 666, 100, " Brother ", 128};
stu_t student2 = student1;
stu_t student1 = {18, 666, 100, " Brother ", 128};
stu_t *p = &student1; //p Point to student1
stu_t student2 = *p;
2.7. Nested structure : A structure member is also a structure
for example :
// The statement describes the structure of the student's date of birth
typedef struct birthday {
int year; // year
int month; // month
int date; // Japan
// Declare the structure that describes the student information
typedef struct student {
char name[30]; // full name
int age; // Age
//struct birthday birth; // Student's date of birth
birthday_t birth; // Student's date of birth
2.8. The formal parameter of a function is a structure , Two forms
a) Pass the structure variable itself directly , A formal parameter is a copy of an argument , The size of the structure needs to be copied , The formal parameters of the function are Do not modify Structure arguments , Only the formal parameters have been changed
b) Directly pass the address of the structure variable , Function through formal parameters Can be modified directly Structure arguments , Efficient code execution , If it is a pointer, just copy it 4 byte
c) The formula , The rules : If the function wants to access the structure , In the future, the structure pointer will be passed , Do not pass structure variables , If the function does not modify the structure member , The formal parameter is const modification
void show(const stu_t *pst)
printf("%s\n", pst->name);
// Don't let it be modified :strcpy(pst->name, " egg ");
void grow(stu_t *pst)
2.9. Structure Memory alignment problem
a)gcc When compiling structure members , Press default 4 Byte alignment
for example :
struct A {
char buf[2];
int val;
result :sizeof(struct A) = 8
Memory map :
b) Demo code :
/* Structure memory alignment */
#include <stdio.h>
// Declare structure data type A
struct A {
char buf[2]; //4
int val; //4
// Declare structure data type B
struct B {
char c; //4
short s[2]; //4
int i; //4
#pragma pack(1) // Give Way gcc Force the following code to follow from this place 1 Byte alignment compilation
// Declare the struct type C
struct C {
char c; //1
short s[2]; //4
int i; //4
#pragma pack() // Give Way gcc Go here and restore to the default 4 Byte alignment
// Declare the struct type D
struct D {
int i; //4
char c; //4
// Declare the struct type E
struct E {
double d; //8
char c; //4
int main(void)
printf("sizeof(struct A) = %d\n", sizeof(struct A)); //8
printf("sizeof(struct B) = %d\n", sizeof(struct B)); //12
printf("sizeof(struct C) = %d\n", sizeof(struct C)); //9
printf("sizeof(struct D) = %d\n", sizeof(struct D)); //8
printf("sizeof(struct E) = %d\n", sizeof(struct E)); //12
return 0;
3、 ... and 、 Consortium
3.1. characteristic :
a) It uses the same syntax as the structure , Just put keywords struct Switch to union
b) All members of the consortium are Share a piece of memory , Advantages save memory
c) Memory occupied by the Consortium According to the largest memory in the member for example :
union A {
char a;
short b;
int c;
sizeof(union A) = 4;
d) Initialization problem
union A a = {8}; // Default to the first member a,a = 8
union A a = {.c = 8} // Force to c assignment
3.2. Classical written examination questions
The phenomenon :
1.X86 Architecturally CPU by The small end model : Data Low address in memory , Data The high bit is at the high address of the memory
for example :
int a = 0x12345678;
Memory module
Low address High address
0x78 0x56 0x34 0x12
2.POWERPC Architecturally CPU by Big end model :
Data The low order is in the high address of memory , Data The high bit is at the low address of memory
for example :
int a = 0x12345678;
Memory module
Low address High address
0x12 0x34 0x56 0x78
requirement : Write a program to find that the current processor is X86 Architecture or POWERPC framework
Ideas : use union Or pointer
Tips :
union A {
char a;
int b;
Reference code :
#include <stdio.h>
// Declare a consortium
typedef union w
int a; //4 byte
char b; //1 byte
} c_t;
int main(void)
// Define consortium variables
c_t c.a=1;
if (c.b==1)
printf(" The small end \nn");
printf(" Big end \n");
return 1;
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