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Security RememberMe原理分析
2022-07-02 09:55:00 【InfoQ】
Security RememberMe原理分析
public void init(H http) throws Exception {
String key = getKey();
RememberMeServices rememberMeServices = getRememberMeServices(http, key);
http.setSharedObject(RememberMeServices.class, rememberMeServices);
LogoutConfigurer<H> logoutConfigurer = http.getConfigurer(LogoutConfigurer.class);
if (logoutConfigurer != null && this.logoutHandler != null) {
RememberMeAuthenticationProvider authenticationProvider = new RememberMeAuthenticationProvider(
authenticationProvider = postProcess(authenticationProvider);
private AbstractRememberMeServices createRememberMeServices(H http, String key) {
return this.tokenRepository == null
? createTokenBasedRememberMeServices(http, key)
: createPersistentRememberMeServices(http, key);
public void configure(H http) {
RememberMeAuthenticationFilter rememberMeFilter = new RememberMeAuthenticationFilter(
if (this.authenticationSuccessHandler != null) {
rememberMeFilter = postProcess(rememberMeFilter);
public void doFilter(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {
HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest)req;
HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse)res;
if (SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication() == null) {
Authentication rememberMeAuth = this.rememberMeServices.autoLogin(request, response);
if (rememberMeAuth != null) {
try {
rememberMeAuth = this.authenticationManager.authenticate(rememberMeAuth);
this.onSuccessfulAuthentication(request, response, rememberMeAuth);
if (this.logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
this.logger.debug("SecurityContextHolder populated with remember-me token: '" + SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication() + "'");
if (this.eventPublisher != null) {
this.eventPublisher.publishEvent(new InteractiveAuthenticationSuccessEvent(SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication(), this.getClass()));
if (this.successHandler != null) {
this.successHandler.onAuthenticationSuccess(request, response, rememberMeAuth);
} catch (AuthenticationException var8) {
if (this.logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
this.logger.debug("SecurityContextHolder not populated with remember-me token, as AuthenticationManager rejected Authentication returned by RememberMeServices: '" + rememberMeAuth + "'; invalidating remember-me token", var8);
this.rememberMeServices.loginFail(request, response);
this.onUnsuccessfulAuthentication(request, response, var8);
chain.doFilter(request, response);
} else {
if (this.logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
this.logger.debug("SecurityContextHolder not populated with remember-me token, as it already contained: '" + SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication() + "'");
chain.doFilter(request, response);
- 请求到达时,先判断SecurityContextHolder中是否有值,没有表示用户尚未登录,此时调用autoLogin进行自动登录。
- 自动登录成功后返回rememberMeAuth,不为null时表示自动登录成功,此时调用authenticate方法对key进行校验,将登录成功的用户信息保存到SecurityContextHolder中,然后调用登录成功回调,发布登录成功事件。
- 如果自动登录失败,调用rememberMeServices.loginFail方法处理登录失败逻辑
public interface RememberMeServices {
Authentication autoLogin(HttpServletRequest var1, HttpServletResponse var2);
void loginFail(HttpServletRequest var1, HttpServletResponse var2);
void loginSuccess(HttpServletRequest var1, HttpServletResponse var2, Authentication var3);
public final Authentication autoLogin(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
String rememberMeCookie = this.extractRememberMeCookie(request);
if (rememberMeCookie == null) {
return null;
} else {
this.logger.debug("Remember-me cookie detected");
if (rememberMeCookie.length() == 0) {
this.logger.debug("Cookie was empty");
this.cancelCookie(request, response);
return null;
} else {
UserDetails user = null;
try {
String[] cookieTokens = this.decodeCookie(rememberMeCookie);
user = this.processAutoLoginCookie(cookieTokens, request, response);
this.logger.debug("Remember-me cookie accepted");
return this.createSuccessfulAuthentication(request, user);
} catch (CookieTheftException var6) {
this.cancelCookie(request, response);
throw var6;
} catch (UsernameNotFoundException var7) {
this.logger.debug("Remember-me login was valid but corresponding user not found.", var7);
} catch (InvalidCookieException var8) {
this.logger.debug("Invalid remember-me cookie: " + var8.getMessage());
} catch (AccountStatusException var9) {
this.logger.debug("Invalid UserDetails: " + var9.getMessage());
} catch (RememberMeAuthenticationException var10) {
this.cancelCookie(request, response);
return null;
- 调用extractRememberMeCookie方法从当前请求中提取出需要的Cookie信息。rememberMeCookie为null返回null,长度为0取消cookie,将remember-me的值设置为null
- 调用decodeCookie方法对获取的令牌进行解析,解析的结果是第一部分是当前登录的用户名,第二部分是时间戳,第三部分是签名,提取出来组成一个数组。
- 调用processAutoLoginCookie方法来对Cookie进行验证,验证通过返回用户信息,由子类实现
- 最后调用createSuccessfulAuthentication创建登录成功的用户对象,类型为RememberMeAuthenticationToken ,与用户名密码登录的用户对象不同UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken
ublic final void loginSuccess(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Authentication successfulAuthentication) {
if (!this.rememberMeRequested(request, this.parameter)) {
this.logger.debug("Remember-me login not requested.");
} else {
this.onLoginSuccess(request, response, successfulAuthentication);
protected boolean rememberMeRequested(HttpServletRequest request, String parameter) {
if (this.alwaysRemember) {
return true;
} else {
String paramValue = request.getParameter(parameter);
if (paramValue != null && (paramValue.equalsIgnoreCase("true") || paramValue.equalsIgnoreCase("on") || paramValue.equalsIgnoreCase("yes") || paramValue.equals("1"))) {
return true;
} else {
if (this.logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
this.logger.debug("Did not send remember-me cookie (principal did not set parameter '" + parameter + "')");
return false;
protected void setCookie(String[] tokens, int maxAge, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
String cookieValue = this.encodeCookie(tokens);
Cookie cookie = new Cookie(this.cookieName, cookieValue);
if (this.cookieDomain != null) {
if (maxAge < 1) {
if (this.useSecureCookie == null) {
} else {
protected String encodeCookie(String[] cookieTokens) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for(int i = 0; i < cookieTokens.length; ++i) {
try {
sb.append(URLEncoder.encode(cookieTokens[i], StandardCharsets.UTF_8.toString()));
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException var5) {
this.logger.error(var5.getMessage(), var5);
if (i < cookieTokens.length - 1) {
String value = sb.toString();
sb = new StringBuilder(new String(Base64.getEncoder().encode(value.getBytes())));
while(sb.charAt(sb.length() - 1) == '=') {
sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 1);
return sb.toString();
protected UserDetails processAutoLoginCookie(String[] cookieTokens, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
if (cookieTokens.length != 3) {
throw new InvalidCookieException("Cookie token did not contain 3 tokens, but contained '" + Arrays.asList(cookieTokens) + "'");
} else {
long tokenExpiryTime;
try {
tokenExpiryTime = new Long(cookieTokens[1]);
} catch (NumberFormatException var8) {
throw new InvalidCookieException("Cookie token[1] did not contain a valid number (contained '" + cookieTokens[1] + "')");
if (this.isTokenExpired(tokenExpiryTime)) {
throw new InvalidCookieException("Cookie token[1] has expired (expired on '" + new Date(tokenExpiryTime) + "'; current time is '" + new Date() + "')");
} else {
UserDetails userDetails = this.getUserDetailsService().loadUserByUsername(cookieTokens[0]);
Assert.notNull(userDetails, () -> {
return "UserDetailsService " + this.getUserDetailsService() + " returned null for username " + cookieTokens[0] + ". This is an interface contract violation";
String expectedTokenSignature = this.makeTokenSignature(tokenExpiryTime, userDetails.getUsername(), userDetails.getPassword());
if (!equals(expectedTokenSignature, cookieTokens[2])) {
throw new InvalidCookieException("Cookie token[2] contained signature '" + cookieTokens[2] + "' but expected '" + expectedTokenSignature + "'");
} else {
return userDetails;
- 判断cookieTokens长度是否为3 不是3格式不对 直接抛出异常
- 从cookieTokens数组中提取第一项,判断是否过期
- 获取第0项,得到用户名查询当前用户信息
- 调用makeTokenSignature生成签名,签名生成方式:username + ":" + tokenExpiryTime + ":" + password + ":" + this.getKey()组成字符串进行MD5加密
- 判断第4步生成的签名与传进来的签名是否相同
protected String makeTokenSignature(long tokenExpiryTime, String username, String password) {
String data = username + ":" + tokenExpiryTime + ":" + password + ":" + this.getKey();
MessageDigest digest;
try {
digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException var8) {
throw new IllegalStateException("No MD5 algorithm available!");
return new String(Hex.encode(digest.digest(data.getBytes())));
public void onLoginSuccess(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Authentication successfulAuthentication) {
String username = this.retrieveUserName(successfulAuthentication);
String password = this.retrievePassword(successfulAuthentication);
if (!StringUtils.hasLength(username)) {
this.logger.debug("Unable to retrieve username");
} else {
if (!StringUtils.hasLength(password)) {
UserDetails user = this.getUserDetailsService().loadUserByUsername(username);
password = user.getPassword();
if (!StringUtils.hasLength(password)) {
this.logger.debug("Unable to obtain password for user: " + username);
int tokenLifetime = this.calculateLoginLifetime(request, successfulAuthentication);
long expiryTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
expiryTime += 1000L * (long)(tokenLifetime < 0 ? 1209600 : tokenLifetime);
String signatureValue = this.makeTokenSignature(expiryTime, username, password);
this.setCookie(new String[]{username, Long.toString(expiryTime), signatureValue}, tokenLifetime, request, response);
if (this.logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
this.logger.debug("Added remember-me cookie for user '" + username + "', expiry: '" + new Date(expiryTime) + "'");
- 获取用户名密码信息 密码没有从数据库重新加载密码
- 计算出令牌的过期时间,令牌默认有效期是14天
- 根据令牌过期时间,用户名密码计算签名
- 调用setCookie方法设置Cookie,分别传入用户名过期时间签名,在setCookie中数组转字符串并进行Base64编码
protected UserDetails processAutoLoginCookie(String[] cookieTokens, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
if (cookieTokens.length != 2) {
throw new InvalidCookieException("Cookie token did not contain 2 tokens, but contained '" + Arrays.asList(cookieTokens) + "'");
} else {
String presentedSeries = cookieTokens[0];
String presentedToken = cookieTokens[1];
PersistentRememberMeToken token = this.tokenRepository.getTokenForSeries(presentedSeries);
if (token == null) {
throw new RememberMeAuthenticationException("No persistent token found for series id: " + presentedSeries);
} else if (!presentedToken.equals(token.getTokenValue())) {
throw new CookieTheftException(this.messages.getMessage("PersistentTokenBasedRememberMeServices.cookieStolen", "Invalid remember-me token (Series/token) mismatch. Implies previous cookie theft attack."));
} else if (token.getDate().getTime() + (long)this.getTokenValiditySeconds() * 1000L < System.currentTimeMillis()) {
throw new RememberMeAuthenticationException("Remember-me login has expired");
} else {
if (this.logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
this.logger.debug("Refreshing persistent login token for user '" + token.getUsername() + "', series '" + token.getSeries() + "'");
PersistentRememberMeToken newToken = new PersistentRememberMeToken(token.getUsername(), token.getSeries(), this.generateTokenData(), new Date());
try {
this.tokenRepository.updateToken(newToken.getSeries(), newToken.getTokenValue(), newToken.getDate());
this.addCookie(newToken, request, response);
} catch (Exception var9) {
this.logger.error("Failed to update token: ", var9);
throw new RememberMeAuthenticationException("Autologin failed due to data access problem");
return this.getUserDetailsService().loadUserByUsername(token.getUsername());
- cookieTokens数组长度为2 第0项为series 第1项为token
- 提取出两项数据根据series查询数据库,token不相同说明自动登录令牌已泄露,此时移除所有自动登录记录,抛出异常
- 根据数据库中查询出来的结果判断是否过期
- 生成新的PersistentRememberMeToken 用户名和series不变,更改token和当前时间,修改数据库
- 调用addCookie添加Cookie,addCookie方法中调用setCookie设置
- 感觉用户名查询用户对象并返回
protected void onLoginSuccess(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Authentication successfulAuthentication) {
String username = successfulAuthentication.getName();
this.logger.debug("Creating new persistent login for user " + username);
PersistentRememberMeToken persistentToken = new PersistentRememberMeToken(username, this.generateSeriesData(), this.generateTokenData(), new Date());
try {
this.addCookie(persistentToken, request, response);
} catch (Exception var7) {
this.logger.error("Failed to save persistent token ", var7);
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