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bellman-ford AcWing 853. Shortest path with side limit
2022-07-02 12:43:00 【T_ Y_ F666】
bellman-ford AcWing 853. The shortest path with limited number of edges
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AcWing 853. The shortest path with limited number of edges
Algorithm tags
shortest path Bellman-Ford
From the meaning of the title There are negative edges , So we can't use Dijkstra
Due to the limitation of the number of sides
Therefore adopt Bellman-Ford
Bellman-Ford Algorithm
For paths with negative weight loops
There may be no shortest circuit
Such as below
1 to 5 shortest path non-existent Because every time in 2, 3, 4 Loop once , How many lengths of the road minus 1
#define int long long
#define rep(i, a, b) for(int i=a;i<b;++i)
#define Rep(i, a, b) for(int i=a;i>b;--i)
using namespace std;
const int N = 10005;
// p Storage node ancestor node d Store the distance between the current node and the ancestor node
int lst[N], dis[N];
int n,m,k;
inline int read(){
int s=0,w=1;
char ch=getchar();
while(ch>='0'&&ch<='9') s=s*10+ch-'0',ch=getchar();
return s*w;
void put(int x) {
if(x<0) putchar('-'),x=-x;
if(x>=10) put(x/10);
struct Edge{
int a, b, c;
int be(){
memset(dis, 0x3f3f, sizeof dis);
rep(i, 0, k){
memcpy(lst, dis, sizeof dis);
rep(j, 0, m){
Edge e=edge[j];
dis[e.b]=min(dis[e.b], lst[e.a]+e.c);
return -1;
return dis[n];
signed main(){
n=read(), m=read(), k=read();
rep(i, 0, m){
int x=read(), y=read(), z=read();
edge[i]={x, y, z};
printf("%lld", dis[n]);
return 0;
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