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Intel internal instructions - AVX and avx2 learning notes
2022-07-02 12:20:00 【Virgo programmer's friend】
AVX Programming based
data type
data type describe
__m128 contain 4 individual float Vector of type number
__m128d contain 2 individual double Vector of type number
__m128i A vector containing several integers
__m256 contain 8 individual float Vector of type number
__m256d contain 4 individual double Vector of type number
__m256i A vector containing several integers
Every type , from 2 Beginning of underscore , Pick up a m, And then there was vector Bit length of .
If the vector type is d The end of the , So in the vector is double Type of number . If there is no suffix , It means that the vector only contains float Type of number .
The shaped vector can contain all kinds of shaped numbers , for example char,short,unsigned long long. in other words ,__m256i Can contain 32 individual char,16 individual short type ,8 individual int type ,4 individual long type . These integers can be signed or unsigned .
Function naming convention
<bit_width> It shows the bit length of the vector , about 128 Vector of bits , This parameter is empty , about 256 Vector of bits , This parameter is 256.
<name> Describes the arithmetic operations of inline functions .
<data_type> Identifies the data type of the function's main argument .
-ps contain float Vector of type
pd contain double Vector of type
epi8/epi16/epi32/epi64 contain 8 position /16 position /32 position /64 Signed integer of bit
epu8/epu16/epu32/epu64 contain 8 position /16 position /32 position /64 An unsigned integer of bits
si128/si256 Unspecified 128 Bits or 256 Bit vector
m128/m128i/m128d/m256/m256i/m256d When the type of input vector is different from the type of return vector , Identify input vector type
Initialization function
Initialize with scalar values
data type describe
_mm256_setzero_ps/pd Return to an all 0 Of float Vector of type
_mm256_setzero_si256 Return to an all 0 Shape vector of
_mm256_set1_ps/pd Use one float Number fill vector of type
_mm256_set1_epi8/epi16/epi32/epi64x Filling a vector with an integer
_mm256_set_ps/pd use 8 individual float perhaps 4 individual double Type number initialization vector
_mm256_set_epi8/epi16/epi32/epi64x Initializes a vector with an integer
_mm256_set_m128/m128d/m128i use 2 individual 128 The vector of bit initializes a 256 Bit vector
_mm256_setr_ps/pd use 8 individual float perhaps 4 individual double Transpose order initialization vector of
_mm256_setr_epi8/epi16/epi32/epi64x Initializes a vector with the transpose order of several integers
Load data from memory
data type describe
_mm256_load_ps/pd Load floating-point vectors from aligned memory addresses
_mm256_load_si256 Load the shaping vector from the aligned memory address
_mm256_loadu_ps/pd Load floating-point vectors from unaligned memory addresses
_mm256_loadu_si256 Load shaping vectors from unaligned memory addresses
_mm_maskload_ps/pd Load according to mask 128 Bit floating point vector part
_mm256_maskload_ps/pd Load according to mask 256 Bit floating point vector part
(2)_mm_maskload_epi32/64 Load according to mask 128 Part of a bit shaping vector
(2)_mm256_maskload_epi32/64 Load according to mask 256 Part of a bit shaping vector
Last 2 There is a function before (2), Represents the two functions only in the AVX2 Chinese support .
Essence of arithmetic
Addition and subtraction
data type describe
_mm256_add_ps/pd Add two floating-point vectors
_mm256_sub_ps/pd Subtracting two floating-point vectors
(2)_mm256_add_epi8/16/32/64 Add two shaping vectors
(2)_mm256_sub_epi8/16/32/64 Subtraction of two shaping vectors
(2)_mm256_adds_epi8/16 (2)_mm256_adds_epu8/16 Two integer vectors are added and memory saturation is considered
(2)_mm256_subs_epi8/16 (2)_mm256_subs_epu8/16 Two integer vectors are subtracted and memory saturation is considered
_mm256_hadd_ps/pd Two in horizontal direction float Adding type vectors
_mm256_hsub_ps/pd Two in the vertical direction float Subtraction of type vector
(2)_mm256_hadd_epi16/32 Add two shaping vectors horizontally
(2)_mm256_hsub_epi16/32 The two shaping vectors in the horizontal direction are subtracted
(2)_mm256_hadds_epi16 For two contains short Type vectors are added and memory saturation is considered
(2)_mm256_hsubs_epi16 For two contains short Type vectors are subtracted and memory saturation is considered
_mm256_addsub_ps/pd Add and subtract two float Vector of type
A function that takes saturation into account holds the result to the minimum that can be stored / Maximum . Functions without saturation ignore memory problems when saturation occurs .
The meaning of adding and subtracting in the horizontal direction is shown in the figure below :
Last instruction :_mm256_addsub_ps/pd Subtract at even position , Odd position plus , Get the final target vector .
Multiplication and division
data type describe
_mm256_mul_ps/pd The two one. float Multiply vectors of type
(2)_mm256_mul_epi32 (2)_mm256_mul_epu32 Will include 32 The lowest four elements of the vector of a bit integer are multiplied by
(2)_mm256_mullo_epi16/32 Multiply integers and store low halves
(2)_mm256_mulhi_epi16 (2)_mm256_mulhi_epu16 Multiply integers and store high halves
(2)_mm256_mulhrs_epi16 Multiply 16-bit elements to form 32-bit elements
_mm256_div_ps/pd The two one. float Type vector to divide
Combining multiplication and addition
data type describe
(2)_mm_fmadd_ps/pd/ (2)_mm256_fmadd_ps/pd Multiply two vectors , And then add the third product .(res=a*b+c)
(2)_mm_fmsub_ps/pd/ (2)_mm256_fmsub_ps/pd Multiply two vectors , Then subtract a vector from the product .(res=a*b-c)
(2)_mm_fmadd_ss/sd Multiply and add the lowest elements of a vector (res[0]=a[0]*b[0]+c[0])
(2)_mm_fmsub_ss/sd Multiply and subtract the lowest element of a vector (res[0]=a[0]*b[0]-c[0])
(2)_mm_fnmadd_ps/pd (2)_mm256_fnmadd_ps/pd Multiply two vectors , And add the negative product to the third .(res = -(a * b) + c)
(2)_mm_fnmsub_ps/pd/ (2)_mm256_fnmsub_ps/pd Multiply two vectors , And add the negative product to the third (res = -(a * b) - c)
(2)_mm_fnmadd_ss/sd Multiply the low order of two vectors , And add the negative product to the lower order of the third vector .(res[0] = -(a[0] * b[0]) + c[0])
(2)_mm_fnmsub_ss/sd Multiply the lowest elements , And subtract the lowest element of the third vector from the product of negation .(res[0] = -(a[0] * b[0]) - c[0])
(2)_mm_fmaddsub_ps/pd/ (2)_mm256_fmaddsub_ps/pd Multiply two vectors , Then add and subtract... Alternately from the product (res=a*b+/-c)
(2)_mm_fmsubadd_ps/pd/ (2)_mmf256_fmsubadd_ps/pd Multiply two vectors , Then subtract and add alternately from the product (res=a*b-/+c)( Odd power , Even power )
Arrange and shuffle
data type describe
_mm_permute_ps/pd _mm256_permute_ps/pd according to 8 Bit control values select elements from the input vector
(2)_mm256_permute4x64_pd/ (2)_mm256_permute4x64_epi64 according to 8 The bit control value is selected from the input vector 64 Bit elements
_mm256_permute2f128_ps/pd be based on 8 Bit control values are selected from two input vectors 128 Bit block
_mm256_permute2f128_si256 be based on 8 Bit control values are selected from two input vectors 128 Bit block
_mm_permutevar_ps/pd _mm256_permutevar_ps/pd Select the elements from the input vector according to the bits in the integer vector
(2)_mm256_permutevar8x32_ps (2)_mm256_permutevar8x32_epi32 Using index selection in integer vectors 32 Bit elements ( Floating point and integer )
data type describe
_mm256_shuffle_ps/pd according to 8 Bit value select floating point element
_mm256_shuffle_epi8/ _mm256_shuffle_epi32 according to 8 Bit value select integer element
(2)_mm256_shufflelo_epi16/ (2)_mm256_shufflehi_epi16 be based on 8 Bit control values are selected from two input vectors 128 Bit block
about _mm256_shuffle_pd, Use only the high of the control value 4 position . If the input vector contains int or float, Use all control bits . about _mm256_shuffle_ps, The first two pairs select elements from the first vector , The second pair selects elements from the second vector .
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