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How to do short video food from the media?5 steps to teach you to get started quickly

2022-08-02 13:13:00 Xiaoyi We Media

How to do short video food from the media?If 20 years ago, you told me that you could make money while eating, I would have thought you were daydreaming, but today, with how developed social media is, it has become very easy.Today, I will introduce to you, how to do short video food from the media, 5 steps to teach you to get started quickly:

01 Do Positioning

First of all, we need to define our own position.Then there are many people who want to ask, how to do the positioning?In fact, it is very simple, refer to the positioning learning of peers.Here I recommend a very practical self-media tool - easy to write.Yizhuan's self-media library can find a large number of self-media short video materials, you can filter the materials according to the field, keywords, playback volume, etc., and you can follow the author and follow the big V trends in time, and comprehensively locate the hotter content in the food field.Exactly.

02 Building a Team

Once the positioning is in place, we can start building the team.In fact, the team is very simple. Generally, it is an anchor who appears on the scene. 1-2 photography and 1 editing are enough. A small team of 2-4 people is very good, easy to travel, fast and efficient, and the early cost is relatively low.Everyone can try it.

03 What to do with an account

The Douyin account is divided into early stage and late stage.Before your Douyin account has no fans and is not operational, you can find the owner of the restaurant to help it promote it for free.In this way, you can also get the shooting venue, and the merchant can also get free publicity, which is a win-win situation.

In the later stage, after your account fans are built up, you also have some business resources, which can be convenient for receiving advertisements.For example, many of the store visits videos we have seen come from this way. Contact the merchant first and negotiate the promotion price. You bring traffic and popularity to the merchant, and the merchant pays you the promotion fee.It is also a win-win cooperation relationship.

04 What to do with content

In fact, the content is not as difficult as we think. The most important thing is to consider how the copy is written.In fact, it is very simple, it is just three words, imitation, disassembly, and combination.Three words will do.

Above, learn these steps, it is very fast to get started with a short video of food from the media.


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