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Gaussian filtering and bilateral filtering principle, matlab implementation and result comparison
2022-07-08 02:15:00 【Strawberry sauce toast】
This paper introduces the principles of Gaussian filtering and bilateral filtering in detail and gives MATLAB Realization , Finally, compare the effect of Gaussian filtering and bilateral filtering .
1.1 One dimensional Gaussian distribution
1.2 Two dimensional Gaussian distribution
1.3 Gaussian filtering summary
1. The principle of bilateral filtering
2. How to realize bilateral filtering “ Edge preserving denoising ” Of ?
3. MATLAB Realize bilateral filtering
4. About sigma Value selection
4.1 Space domain sigma selection
3、 ... and 、 The results of bilateral filtering and Gaussian filtering are compared
3.1 Simulation image comparison
One 、 Filtering principle
Reference resources :https://blog.csdn.net/nima1994/article/details/79776802( The principle of Gaussian filtering )
Focus on :
The essence of spatial filtering is in the window “ Take the average ”, The larger the radius of the template , The stronger the blur effect .
Gaussian filtering , Gaussian function is used to calculate the template weight , It is based on : In continuous images , The closer the point is, the closer the relationship is , The farther away the point, the more distant the relationship , therefore , The weighted average is more reasonable , That is, the closer to the center point, the greater the weight of the point , The farther the distance, the smaller the weight of the point .
1.1 One dimensional Gaussian distribution
One dimensional Gaussian distribution ( Normal distribution ) Just meet this condition , Pictured 1.
chart 1 Normal distribution “ A bell curve ”
One dimensional Gaussian distribution formula is shown in formula (1), The mean is Determines the center point of the curve ,
Determines the width of the curve ,
The larger the curve, the wider .
MATLAB Realize one-dimensional Gaussian function :
function g = Gaussian(X,avg,sigma)
%% Functional specifications : One dimensional Gaussian distribution
%% Parameter description :avg -- mean value , Determine the location of the center point
% sigma -- Standard deviation , Determine the curve width
temp_1 = 1 / (sigma * sqrt(2*pi));
temp_2 = -(X - avg).^2./(2*sigma^2);
g = temp_1 * exp(temp_2);
g = g ./ sum(g(:));
Use the above functions to draw different Value corresponds to the curve , The code is as follows :
X = -15:0.1:15;
avg = 0; % The center point of the image is 0
sigmas = [1;2;3;4];
for i = 1:length(sigmas)
g = Gaussian(X,avg,sigmas(i));
hold on
legend('\sigma = 1','\sigma = 2','\sigma = 3','\sigma = 4');
The image is like this 2, obviously , Determines the width of the curve ,
The larger the curve, the wider , And the image is about x = avg( Here for 0) symmetry .
chart 2 Different Value corresponding to one-dimensional Gaussian distribution
Additional explanation : I did before min-max Standardization , Will be different sigma The value range of the curve corresponding to the value is mapped in [0,1] Within the scope of , But now I find that this practice ignores sigma Influence of value on curve height .
( Properties of Gaussian distribution : Below the curve and x The sum of the areas above the shaft is 1)sigma The value of not only determines the width of the curve , It also determines the height of the curve ,sigma The bigger it is , The wider the curve, the shorter ;sigma The smaller it is , The narrower the curve, the higher .
1.2 Two dimensional Gaussian distribution
take x = x,y Substitute into the formula (1) after , Two dimensional Gaussian distribution formula can be obtained by multiplying the two (2):
Here is the order A simplified two-dimensional Gaussian distribution function formula can be obtained (3):
According to the formula (3) You can calculate the weight of each point in the Gaussian filter template .
Two dimensional Gaussian function , The code is as follows :
function [G] = Gaussian(R,sigma)
%% Functional specifications : Two dimensional Gaussian function , It can be used to calculate the Gaussian filter weight matrix
% Gauss filtering : Only airspace information is considered , Gray similarity is not considered
%% Input parameters :R -- Formwork radius
% sigma -- Standard deviation
[X,Y] = meshgrid(-R:0.1:R);
temp1 = 1/(2*pi*sigma^2);
temp2 = -(X.^2 + Y.^2)/(2*sigma^2);
G = temp1 * exp(temp2);
G = G./sum(G(:)); % The sum of the weights of the template must be equal to 1.
% Draw a template diagram
shading interp;
The size is 15*15, The standard deviation is 2 The two-dimensional Gaussian distribution template of is shown in the figure 3 Shown
chart 3 The size is 11*11 Two dimensional Gaussian distribution
Use a size of 5*5, The standard deviation is 0.3 Gaussian blur is applied to the image containing weak targets and clouds , Pictured 4 Shown .
chart 4 The size is 5*5, The standard deviation is 0.3 Template Gaussian fuzzy filtering results
1.3 Gaussian filtering summary
Gaussian filtering only considers the spatial similarity between image pixels , That is, in continuous images , The closer the point is, the closer the relationship is , The farther away the point, the more distant the relationship .
Two 、 Bilateral filtering
1. The principle of bilateral filtering
Reference resources :https://blog.csdn.net/Chaolei3/article/details/88579377
Bilateral filtering is a nonlinear method , Compared with Gaussian filtering , Bilateral filtering not only considers the spatial similarity of images , The gray similarity is also considered , You can achieve “ Edge preserving denoising ” Purpose .
Bilateral filtering consists of two parts : Spatial matrix and range matrix , Spatial matrix can be analogous to Gaussian filtering , Used for blur denoising ; The range matrix is obtained according to the gray similarity , Used to protect edges .
Calculation formula of spatial matrix (4), Range matrix calculation formula (5)
Formula description : Definition (i, j) Is the coordinate of the center point ,(k, l) For the point (i, j) Is any point in the neighborhood of the center .
The formula (4)(5) Multiplication is the calculation formula of bilateral filter weight matrix (6)
Last , Calculate the weighted average value as the filtered value of the central point coordinate
………… (7)
2. How to realize bilateral filtering “ Edge preserving denoising ” Of ?
By formula (4), The weight distribution of the spatial domain weight matrix is still “ Bell shape ”, That is, the closer to the center , The greater the weight ;
By formula (5)(6), It is known that Yes (0,1) The subtraction function of points , That is, the greater the gray difference , The less weight , The worse the smoothing effect , conversely , The smaller the gray difference , The greater the weight , The better the smoothing effect . therefore , When the center point is at the edge , Large gray difference , The spatial domain smoothing effect is weakened , The edges are preserved ; When the neighborhood gray value is close to the center point , The gray difference is close to 0, The weight of the range is close to 1, At this time, the filtering effect depends on the spatial domain weight matrix , The effect is consistent with Gaussian filtering .
The formula (7) The meaning of : The value of the center point after filtering = Weight matrices .* original image ( And ensure that the sum of weights is 1, normalization )( Refer to the filtering principle )
chart 5 Bilateral filtering “ Edge preserving denoising ” Schematic diagram
3. MATLAB Realize bilateral filtering
function b = BF_Filter(img,r,sigma_d,sigma_r)
%% Functional specifications : Bilateral filtering , Used to calculate the image after bilateral filtering
% Bilateral filtering is a nonlinear method , At the same time, the spatial information and gray similarity of the image are considered .
% A new weight matrix is formed by spatial matrix and range matrix , among , Spatial matrix is used for fuzzy denoising , The range matrix is used to protect the edge .
%% Input parameters :img -- Image to be filtered
% r -- Formwork radius ,e.g. 3*3 The radius of the template is 1
% sigma_d -- Standard deviation of spatial matrix
% sigma_r -- Range matrix standard deviation
% Determine whether it is a grayscale image
img = rgb2gray(img);
[x,y] = meshgrid(-r:r);
% Airspace weight matrix size = (2r+1)*(2r+1)
w_spacial = exp(-(x.^2 + y.^2)/(2*sigma_d.^2));
[m,n] = size(img);
img = double(img);
% Expand the image ,size = (m+2r)*(n+2r)
f_temp = padarray(img,[r r],'symmetric');
% Slide the window and filter
b = zeros(m,n); % The filtered image
for i = r+1:m+r
for j = r+1:n+r
temp = f_temp(i-r:i+r,j-r:j+r);
w_value = exp(-(temp - img(i-r,j-r)).^2/(2*sigma_r^2)); % size = (2r+1)*(2r+1)
w = w_spacial .* w_value;
s = temp.*w;
b(i-r,j-r) = sum(s(:))/sum(w(:));
4. About sigma Value selection
4.1 Space domain sigma
The size of the nucleus is usually , namely
Because it is far from the center The coefficient outside the size is smaller than the coefficient at the midpoint , It can be considered that the other points have little connection with the central point , The weight coefficient can be regarded as 0.
4.2 range sigma
chart 6 Images
When , The range of gray difference is [0,255] when ,x Value range of
, The range of values is :[0.3679,1];
When , The range of gray difference is [0,255] when ,x Value range of
, The range of values is :[0.01832,1];
therefore ,sigma The bigger it is , The smaller the range of weight value , At this time, even if the difference between the neighborhood gray value and the center point gray value is large , Its corresponding weight will also be large , This is related to bilateral filtering “ Edge preserving ” Against the original intention of ;sigma The smaller it is , The larger the range of weight value , At this time, when the difference between the gray values of the center point of the neighborhood gray value range is large , The smaller the corresponding weight , Can weaken “ smooth ”, achieve “ Edge preserving ” effect .
Sum up ,sigma The bigger it is , The more blurred the edge ,sigma-->∞ when ,x-->0, The weight -->1, Multiplied by Gaussian template, it can be considered as equivalent to Gaussian filtering ;
sigma The smaller it is , The clearer the edge ,sigma-->0 when ,x-->∞, The weight -->0, When multiplied by Gaussian template, the coefficients are all equal , Equivalent to the source image .
3、 ... and 、 The results of bilateral filtering and Gaussian filtering are compared
3.1 Simulation image comparison
Generate an image with obvious edges , Pictured 7 Shown .
chart 7 Simulation image
img_B = zeros(250,250);
img_B(:,40:50) = 1;
img_B(:,180:200) = 1;
img_B(100:105,:) = 1;
The results of Gaussian filtering and bilateral filtering are shown in the figure 8 Shown , obviously , Bilateral filtering can better preserve the edge information of the image .
chart 8 Comparison results of simulation images of bilateral filtering and Gaussian filtering
%% Gauss filtering
r = 7;
sigma_d = 1;
G = Gaussian(r, sigma_d);
g = imfilter(img_B, G, 'symmetric');
%% Bilateral filtering
sigma_r = 3;
b = BF_Filter(img_B,r,sigma_d,sigma_r);
imshow(b);title([num2str(2*r+1),'*',num2str(2*r+1),' Bilateral filtering results ','\sigma_d=1 ,',' \sigma_r=3']);
imshow(g);title([num2str(2*r+1),'*',num2str(2*r+1),' Gaussian filtering result ','\sigma_d=1']);
3.2 Real image comparison
From the results , For images with structural backgrounds such as clouds and weak targets , Compared with Gaussian filtering , Bilateral filtering can well preserve the edge of the image ( structure ) Information .
chart 9 Original real image
chart 10 Comparison results of real images with bilateral filtering and Gaussian filtering
img = imread('cloud.bmp');
img = rgb2gray(img);
r = 7;
sigma_d = 0.5;
G = Gaussian(r, sigma_d);
img_g = imfilter(img, G, 'symmetric');
sigma_r = 3;
img_b = BF_Filter(img,r,sigma_d,sigma_r);
imshow(img);title(' Original picture ');
imshow(img_g,[]);title(' Gaussian filtering result ');
imshow(img_b,[]);title(' Bilateral filtering results ');
3.3 summary
Combined with the subject of weak and small target detection , Bilateral filtering is suitable for predicting rich edges ( structure ) Background prediction of information , Choose the right one through experiments sigma value , Predict the background , Original picture - Forecast background = Goal map (STI), And then from STI Detect the target in the figure , The next step needs to be explored .
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