C++ The interface of the standard library is defined by the collection of the following header files .
Concept Library
Process library
Tool library
General tools : Program control 、 Dynamic memory allocation 、 random number 、 Sort and search
Signal management functions and macro constants
preservation ( And jump ) Macro to execution environment ( And functions )
Variable length argument list processing
std::bitset Class template
Function object 、 Function call 、 Binding operations and reference wrappers
Varied Tool set
std::initializer_list Class template
std::tuple Class template
std::any class
std::optional Class template
std::variant Class template
Three way comparison operator Support
Provides library information that depends on the implementation
Provide access to Source location The means of
Dynamic memory management
Low level memory management tools
High level memory management tools
Polymorphic allocators and memory resources
Numerical limits
The limits of floating point types
Fixed width integer type And Other types of limits
Format macro 、 intmax_t
And uintmax_t
Mathematics and transformation
A consistent way to query arithmetic type properties
Error handling
Compare conditional compilation macros that actually participate in zero
Definition std::error_code , Platform dependent error codes
String Library
Function to determine narrow character categories
A function that determines the category of wide characters
Varied Narrow string processing function
Varied wide And Multibyte String handling functions
C style Unicode Character conversion function
std::basic_string Class template
std::basic_string_view Class template
std::to_chars And std::from_chars
Format library , Include std::format
Container Library
std::array Containers
std::vector Containers
std::deque Containers
std::list Containers
std::forward_list Containers
std::set And std::multiset Associate container
std::map And std::multimap Associate container
std::unordered_set And std::unordered_multiset Unordered Association container
std::unordered_map And std::unordered_multimap Unordered Association container
std::stack Container adapter
std::queue And std::priority_queue Container adapter
std::span View
Iterator Library
Range Library
Scope access 、 Components 、 requirement 、 Tools and adapters
Algorithm library
Algorithms that operate on ranges
The predefined execution strategy of parallel version algorithm
Numerical library
Classes that represent and manipulate arrays of values
Random number generators and distributions
A numerical operation on a value in a range
Compile time rational arithmetic
Floating point environment Access function
Bit manipulation function
Localization Library
(C++11)(C++17 To discard )
Input / Output library
Input / Output the pre declaration of all classes in the library
std::ios_base class 、 std::basic_ios Class template and several typedef
std::basic_istream Class template and several typedef
std::basic_ostream 、 std::basic_iostream Class template and several typedef
Several standard stream objects
std::basic_fstream 、 std::basic_ifstream 、 std::basic_ofstream Class template and several typedef
std::basic_stringstream 、 std::basic_istringstream 、 std::basic_ostringstream Class template and several typedef
std::basic_osyncstream 、 std::basic_syncbuf And typedef
(C++98 To discard )
std::strstream 、 std::istrstream 、 std::ostrstream
Auxiliary functions for formatting input and output
std::basic_streambuf Class template
C Style input and output functions
File system library
std::path Class and Support functions
Regular expression library
Classes that support regular expression processing 、 Algorithms and iterators
Atomic operation Library
Thread support library
std::thread Class and Support functions
std::jthread The stop sign of
Asynchronous computing components
C Compatible with header files
For some forms it is xxx.h Of C Standard library header file ,C++ The standard library contains both the header file with the same name and the ownership form cxxx The header file ( All the meaningful cxxx The header file is listed above ).
except complex.h This exception ,C++ Each of the xxx.h The header file will be corresponding to cxxx Chinese should have been placed in std Each name in the namespace is placed in the global namespace .
Allow these header files to be in std The same name is declared in the namespace , And allow the corresponding cxxx The header file also declares the same name in the global namespace : contain <cstdlib>
It will definitely provide std::malloc, Also available ::malloc. contain <stdlib.h>
It will definitely provide ::malloc, Also available std::malloc. This even applies to things that are not C Functions and function overloads that are part of the standard library .
( Abandoning )
Behave in the same way as <cassert>
( Abandoning )
Act as if each comes from <cctype> The name of is placed in the global namespace
( Abandoning )
Behave in the same way as <cerrno>
(C++11)( Abandoning )
Act as if each comes from <cfenv> The name of is placed in the global namespace
( Abandoning )
Behave in the same way as <cfloat>
(C++11)( Abandoning )
Act as if each comes from <cinttypes> The name of is placed in the global namespace
( Abandoning )
Behave in the same way as <climits>
( Abandoning )
Act as if each comes from <clocale> The name of is placed in the global namespace
( Abandoning )
Act as if each comes from <cmath> The name of is placed in the global namespace ,
except Special functions of Mathematics Name
( Abandoning )
Act as if each comes from <csetjmp> The name of is placed in the global namespace
( Abandoning )
Act as if each comes from <csignal> The name of is placed in the global namespace
( Abandoning )
Act as if each comes from <cstdarg> The name of is placed in the global namespace
( Abandoning )
Act as if each comes from <cstddef> The name of is placed in the global namespace ,
except std::byte
And the correlation function Name
(C++11)( Abandoning )
Act as if each comes from <cstdint> The name of is placed in the global namespace
( Abandoning )
Act as if each comes from <cstdio> The name of is placed in the global namespace
( Abandoning )
Act as if each comes from <cstdlib> The name of is placed in the global namespace
( Abandoning )
Act as if each comes from <cstring> The name of is placed in the global namespace
( Abandoning )
Act as if each comes from <ctime> The name of is placed in the global namespace
(C++11)( Abandoning )
Act as if each comes from <cuchar> The name of is placed in the global namespace
( Abandoning )
Act as if each comes from <cwchar> The name of is placed in the global namespace
( Abandoning )
Act as if each comes from <cwctype> The name of is placed in the global namespace
empty C The header file
The header file <complex.h>
And <ctgmath>
It doesn't contain anything from C Content of the standard library , And it's just about including others from C++ Standard library header file .C++ The use of these header files in has been abandoned .
(C++11)(C++17 To discard )(C++20 Remove )
Simply include the header file <complex>
(C++11)( Abandoning )
Simply include the header file <complex>
(C++11)(C++17 To discard )(C++20 Remove )
Simply include the header file <complex> And <cmath> : Equivalent to C The header file tgmath.h
Overload of has been provided in the previous header file
(C++11)( Abandoning )
Simply include the header file <complex> And <cmath>
Meaningless C The header file
The header file <ciso646>
And <cstdbool>
stay C++ There is no meaning in , Because they are C The macro provided in is C++ Key words .
(C++20 Remove )
Short paper . C in iso646.h
The macro that appears in yes C++ Key words in
( Abandoning )
No effect
(C++11)(C++17 To discard )(C++20 Remove )
Define a Compatibility macro constants
(C++11)( Abandoning )
Define a Compatibility macro constants
(C++11)(C++17 To discard )(C++20 Remove )
Define a Compatibility macro constants
(C++11)( Abandoning )
Define a Compatibility macro constants
Unsupported C The header file
C++ It doesn't contain C The header file <stdatomic.h>
And <threads.h>
And they don't have cxxx Equivalent version .
Experimental Library
C++ TR/TS It also defines the collection of several header files .