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To sort out messy header files, I use include what you use
2022-07-04 19:22:00 【InfoQ】
brief introduction
cd llvm-project
git checkout llvmorg-14.0.0
cd llvm-project
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS=clang -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -G “Unix Makefiles” …/llvm
make -j48
IWYU install
git checkeout clang_14
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -G “Unix Makefiles” -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=…/llvm/llvm-project/llvm/ …/include-what-you-use/
cd …/include-what-you-use/
make -j48
ln -s /the/path/of/include-what-you-use/bin/include-what-you-use /usr/bin/iwyu
- Set up compiler
- Set compilation options
- Compile the project
- The result processing
- [1] IWYU Home page
- [2] Clang Build guidance
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