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A Beginner's Guide to Performance Testing
2022-08-01 13:44:00 【艸 to tian】
1 前言
随着5G时代的到来,以及万物互联时代的到来,More and more cloud applications and cloud services,The amount of data will grow exponentially.尤其是2020The significance of the era of the global epidemic in 2019,Will lead to all walks of life to start the cloud.This will lead to the birth of a variety of highly personalized products.
The ecology of all industries will be like the whale fall effect,Small and medium-sized products that meet people's various needs are derived from several giant companies.The form of most products may become heavy server、轻客户端.
所以,The demand for server-side performance testing is also likely to grow exponentially.However, the server-side performance testing requirements are for small and medium-sized companies,Especially for most companies that don't care about user experience,The performance test requirement is characterized by a short cycle、时间紧.
因此,For most testing practitioners,Understanding and mastering common performance testing knowledge is essential,虽然不会经常用到.
2 什么是性能?
Different roles focus on different performance,Performance testing this systems engineering,Requires each role to provide information or assistance in the dimension of their concern.
2.1 用户眼中的性能
performance for users,is the response speed of the operation、Products whether the collapse of the impact of your life.For example, Didi’s previous performance accident in the car-hailing service on Valentine’s Day.
2.2 Performance in the eyes of the boss
The boss mainly cares about the revenue of the product、成本(How much money did you spend serving how many users)、用户满意度(用户对产品是否满意).
2.3 Performance in the eyes of operations
2.4 开发眼中的性能
2.5 测试眼中的性能
3 性能的影响
3.1 Performance impact on users
For most businessesToC产品,Performance is about product fate and growth.如下图所示,Although it is not easy to change the application of Ali Jingdong monopoly now,But when the performance is poor,I can't help but say hello.
3.2 The impact of performance on revenue
We all know that performance has a very large impact on product revenue,But few companies have a comprehensive operational analysis to prove it.
以下是《2016Global Retail Digital Performance Benchmark Report》Data on the impact of performance on revenue in.
从图中可以看到,Response time has a huge impact on conversion rates,Such as wal-mart hardcore enough,Walmart's Response Time Decreases0.1秒,income can increase1%,Ascension is a very big income.
4 composition of performance
Take small and medium e-commerce websites as an example,如下图所示,Basic composition of performance:
- 客户端(Web、移动端、小程序)性能
- DNS性能
- Load Balancing Service Performance
- Nginx集群性能、折损率
- CDN缓存性能(回源率、穿透率)
- Application server performance
- DB性能(Mysql/Redis/Memcache)
由此可见,Performance testing for medium and large projects,always a systems project,Requires a lot of people to work across departments,且持续时间长,耗费资源大.
5 性能测试目的
The ultimate goal of performance testing is to maximize meet the needs of users,Usually the following goals are achieved:
(1)性能评估:Evaluate the system in the testQPS、响应时间、成功率等;
6 Performance metrics you should focus on
(1)响应时间:你得定义一个系统的响应时间latency,建议是TP95或以上.What is the specific response time required,Generally no more than200ms,write no more than500ms.If you really don't know,Benchmarking competing products in the same industry.
(2)最高吞吐量:TPS(Transaction requests per second)或QPS(每秒请求量),under target response time requirements,The highest throughput that the system can support.
(3)成功率:在关注QPSand response time at the same time,Also pay attention to the success rate.如果QPSand response time meet performance requirements,The request success rate is only50%,Users will not receive.
(4)性能拐点:General service has performance critical point.when the critical point is exceeded,Nonlinear drop in throughput,Response time exponentially increasing,成功率降低.
Identify the main reasons for performance inflection points:
Set high-risk performance alarm lines based on the main reasons for performance inflection points.This is a high risk notice,Because once the performance inflection point is reached,Avalanche is possible,cause a very serious accident.
After the observation exceeds the performance inflection point,Whether the system will appear suspended animation、High-risk events such as crashes.
(5)系统稳定性:maintain maximum throughput(Maximum throughput at target response time),持续运行7*24小时.然后收集CPU,内存,硬盘/网络IO,等指标,查看系统是否稳定,比如,CPU是平稳的,内存使用也是平稳的.那么,这个值就是系统的性能.
(6)极限吞吐量:Stepwise increase in concurrency pressure,找到系统的极限值.比如:在成功率100%的情况下(不考虑响应时间的长短),系统能坚持10分钟的吞吐量.
(7)系统健壮性: 做Burst Test.用第二步得到的吞吐量执行5分钟,然后在第四步得到的极限值执行1分钟,再回到第二步的吞吐量执行5钟,再到第四步的权限值执行1分钟,如此往复个一段时间,比如2天.**收集系统数据:CPU、内存、硬盘/网络IO等,观察他们的曲线,以及相应的响应时间,确保系统是稳定的.
7 性能测试类型
First simply analyze the stress model of the performance test.
如下图所示,As the unit time pressure continues to increase,Increased stress on systems under test and servers,TPSchanges due to these factors,and usually follow the rules.
Metrics to get performance attention,Basic is divided into the following performance test types:
7.1 性能测试(狭义)
7.2 负载测试(Load Test)
- 这种性能测试方法的主要目的是找到系统处理能力的极限.
- 这种性能测试方法需要在给定的测试环境下进行,通常也需要考虑被测试系统的业务压力量和典型场景、使得测试结果具有业务上的意义.
- 这种性能测试方法一般用来了解系统的性能容量,或是配合性能调优来使用.也就是说,这种方法是对一个系统持续不段的加压,看你在什么时候已经超出“我的要求”或系统崩溃.
7.3 压力测试(强度测试)(Stress Test)
(1)说明: 压力测试方法测试系统在一定饱和状态下,例如cpu、内存在饱和使用情况下,系统能够处理的会话能力,以及系统是否会出现错误.
- The main purpose of this performance testing method is to check the performance of the application when the system is under stress performance.
- 这种性能测试一般通过模拟负载等方法,使得系统的资源使用达到较高的水平.
- 这种性能测试方法一般用于测试系统的稳定性.也就是说,这种测试是让系统处在很大强度的压力之下,看系统是否稳定,哪里会出问题.
7.4 并发测试(Concurrency Testing)
(1)说明: 并发测试方法通过模拟用户并发访问,测试多用户并发访问同一个应用、同一个模块或者数据记录时是否存在死锁或其者他性能问题.
- 这种性能测试方法的主要目的是发现系统中可能隐藏的并发访问时的问题.
- 这种性能测试方法主要关注系统可能存在的并发问题,例如系统中的内存泄漏、线程锁和资源争用方面的问题.
- 这种性能测试方法可以在开发的各个阶段使用需要相关的测试工具的配合和支持.也就是说,这种测试关注点是多个用户同时(并发)对一个模块或操作进行加压.
7.5 配置测试(Configuration Testing)
(1)说明: 配置测试方法通过对被测系统的软\硬件环境的调整,了解各种不同对系统的性能影响的程度,从而找到系统各项资源的最优分配原则.
- 这种性能测试方法的主要目的是了解各种不同因素对系统性能影响的程度,从而判断出最值得进行的调优操作.
- 这种性能测试方法一般在对系统性能状况有初步了解后进行.
- 这种性能测试方法一般用于性能调优和规划能力.也就是说,这种测试关注点是“微调”,通过对软硬件的不段调整,找出这他们的最佳状态,使系统达到一个最强的状态.
7.6 可靠性测试
(1)说明: By loading a certain business pressure on the system(例如资源在70%-90%的使用率),使系统运行一段时间,以此检测系统是否稳定运行.
- 这种性能测试方法的主要目的是验证是否支持长期稳定的运行.
- 这种性能测试方法需要在压力下持续一段时间的运行.(2~3天)
- 测试过程中需要关注系统的运行状况.如果测试过程中发现,随着时间的推移,Significant change in response time,Or the system resource usage has fluctuated significantly,may be a sign of system instability.也就是说,这种测试的关注点是“稳定”,不需要给系统太大的压力,只要系统能够长期处于一个稳定的状态.
7.7 失效恢复测试
(1)说明: 如果系统局部发生故障,用户是否能够继续使用系统,以及如果这种情况发生,用户将受到多大程度的影响.
- The main purpose of this performance testing method is to verify that in the case of partial failure,系统能否继续使用.
- This performance testing method also needs to point out,当问题发生时,“能支持多少用户访问”的结论和“采取何种应急措施”的方案.
- 一般来说,This type of testing is only required for systems that have clear requirements for the continuous operation of the system.
7.8 大数据量测试
(1)说明: 针对某些系统存储、传输、统计查询等业务进行大数据量的测试.
(2)注意: Forget about categorization when doing performance testing.例如,运行8hours to test the reliability of the system,And this test most likely includes a reliability test、强度测试、并发测试、负载测试,等等.因此,When performing performance tests, they must not be separated from their internal connections to conduct,Instead, it should be based on the test objective,分析它们之间的关系,Design performance tests in an efficient manner.
8 性能测试流程
8.1 性能需求分析
性能需求分析是整个性能测试工作开展的基础,如果连性能的需求都没弄清楚,The following performance testing tools and execution are impossible to talk about.
在这一阶段,Performance testers need to work withPM、DEVCommunicate with project-related personnel,Collect various project data at the same time,对系统进行分析,确认测试的目标.并将其转化为可衡量的具体性能指标.
The main task of the test requirements analysis phase is to analyze the system under test and its performance requirements,建立性能测试数据模型,分析性能需求,Identify reasonable performance goals,并进行评审;
8.2 性能测试准备
主要包括:设计场景,Write programs based on scenarios、编写脚本、准备测试环境,构造测试数据,Environment pre-tuning, etc.;
设计场景:Design a reasonable test scenario according to the characteristics of the system.In order to make the test results more accurate,It takes a lot of work here.As the user model is set up,Only know how real users stress the system,Only then can a representative stress test scenario be designed.It involves a lot of information,distribution of user groups、Functions used by various types of users、用户的使用习惯、工作时间段、The pressure distribution of each module of the system, etc..Only by continuously accumulating this kind of data from many aspects,Makes stressful situations more meaningful.Finally, convert the design scenarios into concrete use cases.
测试数据:The design of test data is also a key and problem-prone place.Generating the amount of test data to meet future expectations is only the most basic step,More is to consider the distribution of data is reasonable,Various query conditions used in the program need to be carefully confirmed,The values of these key columns should simulate the real data distribution as much as possible, Otherwise the result of the test may be invalid.The test data, it is best to use online data after desensitization,As close as possible to the real user behavior.
预调优:Refers to the characteristics of the system and the experience of the team,Make some optimization adjustments to various aspects of the system in advance,Avoid unnecessary rework during test execution.such as a high-concurrency system,10000人在线,The configuration of connection pool and thread pool also uses the default,Obviously there will be a problem.
8.3 执行性能测试
The implementation phase mainly includes two aspects:One is to execute the test case model,包括执行脚本和场景;Second, test process monitoring,包括测试结果、Record performance index and the value of the performance counter.
8.4 Results analysis and performance tuning
Problems found or performance indicators not meeting expectations,Timely analysis and positioning,Repeat the test process after processing.
Performance issues are usually related influence each other,See on the surface of the phenomenon is probably not the fundamental problem,It's a reaction to a problem in another place.This requires monitoring to be comprehensive when collecting data,Judging positioning from multiple perspectives.The process of tuning is actually a balancing process,A balance can be achieved in multiple aspects of the system.
8.5 Performance reports and summaries
编写性能测试报告,阐明性能测试目标、性能结果、测试环境、数据构造规则、Problems encountered and solutions, etc..Summarize and precipitate the experience of this performance test.For the preparation of specific performance test reports, please refer to《性能测试报告模板》.
of all the above,If technical problems are ruled out,The hardest thing to do well in performance testing,is the analysis of the user model.It directly determines whether the stress test scenario can effectively simulate real-world stress,And it is this simulation of real stress,This makes performance testing more meaningful.可以说,performance test to a certain extent,The difference is reflected in the modeling.
As for the analysis of performance problems、To locate or tuning,is largely a technical issue,Multifaceted expertise required.数据库、操作系统、网络、Development is a skill that a qualified performance tester needs to have,只有这样,Analytical problems can be considered from multiple perspectives.
9 Performance tools performance contrast
Based on the current mainstream performance tools on the market,Do a side-by-side comparison test,To help us in a different environment flexible choice of different testing tools.
9.1 Performance Tool Comparison Results
测试对象:Nginx index.html(612Byte),CPU:16核 / 内存:16GB / 磁盘:500GB
压力机:Ubuntu18.04, CPU: 8核 / 内存:8G / 磁盘: 500GB
Only the most basic performance comparison test is carried out here,For basic tool selection judgment only.
9.2 性能工具介绍
9.2.1 wrk / wrk2
wrk 是一款针对 Http 协议的基准测试工具,它能够在单机多核 CPU 的条件下,使用系统自带的高性能 I/O 机制,如 epoll,kqueue 等,通过多线程和事件模式,对目标机器产生大量的负载.
PS: 其实,wrk 是复用了 redis 的 ae 异步事件驱动框架,准确来说 ae 事件驱动框架并不是 redis 发明的, 它来至于 Tcl 的解释器 jim, 这个小巧高效的框架, 因为被 redis 采用而被大家所熟知.
安装简单(相对 Apache ab 来说);
基于系统自带的高性能 I/O 机制,如 epoll, kqueue, 利用异步的事件驱动框架,通过很少的线程就可以压出很大的并发量;
wrk 目前仅支持单机压测,后续也不太可能支持多机器对目标机压测,因为它本身的定位,并不是用来取代 JMeter, LoadRunner 等专业的测试工具,wrk 提供的功能,For backend developers,应付日常接口性能验证还是比较友好的.
Previously at LeEco our test architect was based onwrk2Leading development and support a distributed,Development costs are slightly higher.
- 子命令参数说明:
使用方法: wrk <选项> <被测HTTP服务的URL>
-c, --connections <N> 跟服务器建立并保持的TCP连接数量
-d, --duration <T> 压测时间
-t, --threads <N> 使用多少个线程进行压测(To reduce out-of-the-box context switching,官方建议thread数量等同CPU核数)
-s, --script <S> 指定Lua脚本路径
-H, --header <H> 为每一个HTTP请求添加HTTP头
--latency 在压测结束后,打印延迟统计信息
--timeout <T> 超时时间
-v, --version 打印正在使用的wrk的详细版本信息
<N>代表数字参数,支持国际单位 (1k, 1M, 1G)
<T>代表时间参数,支持时间单位 (2s, 2m, 2h)
PS: 关于线程数,并不是设置的越大,压测效果越好,线程设置过大,反而会导致线程切换过于频繁,效果降低,一般来说,推荐设置成压测机器 CPU 核心数的 2 倍到 4 倍就行了.
# 示例
wrk -c400 -t24 -d30s --latency
- 报告解析:
Running 30s test @ http://www.baidu.com (压测时间30s)
12 threads and 400 connections (共12个测试线程,400个连接)
(平均值) (标准差) (最大值)(正负一个标准差所占比例)
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 386.32ms 380.75ms 2.00s 86.66%
Req/Sec 17.06 13.91 252.00 87.89%
Latency Distribution (延迟分布)
50% 218.31ms
75% 520.60ms
90% 955.08ms
99% 1.93s
4922 requests in 30.06s, 73.86MB read (30.06s内处理了4922个请求,耗费流量73.86MB)
Socket errors: connect 0, read 0, write 0, timeout 311 (发生错误数)
Requests/sec: 163.76 (QPS 163.76,即平均每秒处理请求数为163.76)
Transfer/sec: 2.46MB (平均每秒流量2.46MB)
Running 30s test @ (压测时间30s)
32 threads and 400 connections (共32个测试线程,400个连接)
(平均值) (标准差) (最大值)(正负一个标准差所占比例)
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency(延迟) 10.31ms 40.13ms 690.32ms 98.33%
Req/Sec(每秒请求数) 2.14k 482.15 6.36k 77.39%
Latency Distribution
50% 5.11ms
75% 7.00ms
90% 9.65ms
99% 212.68ms
2022092 requests in 30.10s, 1.62GB read
Requests/sec: 67183.02 (QPS 67183.02,即平均每秒处理请求数为67183.02)
Transfer/sec: 55.03MB (平均每秒流量55.03MB)
9.2.2 Jmeter
send - 施压端发送开始,直到承压端接收完成
wait - 承压端接收完成开始,直至业务处理结束
recv - 承压端返回数据,直至施压端接收完成
Under the multi-threaded concurrency model,Is it possible to produce more pressure by increasing the number of threads?
In fact, a process can only execute one thread at a time,The so-called concurrent refers to switch threads continuously in process to achieve the look of multiple tasks concurrently,But thread context switching has a high cost,Excessive number of threads will cause a serious decline in performance.
9.2.3 Locust
Locust是用PythonDeveloped distributed stress testing tool,In recent years, it has become more popular in the country.Locust并不是基于Python的多线程,而是coroutine(协程,gevent提供),gevent使用了libev或者 libuv作为eventloop.
LocustResponse time distortion problem:
LocustWhen the pressCPU达到after bottleneck,Response time can be severely distorted.
比如当Locust normal模式下,8进程,CPUafter bottleneck,90%响应时间为340ms.同时wrkThe response time obtained is59.41ms.
装饰器taskPressure ratio can be set
- HttpUser示例:
from locust import HttpUser, task
class QuickstartUser(HttpUser):
# task为每个正在运行的用户创建一个greenlet(微线程)
def detail(self):
def on_start(self):
- FastHttpUser示例
from locust import task
from locust.contrib.fasthttp import FastHttpUser
class QuickstartUser(FastHttpUser):
# task为每个正在运行的用户创建一个greenlet(微线程)
def detail(self):
def on_start(self):
- Start and Distribute
# -c 并发用户数
# -r 每秒启动用户数
# -t 持续运行时间
locust -f load_test.py --host= --no-web -c 10 -r 10 -t 1m
# 分布式
nohup locust -f locust_files/fast_http_user.py --master &
nohup locust -f locust_files/fast_http_user.py --worker --master-host= &
9.2.4 测试记录 wrk测试记录
2线程:-c1000 -t1(because of the least2线程) QPS: 35560.79
wrk -c1000 -t1 -d30s --latency
3线程:( -c1000 -t2 QPS: 66941.77 )
wrk -c1000 -t2 -d30s --latency
8线程: ( -c1000 -t8 QPS: 75579.30 )
wrk -c1000 -t8 -d30s --latency
Nginx: 86% * 16 = 1376% , 达到CPU瓶颈
Wrk: CPU = 40% * 8 = 320% Locust HttpUser记录
Nginx: (CPU:8.6%)
Locust: (CPU:100%, 单核CPU达到瓶颈)
Nginx: (CPU:50%)
locust:(CPU:800%, CPU达到瓶颈) Locust FastHttpUser记录
1进程:(10并发,QPS:1836, 90%RT: 5ms)
Nginx: (CPU:24%)
Locust: (CPU:100%, 单核CPU达到瓶颈)
8进程:(100并发,QPS:11000, 90%RT: 7ms)
locust:(CPU:800%, CPU达到瓶颈) Jmeter 测试记录
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