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Mobile robot path planning: artificial potential field method [easy to understand]
2022-07-02 19:21:00 【Full stack programmer webmaster】
Hello everyone , I meet you again , I'm your friend, Quan Jun .
The artificial potential field method is a simple method Move robot Path planning algorithm , It regards the position of the target point as the lowest point of potential energy , Treat obstacles in the map as potential energy highs , Calculate the potential field diagram of the whole known map , And then, ideally , The robot is like a rolling ball , Automatically avoid all obstacles and roll to the target point .
- Reference resources : Source code potential_field_planning.py Courseware CMU RI 16-735 Robot path planning 4 speak : Artificial potential field method
In particular , The potential energy formula of the target point is :
It reads , In order to prevent the speed from being too fast when it is far away from the target point , It can be described in the form of piecewise function , It will be shown later . The potential energy of the obstacle is expressed as :
That is, it has high potential energy in a certain range around the obstacle , The influence of out of range visual obstacles is 0. Finally, add the potential energy of the target point and the obstacle , Get the whole potential energy map :
The following is the source code in the reference link , It's easier to understand :
""" Potential Field based path planner author: Atsushi Sakai (@Atsushi_twi) Ref: https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~motionplanning/lecture/Chap4-Potential-Field_howie.pdf """
from collections import deque
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Parameters
KP = 5.0 # attractive potential gain
ETA = 100.0 # repulsive potential gain
AREA_WIDTH = 30.0 # potential area width [m]
# the number of previous positions used to check oscillations
show_animation = True
def calc_potential_field(gx, gy, ox, oy, reso, rr, sx, sy):
""" Calculate the potential field diagram gx,gy: Target coordinates ox,oy: Obstacle coordinate list reso: Potential field diagram resolution rr: Robot radius sx,sy: Starting point coordinates """
# Determine the coordinate range of the potential field diagram :
minx = min(min(ox), sx, gx) - AREA_WIDTH / 2.0
miny = min(min(oy), sy, gy) - AREA_WIDTH / 2.0
maxx = max(max(ox), sx, gx) + AREA_WIDTH / 2.0
maxy = max(max(oy), sy, gy) + AREA_WIDTH / 2.0
# Determine the number of cells according to the range and resolution :
xw = int(round((maxx - minx) / reso))
yw = int(round((maxy - miny) / reso))
# calc each potential
pmap = [[0.0 for i in range(yw)] for i in range(xw)]
for ix in range(xw):
x = ix * reso + minx # According to index and resolution x coordinate
for iy in range(yw):
y = iy * reso + miny # According to index and resolution x coordinate
ug = calc_attractive_potential(x, y, gx, gy) # Calculate gravity
uo = calc_repulsive_potential(x, y, ox, oy, rr) # Calculated repulsion
uf = ug + uo
pmap[ix][iy] = uf
return pmap, minx, miny
def calc_attractive_potential(x, y, gx, gy):
""" Calculate the gravitational potential energy :1/2*KP*d """
return 0.5 * KP * np.hypot(x - gx, y - gy)
def calc_repulsive_potential(x, y, ox, oy, rr):
""" Calculate the repulsive potential energy : If the distance from the nearest obstacle dq In the robot expansion radius rr within :1/2*ETA*(1/dq-1/rr)**2 otherwise :0.0 """
# search nearest obstacle
minid = -1
dmin = float("inf")
for i, _ in enumerate(ox):
d = np.hypot(x - ox[i], y - oy[i])
if dmin >= d:
dmin = d
minid = i
# calc repulsive potential
dq = np.hypot(x - ox[minid], y - oy[minid])
if dq <= rr:
if dq <= 0.1:
dq = 0.1
return 0.5 * ETA * (1.0 / dq - 1.0 / rr) ** 2
return 0.0
def get_motion_model():
# dx, dy
# Jiugonggezhong 8 Possible directions of motion
motion = [[1, 0],
[0, 1],
[-1, 0],
[0, -1],
[-1, -1],
[-1, 1],
[1, -1],
[1, 1]]
return motion
def oscillations_detection(previous_ids, ix, iy):
""" Oscillation detection : avoid “ Repeat the cross jump ” """
previous_ids.append((ix, iy))
if (len(previous_ids) > OSCILLATIONS_DETECTION_LENGTH):
# check if contains any duplicates by copying into a set
previous_ids_set = set()
for index in previous_ids:
if index in previous_ids_set:
return True
return False
def potential_field_planning(sx, sy, gx, gy, ox, oy, reso, rr):
# calc potential field
pmap, minx, miny = calc_potential_field(gx, gy, ox, oy, reso, rr, sx, sy)
# search path
d = np.hypot(sx - gx, sy - gy)
ix = round((sx - minx) / reso)
iy = round((sy - miny) / reso)
gix = round((gx - minx) / reso)
giy = round((gy - miny) / reso)
if show_animation:
# for stopping simulation with the esc key.
lambda event: [exit(0) if event.key == 'escape' else None])
plt.plot(ix, iy, "*k")
plt.plot(gix, giy, "*m")
rx, ry = [sx], [sy]
motion = get_motion_model()
previous_ids = deque()
while d >= reso:
minp = float("inf")
minix, miniy = -1, -1
# seek 8 The direction in which the potential field is the smallest among the three directions of motion
for i, _ in enumerate(motion):
inx = int(ix + motion[i][0])
iny = int(iy + motion[i][1])
if inx >= len(pmap) or iny >= len(pmap[0]) or inx < 0 or iny < 0:
p = float("inf") # outside area
print("outside potential!")
p = pmap[inx][iny]
if minp > p:
minp = p
minix = inx
miniy = iny
ix = minix
iy = miniy
xp = ix * reso + minx
yp = iy * reso + miny
d = np.hypot(gx - xp, gy - yp)
# Oscillation detection , To avoid falling into a local minimum :
if (oscillations_detection(previous_ids, ix, iy)):
print("Oscillation detected at ({},{})!".format(ix, iy))
if show_animation:
plt.plot(ix, iy, ".r")
return rx, ry
def draw_heatmap(data):
data = np.array(data).T
plt.pcolor(data, vmax=100.0, cmap=plt.cm.Blues)
def main():
print("potential_field_planning start")
sx = 0.0 # start x position [m]
sy = 10.0 # start y positon [m]
gx = 30.0 # goal x position [m]
gy = 30.0 # goal y position [m]
grid_size = 0.5 # potential grid size [m]
robot_radius = 5.0 # robot radius [m]
# The following obstacle coordinates are my modified , It is used to show the situation that the artificial potential field method is trapped in local optimization :
ox = [15.0, 5.0, 20.0, 25.0, 12.0, 15.0, 19.0, 28.0, 27.0, 23.0, 30.0, 32.0] # obstacle x position list [m]
oy = [25.0, 15.0, 26.0, 25.0, 12.0, 20.0, 29.0, 28.0, 26.0, 25.0, 28.0, 27.0] # obstacle y position list [m]
if show_animation:
# path generation
_, _ = potential_field_planning(
sx, sy, gx, gy, ox, oy, grid_size, robot_radius)
if show_animation:
if __name__ == '__main__':
print(__file__ + " start!!")
print(__file__ + " Done!!")
One of the main disadvantages of the artificial potential field method is that it may fall into the local optimal solution , The following figure is the result of running the source code :
Here is after I added some obstacles , The artificial potential field method is trapped in the case of local optimal solution : Although the target point has not been reached , But the potential field determines that the path cannot go any further .
It should be noted that , When calculating the potential field of the target point in the source code , It uses a x,y A term of the distance between the position and the target point , The quadratic term is not used as shown in the courseware , It is also to make the potential field change less quickly . The following is according to the courseware , The result of using the quadratic term of distance , We can see , For normal operation ,KP It needs to be adjusted very low :
KP = 0.1
def calc_attractive_potential(x, y, gx, gy):
""" Calculate the gravitational potential energy :1/2*KP*d^2 """
return 0.5 * KP * np.hypot(x - gx, y - gy)**2
The normal operation :
Trapped in local best :
You can see from the potential field diagram , Gravity changes much faster than the previous example .
Last , We modify the program into the segmentation function shown in the screenshot of the courseware above :
KP = 0.25
dgoal = 10
def calc_attractive_potential(x, y, gx, gy):
""" Calculate gravity : Such as courseware screenshot """
dg = np.hypot(x - gx, y - gy)
if dg<=dgoal:
U = 0.5 * KP * np.hypot(x - gx, y - gy)**2
U = dgoal*KP*np.hypot(x - gx, y - gy) - 0.5*KP*dgoal
return U
The normal operation :
Trapped in local optima :
You can see the effect of gravitational potential field segmentation .
Publisher : Full stack programmer stack length , Reprint please indicate the source :https://javaforall.cn/148611.html Link to the original text :https://javaforall.cn
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