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Hospital online inquiry source code hospital video inquiry source code hospital applet source code
2022-07-02 19:02:00 【Taoyuan shopping mall】
development environment :ASP.NET + C# + VS2019 + SQL2008
System introduction :
Make an appointment for registration
You can choose the date and time to register online , Support appointment registration , The number source of the appointment Hospital , While saving the time of seeing a doctor, it can also make the hospital improve the efficiency of diagnosis and treatment , Fully reflect the Internet + Innovative advantages of healthcare .
Support to view registration information 、 Registration details such as registration fee details , The registration records can be queried and browsed .
Online follow-up
Online follow-up is a supplement to offline diagnosis and treatment services of physical medical institutions , For some common diseases 、 Provide online diagnosis and treatment services for chronic diseases , It saves resources of medical institutions 、 Save patients' time and other functions .
Patients who meet the conditions for follow-up and sign the informed consent can use the online follow-up service .
Support querying your own medical records 、 Test results .
Support the inquiry of prescriptions prescribed in the online follow-up process , And choose its drug distribution method and pay online .
Available text 、 picture 、 voice 、 Video communication .
Support doctors to access patients' historical medical records during diagnosis and treatment 、 Test results .
Online diagnosis and treatment process can directly make a quick appointment and referral for patients 、 Make an appointment to check 、 Make an appointment to be hospitalized to the offline physical Hospital .
Online electronic prescription
Doctors can issue online prescriptions for patients in the process of diagnosis and treatment .
Support through docking hospitals HIS The system synchronizes drug information .
Support online payment .
The prescription supports patients to choose to buy drugs by themselves or express home .
Online reviewer
Professional pharmacists will strictly review each online prescription , The approved prescription will be sent to the patient .
Those who fail to pass the audit , The pharmacist will enter the reason why the approval failed , The system will automatically remind the prescribing doctor to check .
Chronic disease management
Chronic disease management is provided by hospitals for patients discharged from offline physical medical institutions , Discharged patients can continue to enjoy the discharge follow-up provided by the hospital in the follow-up rehabilitation process 、 Health education and other services .
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