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Swiftui 4 new features complete toggle and mixed toggle multiple binding components
2022-07-01 20:01:00 【Knowledge fatness】
from SwiftUI 4 Start ,Toggle Views can now be bound to multiple values . Now we can use the following overload initializer to create switches for the set of values :
- isOn: Is a binding collection , Used to determine whether the switch is on 、 Close or mix .
- Label: It is a view that describes the purpose of switching .
There are two additional overload initializations :
The first parameter is titleKey( The key used to describe the switching localization title for switching purposes ), The second parameter is isOn( Make sure the switch is on 、 Closed or mixed binding collection )
The initializer above is similar to the previous one , It just needs a string instead of titleKeyinit .title
Multiple bindings
As mentioned earlier ,toggle Multi value binding is now supported , So let's look at an example . We will show from HomeSecurity The data structure of the use case begins .
struct HomeSecurity: Hashable, Identifiable {
var id = UUID()
var armed: Bool
var name: String
Let's add an extension to this structure and add some sample data to use :
extension HomeSecurity {
static var exampleData: [HomeSecurity] = [
.init(armed: false, name: "Garage Door"),
.init(armed: true, name: "Front Door"),
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