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Colorbar of using vertexehelper to customize controls (II)
2022-07-07 09:22:00 【heater404】
One 、 Realization ColorBar
What is? ColorBar??? Go straight to the renderings :
A set of data is mapped to a set of colors , Similar to pseudo color map . First we need to prepare a set of colors , We can choose HSV Color model ,HSV The color model is not explained in detail here , Students who don't know can learn by themselves .
So how to fill the vertex with color ? We can use rectangular vertices , The two vertices on the rectangle use the same color , The two vertices under the rectangle use the same color , The two vertices below this rectangle will coincide with the two vertices above the next rectangle .
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="h">0-1</param>
/// <param name="s">0-1</param>
/// <param name="v">0-1</param>
/// <returns></returns>
private Color HSVToRGB(float h)
return Color.HSVToRGB(h, 1, 1);
protected override void OnPopulateMesh(VertexHelper vh)
var rect = this.GetPixelAdjustedRect();
var count = 15;// Define the number of rectangles , The more the number, the finer the color , But the greater the computational power . The corresponding color value will +1.
var posStep = (rect.yMax - rect.yMin) / count;
var colorStep = (1f - 0f) / count;// stay 0-1 Intermediate interpolation count-1 individual It has a total of count+1 A color is worth
// Of course , You may not need h stay 0-1 The scope of the You can modify the maximum and minimum values by yourself .
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
UIVertex[] verts = new UIVertex[4];
verts[0].position = new Vector3(rect.xMin, rect.yMin + i * posStep);
verts[0].color = HSVToRGB(i * colorStep);
verts[0].uv0 = Vector2.zero;
verts[1].position = new Vector3(rect.xMax, rect.yMin + i * posStep);
verts[1].color = HSVToRGB(i * colorStep);
verts[1].uv0 = Vector2.zero;
verts[2].position = new Vector3(rect.xMax, rect.yMin + (i + 1) * posStep);
verts[2].color = HSVToRGB((i + 1) * colorStep);
verts[2].uv0 = Vector2.zero;
verts[3].position = new Vector3(rect.xMin, rect.yMin + (i + 1) * posStep);
verts[3].color = HSVToRGB((i + 1) * colorStep);
verts[3].uv0 = Vector2.zero;
Next, we will add a graduation mark to the color . In order to reserve a position on the left side for the graduation mark , We cannot set the vertex position to xMin, So we changed it to this :
public class CreateRectangle : Graphic
int count = 15;// Define the number of rectangles , The more the number, the finer the color , But the greater the computational power . The corresponding color value will +1.
float hMin = 0;
float hMax = 1;
float leftMargin = 60;
protected override void Start()
IEnumerator MUpdateGeometry()
while (true)
yield return new WaitForSeconds(2);
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="h">0-1</param>
/// <param name="s">0-1</param>
/// <param name="v">0-1</param>
/// <returns></returns>
private Color HSVToRGB(float h)
return Color.HSVToRGB(h, 1, 1);
protected override void OnPopulateMesh(VertexHelper vh)
var rect = this.GetPixelAdjustedRect();
var posStep = (rect.yMax - rect.yMin) / count;
var colorStep = (hMax - hMin) / count;// stay 0-1 Intermediate interpolation count-1 individual It has a total of count+1 A color is worth
// Of course , You may not need h stay 0-1 The scope of the You can modify the maximum and minimum values by yourself .
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
UIVertex[] verts = new UIVertex[4];
verts[0].position = new Vector3(rect.xMin + leftMargin, rect.yMin + i * posStep);
verts[0].color = HSVToRGB(i * colorStep);
verts[0].uv0 = Vector2.zero;
verts[1].position = new Vector3(rect.xMax, rect.yMin + i * posStep);
verts[1].color = HSVToRGB(i * colorStep);
verts[1].uv0 = Vector2.zero;
verts[2].position = new Vector3(rect.xMax, rect.yMin + (i + 1) * posStep);
verts[2].color = HSVToRGB((i + 1) * colorStep);
verts[2].uv0 = Vector2.zero;
verts[3].position = new Vector3(rect.xMin + leftMargin, rect.yMin + (i + 1) * posStep);
verts[3].color = HSVToRGB((i + 1) * colorStep);
verts[3].uv0 = Vector2.zero;
We will use a tick mark Text On the left side , So we created a preform :
This prefabricated body Width We will set the width of the reserved position , The height will not change , then PosX It can be calculated to be fixed , Calculated according to the actual position PosY that will do .
public class CreateRectangle : Graphic
int count = 15;// Define the number of rectangles , The more the number, the finer the color , But the greater the computational power . The corresponding color value will +1.
float hMin = 0;
float hMax = 1;
float leftMargin = 60;
float markMax = 6000;
float markMin = 0;
GameObject markTextPrefab;
protected override void Start()
markTextPrefab = InitMarkTextPrefab();
IEnumerator MUpdateGeometry()
while (true)
yield return new WaitForSeconds(2);
private GameObject InitMarkTextPrefab()
var prefab = (GameObject)Resources.Load("MarkText", typeof(GameObject));
var x = this.gameObject.GetComponent<RectTransform>().rect.width / 2 - leftMargin / 2;
prefab.GetComponent<RectTransform>().rect.Set(-x, 0, leftMargin, 20);
return prefab;
private void CreateOneMarkText(float yPos, string msg, string name)
var markText = (GameObject)Instantiate(markTextPrefab);
markText.name = "MarkText" + name;
var originRect = markText.GetComponent<RectTransform>().rect;
markText.GetComponent<RectTransform>().rect.Set(originRect.x, yPos, originRect.width, originRect.height);
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="h">0-1</param>
/// <param name="s">0-1</param>
/// <param name="v">0-1</param>
/// <returns></returns>
private Color HSVToRGB(float h)
return Color.HSVToRGB(h, 1, 1);
protected override void OnPopulateMesh(VertexHelper vh)
var rect = this.GetPixelAdjustedRect();
var posStep = (rect.yMax - rect.yMin) / count;
var colorStep = (hMax - hMin) / count;// stay 0-1 Intermediate interpolation count-1 individual It has a total of count+1 A color is worth
// Of course , You may not need h stay 0-1 The scope of the You can modify the maximum and minimum values by yourself .
var markStep = (markMax - markMin) / count;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
UIVertex[] verts = new UIVertex[4];
var y0 = rect.yMin + i * posStep;
var h0 = i * colorStep;
verts[0].position = new Vector3(rect.xMin + leftMargin, y0);
verts[0].color = HSVToRGB(h0);
verts[0].uv0 = Vector2.zero;
verts[1].position = new Vector3(rect.xMax, y0);
verts[1].color = HSVToRGB(h0);
verts[1].uv0 = Vector2.zero;
CreateOneMarkText(y0, (i * markStep).ToString(), i.ToString());
var y1 = y0 + posStep;
var h1 = h0 + colorStep;
verts[2].position = new Vector3(rect.xMax, y1);
verts[2].color = HSVToRGB(h1);
verts[2].uv0 = Vector2.zero;
verts[3].position = new Vector3(rect.xMin + leftMargin, y1);
verts[3].color = HSVToRGB(h1);
verts[3].uv0 = Vector2.zero;
CreateOneMarkText(y1, ((i + 1) * markStep).ToString(), (i + 1).ToString());
however , Something is wrong. !!!
Trying to add MarkText15 (UnityEngine.UI.Text) for graphic rebuild while we are already inside a graphic rebuild loop. This is not supported.
This is because : Instantiate a UI Control called graphic rebuild operation , and OnPopulateMesh(), The function is in graphic rebuild Called in the operation , So if in OnPopulateMesh(), Create a new UI Control, the system will prompt an error :graphic rebuild The operation is called circularly , So we need to use CO process operation (IEnumerator), After entering the process operation , Must be carried out immediately yield return new WaitForSeconds(0), Temporarily exit the current collaboration , Give Way graphic rebuild The operation is performed first .
So we need to put CreateOneMarkText It is modified as collaborative process :
IEnumerator CreateOneMarkText(float yPos, string msg, string name)
yield return new WaitForSeconds(0);
name = "MarkText" + name;
var markText = this.transform.Find(name)?.gameObject;
if (markText == null)
markText = (GameObject)Instantiate(markTextPrefab);
markText.name = name;
var x = this.gameObject.GetComponent<RectTransform>().rect.width / 2 - leftMargin / 2;
markText.GetComponent<RectTransform>().anchoredPosition = new Vector2(-x, yPos);
markText.GetComponent<Text>().text = msg + "-";
Then change the place called to :
StartCoroutine(CreateOneMarkText(y0, (i * markStep).ToString(), i.ToString()));
Two 、 Adding unit
After the above is completed, you will find a problem , The scale information at the bottom and top exceeds the size of the control , So we also need to leave a margin , Then we need to consider the location of the unit . We still need to give ColorBar Add a background , The complete code is as follows :
public class ColorBar : Graphic
public Color MarkTextColor;
public int UIVertexQuadCount = 15;// Define the number of rectangles , The more the number, the finer the color , But the greater the computational power . The corresponding color value will +1.
float hMin = 0;
float hMax = 1;
public float MarkTextWidth = 40;
public float MarkTextHeight = 16;
float markMax = 6000;
float markMin = 0;
GameObject markTextPrefab;
protected override void Start()
markTextPrefab = InitMarkTextPrefab();
IEnumerator MUpdateGeometry()
while (true)
yield return new WaitForSeconds(2);
private GameObject InitMarkTextPrefab()
var game = (GameObject)Resources.Load("MarkText", typeof(GameObject));
return game;
IEnumerator CreateOneMarkText(float yPos, string msg, string name)
yield return new WaitForSeconds(0);
name = "MarkText" + name;
var markText = this.transform.Find(name)?.gameObject;
if (markText == null)
markText = (GameObject)Instantiate(markTextPrefab);
markText.name = name;
var x = this.gameObject.GetComponent<RectTransform>().rect.width / 2 - MarkTextWidth / 2;
markText.GetComponent<RectTransform>().sizeDelta = new Vector2(MarkTextWidth, MarkTextHeight);
markText.GetComponent<RectTransform>().anchoredPosition = new Vector2(-x, yPos);
markText.GetComponent<Text>().text = msg;
markText.GetComponent<Text>().color = MarkTextColor;
private Color CreateOneColor(float h)
return Color.HSVToRGB(h, 1, 1);
protected override void OnPopulateMesh(VertexHelper vh)
var rect = this.GetPixelAdjustedRect();
float yMax, yMin;
yMax = rect.yMax - MarkTextHeight / 2;
// Because the company information needs to be reserved at the bottom , So add an extra space .
yMin = rect.yMin + MarkTextHeight / 2 + MarkTextHeight / 2;
var posStep = (yMax - yMin) / UIVertexQuadCount;
var colorStep = (hMax - hMin) / UIVertexQuadCount;// Intermediate interpolation count-1 individual It has a total of count+1 A color is worth
var markStep = (markMax - markMin) / UIVertexQuadCount;
// Adding unit
StartCoroutine(CreateOneMarkText(yMin - MarkTextHeight / 2, "mm", "unit"));
for (int i = 0; i < UIVertexQuadCount; i++)
UIVertex[] verts = new UIVertex[4];
var y0 = yMin + i * posStep;
var h0 = hMin + i * colorStep;
verts[0] = CreateOneUIVertex(new Vector2(rect.xMin + MarkTextWidth, y0), h0);
verts[1] = CreateOneUIVertex(new Vector2(rect.xMax, y0), h0);
var m0 = markMin + (i * markStep);
StartCoroutine(CreateOneMarkText(y0, m0.ToString() + "-", i.ToString()));
var y1 = y0 + posStep;
var h1 = h0 + colorStep;
verts[2] = CreateOneUIVertex(new Vector2(rect.xMax, y1), h1);
verts[3] = CreateOneUIVertex(new Vector2(rect.xMin + MarkTextWidth, y1), h1);
var m1 = m0 + markStep;
StartCoroutine(CreateOneMarkText(y1, m1.ToString() + "-", (i + 1).ToString()));
private UIVertex CreateOneUIVertex(Vector2 pos, float h)
UIVertex vert = new UIVertex();
vert.position = new Vector3(pos.x, pos.y);
vert.color = CreateOneColor(h);
vert.uv0 = Vector2.zero;
return vert;
3、 ... and 、 reflection
After adding units above, it seems to be over ??? No , In fact, we made a mistake above , That is, we drew a color band first , Then add a tick mark , How can it be wrong here ? Because the number of tick marks is not fixed , When the size of the control changes, the scale line will also need to change accordingly . therefore , Let's rearrange :
- We first have a mapping relationship between value and color
- We tile the value range linearly on the interface ( Axis ), The creation process of coordinate axis is roughly : Calculate the number of scales according to the height of a coordinate scale and the height of the coordinate axis , Then calculate the scale step with the coordinate axis range .
- After creating the coordinate axis, draw a color band according to the mapping relationship between value and color ( How many colors to draw depends on the number of scales )
therefore , Our code has changed a lot :
public class ColorBar : Graphic
public int UIVertexQuadNumBetweenTwoMarkText = 3;
const string MarkTextNameBase = "MarkText";
public string unit = "unknown";
readonly float[] MarkTabs = new float[] {
1, 2, 5 };
public Color MarkTextColor = Color.white;
public float MarkTextWidth = 40;
public float MarkTextHeight = 16;
private float markTextMax = 6200;
public Func<float, float, float, Color> CalcOneColor;
public float MarkTextMax
get {
return markTextMax; }
if (value > markTextMin)
markTextMax = value;
UpdateGeometry();// call OnPopulateMesh
private float markTextMin = 100;
public float MarkTextMin
get {
return markTextMin; }
if (value < markTextMax)
markTextMin = value;
UpdateGeometry();// call OnPopulateMesh
GameObject markTextPrefab;
protected override void Start()
markTextPrefab = InitMarkTextPrefab();
private GameObject InitMarkTextPrefab()
var game = (GameObject)Resources.Load("MarkText", typeof(GameObject));
return game;
void CreateOneMarkText(float yPos, string msg)
string name = MarkTextNameBase + msg;
var markText = this.transform.Find(name)?.gameObject;
if (markText == null)
markText = (GameObject)Instantiate(markTextPrefab);
markText.name = name;
var x = this.gameObject.GetComponent<RectTransform>().rect.width / 2 - MarkTextWidth / 2;
var rectTransform = markText.GetComponent<RectTransform>();
rectTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2(MarkTextWidth, MarkTextHeight);
rectTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(-x, yPos);
var text = markText.GetComponent<Text>();
text.text = msg;
text.color = MarkTextColor;
text.enabled = true;
IEnumerator CreateMarkTextUnit(float yPos, string msg)
yield return new WaitForSeconds(0);
CreateOneMarkText(yPos, msg);
IEnumerator CreateMarkText(float markTextYPos, float markText)
yield return new WaitForSeconds(0);
CreateOneMarkText(markTextYPos, markText.ToString() + "-");
IEnumerator DisableAllMarkTextWithoutUnit()
yield return new WaitForSeconds(0);
var children = this.GetComponentsInChildren<Text>();
foreach (var child in children)
if (child.name != MarkTextNameBase + unit)
child.enabled = false;
IEnumerator DestoryAllDisabledMarkText()
yield return new WaitForSeconds(0);
var children = this.GetComponentsInChildren<Text>();
foreach (var child in children)
if (!child.enabled)
private float CalcRealStartMarkText(float markText)
int basePrecision = 1;
while (markText < basePrecision || markText > basePrecision * 10)
if (markText < basePrecision)
basePrecision /= 10;
else if (markText > basePrecision * 10)
basePrecision *= 10;
basePrecision /= 10;
return Mathf.CeilToInt(markText / basePrecision) * basePrecision;
protected override void OnPopulateMesh(VertexHelper vh)
var rect = this.GetPixelAdjustedRect();
//ColorBar Coordinate position of rectangle ( Pixel unit )
float yMax, yMin, xMin, xMax;
yMax = rect.yMax - MarkTextHeight / 2;
// Because the company information needs to be reserved at the bottom , So add an extra space .
yMin = rect.yMin + MarkTextHeight / 2 + MarkTextHeight / 2;
xMin = rect.xMin + MarkTextWidth;
xMax = rect.xMax;
var markTextNum = CalcMarkTextNum(MarkTextHeight, yMax - yMin);
float markTextStep = CalcMarkTextStep(MarkTabs, markTextNum, markTextMax - markTextMin);
var rate = (yMax - yMin) / (markTextMax - markTextMin);
var realMarkTextMin = CalcRealStartMarkText(markTextMin);
// Adding unit
StartCoroutine(CreateMarkTextUnit(yMin - MarkTextHeight / 2, unit));
var markText = realMarkTextMin;
while (markText <= markTextMax)
// Current tick mark
var markTextYPos = (markText - markTextMin) * rate + yMin;
StartCoroutine(CreateMarkText(markTextYPos, markText));
// Due to the large span between the two graduation marks , Only draw a rectangle, and the color transition is not good , So here, draw several between the two tick marks
var uiVertexQuadStep = markTextStep / UIVertexQuadNumBetweenTwoMarkText;
for (int i = 0; i < UIVertexQuadNumBetweenTwoMarkText; i++)
// Previous tick mark
var markTextPre = markText - (i + 1) * uiVertexQuadStep;
if (markTextPre < markTextMin)
markTextPre = markTextMin;
var markTextYPosPre = (markTextPre - markTextMin) * rate + yMin;
var verts = CreateUIVertexQuad(xMin, xMax, markTextYPosPre, markTextYPos, markTextPre, markText);
if (markTextPre < markTextMin)
// Next tick mark
markText += markTextStep;
// Jumping here means that the scale line is greater than the maximum value , Those beyond the maximum scale line certainly do not need to be drawn
// The maximum scale line does not need to be drawn , It may not be the data accuracy we want
// But the color value corresponding to the maximum scale line needs to be drawn , It is equivalent to the minimum scale color value also needs to be drawn
var lastmarkText = markText - markTextStep;// This is the largest scale line drawn
var lastmarkTextYPos = (lastmarkText - markTextMin) * rate + yMin;
var lastverts = CreateUIVertexQuad(xMin, xMax, lastmarkTextYPos, yMax, lastmarkText, markTextMax);
private UIVertex[] CreateUIVertexQuad(float xMin, float xMax,
float yBottomPos, float yTopPos, float markBottom, float markTop)
UIVertex[] verts = new UIVertex[4];
verts[0] = CreateOneUIVertex(new Vector2(xMin, yBottomPos), markBottom);
verts[1] = CreateOneUIVertex(new Vector2(xMax, yBottomPos), markBottom);
verts[2] = CreateOneUIVertex(new Vector2(xMax, yTopPos), markTop);
verts[3] = CreateOneUIVertex(new Vector2(xMin, yTopPos), markTop);
return verts;
private UIVertex CreateOneUIVertex(Vector2 pos, float h)
UIVertex vert = new UIVertex();
vert.position = new Vector3(pos.x, pos.y);
if (CalcOneColor != null)
vert.color = CalcOneColor.Invoke(h, markTextMin, markTextMax);
vert.uv0 = Vector2.zero;
return vert;
/// <summary>
/// Calculate the number of tick marks , multiply 3 Because the interval between the scale marks is given
/// </summary>
/// <param name="markTextHeigh"> The height occupied by a scale line </param>
/// <param name="colorBarHeigh"> Length of the entire shaft </param>
/// <returns></returns>
private int CalcMarkTextNum(float markTextHeigh, float colorBarHeigh)
return Mathf.FloorToInt(colorBarHeigh / (markTextHeigh * 3));
/// <summary>
/// Find the best scale step
/// </summary>
/// <param name="markTab"> Provide an alternative step size base </param>
/// <param name="markNum"> Number of scales </param>
/// <param name="MarkTextRange"> The whole range that needs to be crossed </param>
/// <returns> Optimal step size </returns>
private float CalcMarkTextStep(float[] markTab, int markNum, float MarkTextRange)
float step = MarkTextRange / (markNum > 0 ? markNum : 1);
float markScale = 1;
float mark = markTab[0];
while (step < mark * markScale || step > mark * markScale * 10)
if (step < mark * markScale)
markScale /= 10;
else if (step > mark * markScale * 10)
markScale *= 10;
step /= markScale;
for (int i = 1; i < markTab.Length; i++)
if (Mathf.Abs(markTab[i] - step) < Mathf.Abs(mark - step))
mark = markTab[i];
return mark * markScale;
Considering that you want to make controls , So we wrote the mutable things in another user script :
public class CustomColorBar : MonoBehaviour
public ColorBar Bar;
public float Max
get {
return Bar.MarkTextMax; }
set {
Bar.MarkTextMax = value; }
public float Min
get {
return Bar.MarkTextMin; }
set {
Bar.MarkTextMin = value; }
// Use this for initialization
void Start()
Bar.CalcOneColor = CreateOneColor;
IEnumerator UpdateMaxAndMin()
while (true)
Min= Random.Range(0, 3000);
yield return new WaitForSeconds(5);
Max = Random.Range(Min, 7000);
yield return new WaitForSeconds(5);
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
private Color CreateOneColor(float value, float min, float max)
float hMin = 0, hMax = 0.80f;
var h = (hMax - hMin) / (max - min) * (value - min) + hMin;
return Color.HSVToRGB(h, 1, 1);
Four 、 Custom control
And then in Editor A script is added to the folder :
public class ColorBarMenu : MonoBehaviour
/// If you want to make Hierarchy Inside Gameobject Right click
/// This option appears in the pop-up dialog , You need to add this option to "GameObject" Under the table of contents
public static void AddColorBarInGameObject()
GameObject parent = null;
if (null != Selection.activeTransform)
parent = Selection.activeTransform.gameObject;
parent = null;
if ((null == parent) || (null == parent.GetComponentInParent<Canvas>()))
Canvas canvas = FindObjectOfType<Canvas>();
if (null == canvas)
Debug.LogError("AddColorBar : can not find a canvas in scene!");
parent = FindObjectOfType<Canvas>().gameObject;
GameObject prefab = Resources.Load("Prefabs/ColorBar") as GameObject;
if (null == prefab)
Debug.LogError("AddColorBar : Load ColorBar Error!");
GameObject colorBar;
if (null != parent)
colorBar = Instantiate(prefab, parent.transform);
colorBar = Instantiate(prefab);
if (null == colorBar)
Debug.LogError("AddColorBar : Instantiate ColorBar Error!");
Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(colorBar, "Created ColorBar");
colorBar.name = "ColorBar";
This script is to add this control directly by right clicking . All source code in :heater404/ColorBar (github.com)
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