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Tencent, which is good at to C, how to take advantage of Tencent's cloud market share in these industries?

2020-11-08 12:06:00 Noosphere

2018 year , Domestic major cloud manufacturers launched a fierce competition , Cloud has become the consensus of many enterprises . however , Different public cloud services have their own characteristics and advantages , So for many small and medium-sized enterprises , Whether to go to the cloud or not and which cloud service to choose is the first question to be understood . in addition , Good at To C How does Tencent take advantage of its existing advantages , use Tencent cloud Serve more enterprises ?

Why does Tencent embrace the industrial Internet ?

Lei Feng news ,1 month 16 Japan , The closing forum of the 5th Shenzhen business global conference was held in Tencent Binhai building ,300 Many deep business 、 Pearl merchants 、 Shanghai entrepreneurs and Tencent representatives discussed the way to develop enterprises in the cloud . Forum , Ma Huateng, chairman and CEO of Tencent, said :“ Shenzhen's open atmosphere , Let Tencent continue to grow , Make your dreams come true , The innovation that Shenzhen business has 、 Pragmatic and open features , Tencent also has the foundation to actively explore the road of transformation and upgrading .”


Ma Huateng, chairman and CEO of Tencent

He also combined the construction of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Bay area and the characteristics of Shenzhen business , Three thoughts are put forward , First of all , Embracing includes domestic and international situations 、 Changes in the macro environment and the direction of scientific and technological innovation ; second , From Shenzhen , Driving the regional economy from Dawan district to Pan Pearl River Delta ; Third , Using Hong Kong 、 Macao's position in line with international standards , Encourage more mainland enterprises in Hong Kong 、 Macao set up regional headquarters , And ship out to sea .

Ma Huateng further said , The reason why I put forward this thinking is that Tencent is also upgrading its strategic adjustment , Tencent is in 2015 It is called for “ Internet +”, Enabling traditional industries through the Internet , It turns out that it's not right , Industries should be equal , Learn from each other . Recently, we put forward the direction of taking root in the consumer Internet , Embrace industrial Internet . We want to be digital assistants in all walks of life , It's not business , It's about helping industries get on the fast track of the digital age , I hope they will be champions on their respective tracks .

Ma Huateng also shared the experience of communicating with entrepreneurs after Tencent embraced the industrial Internet . He said :“ I communicate with a lot of Entrepreneurs , They were very happy , I used to think ‘ Internet +’, They are being + Of , Today he thinks it's + Internet , He's a leading character , The Internet became one of his tools .”

Tang Daosheng, senior executive vice president of Tencent, also said , Tencent used to 20 I've been focusing on consumer Internet connectivity , We start with the connection between people and go to people and digital content 、 People and services , Today, we embrace the development of industrial Internet , Pay more attention to people and things 、 The connection of things . future , We can continue to take root in the consumer Internet , Through the technological capabilities accumulated in the consumer Internet for various industries , As a digital assistant .

Do SMEs really need to go to the cloud ?

Tang Daosheng pointed out in his speech at the forum that , As the demographic dividend fades away , Whether it's traditional industry or Internet industry , In fact, they face the challenge of the disappearance of demographic dividend . With the increasing cost of labor , The competition in each segment is also very fierce , We find that the development of the next generation of enterprises must rely on the efficiency dividend , Increasing per capita output is every enterprise in the future 20 Under the development of industrial Internet in, we must consider . This needs to be more refined through enterprise operation 、 Digital to improve efficiency .


Tang Daosheng, senior executive vice president of Tencent

As for the significance of cloud in enterprises , Tencent cloud Xie Yuefeng, vice president, used cost reduction to increase efficiency when answering questions on the spot 、 Security 、 Activate innovation to summarize . To be specific , Because the cloud is an elastic and scalable service , So the enterprise is very efficient when using it , It can reduce cost and increase efficiency . in addition , Network security and information security are the special concerns of many enterprises , It's also a big challenge , And security is a very professional thing , Tencent used to 20 Years of security experience is behind the very strong security experts and team , Therefore use Tencent cloud And it's more secure . Last , In the cloud security environment , New and creative things can be deployed quickly to try , And the cost is low , This helps to activate innovation .


Tencent cloud Xie Yuefeng, vice president

How to achieve the first in multiple cloud market segments ?

Lei feng network ( official account : Lei feng network )9 month 30 Reported Wednesday , Tencent announces major internal restructuring , This is Tencent time interval 6 The first large-scale internal structure adjustment in . According to the adjustment , Tencent has established cloud and smart industry business group (CSIG)、 Platform and content business group (PCG).

According to introducing ,CSIG There are mainly two parts , The first part focuses on Technology , Research on General Technology , Including clouds 、 Artificial intelligence 、 big data 、 Location services 、 Network security 、 Audio and video technology ; The other part is the establishment of a number of smart industry teams , Hope to work with partners to polish solutions for each industry .

According to Tang Daosheng , Tencent's industrial Internet is characterized by , our To  C The advantage is that there are many scenarios that reach users , There are small programs using wechat 、 official account 、QQ Browser's ability to reach users in multiple places , We hope to help all walks of life to better serve their customers . This is Tencent's past 20 Years of accumulated consumption of Internet capabilities of valuable services .

He also pointed out that , Although we have very strong technological capabilities , But the power of an enterprise is limited after all , Finally, the technology should be put into practice , We need a lot of partners to build ecology with us .


According to Xie Yuefeng , Tencent cloud After several years of construction , The ecology is getting better and better , There are four main types of partners , Include : Agency partners 、 Industry partners 、 Service partners 、 Consulting partners .


that , Tencent cloud What is the result so far ? Lei Feng understands Tencent cloud Global coverage 25 Geographical areas , Yes 50 Usable area , Global nodes surpass 1300 individual . It is worth mentioning that , Tencent cloud In the game class public cloud service market coverage first 、 The market share of e-commerce public cloud services ranks first 、 Video cloud traffic market share is the first 、 Information society 、 Transportation and other market share is also the first .

Which head companies are using Tencent cloud

Tencent Vice President 、 Tencent cloud President Qiu yuepeng introduced , adopt Tencent cloud Service ability , Tencent's layout in the industrial Internet has been carried out . at present Tencent cloud In medical treatment 、 retail 、 education 、 Industry 、 In the fields of Finance and real estate, more than 60+ Solution .


Tencent Vice President 、 Tencent cloud President Qiu yuepeng

He further introduced , Tencent cloud And the Guangdong provincial government “ Guangdong Province ” The applet has been launched 509 High frequency government services , Realization “ Fingertips ” Deal with , among 436 Item implementation “ You don't have to run once ”,70 term “ Run once at most ”, The number of real name registered users on the platform exceeds 500 ten thousand .

In terms of culture and tourism, Yunnan and Tencent cloud It's a collaborative effort “ A mobile phone tour of Yunnan ” Applet , One stop solution to the problems encountered by passengers in the journey , And all the data from scenic spots to government affairs are connected through the big data platform , Government regulators 、 Activity data of scenic spots , All the data of tourists are unified on the platform at the first time , Improve the overall work efficiency .

Qiu yuepeng also revealed that Tencent cloud The next step of government service is to make good use of Tencent's technology and capabilities to help Guangdong Province improve its business environment .

Financial field , Tencent cloud More than 6000 home , Include 150 Many banks and dozens of insurance companies and securities companies . Qiu yuepeng pointed out that , Webank is Tencent cloud The first partner in the field of Finance , It is also the first comprehensive application of distributed structure in China's banking industry IT The problem of funds in the bank , Today's Micro banks IT It costs less than big banks 1/10.

in addition ,2018 year Tencent cloud The bank wide big data platform and stroke control solution cooperated with Bank of China , Online three months to reduce hundreds of millions of network fraud losses . also , Tencent cloud We have cooperated with China Construction Bank to create the largest proprietary cloud in the industry .

There are also typical cases of the combination of industry and cloud computing , Csot used to produce a panel that needed 100 Multiple processes , utilize Tencent cloud , Applied computer vision AI The ability of , People used to 8 The hour shift was replaced by AI 24 Hours of continuous quality inspection , Prior to this, human quality inspection needed 3 Second , Now? AI 15 The quality inspection can be finished in milliseconds .

Of course , While constantly helping all walks of life to embrace the industrial Internet , Tencent cloud We also work with partners to explore the transformation and upgrading of enterprises “ Deep Water ”. Xie Yuefeng said , Tencent cloud The capabilities of Tencent are mainly concentrated in the underlying cloud computing capabilities and Tencent accumulated AI And big data capabilities , And finally reach the billion level C End user capabilities .

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