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ROS Action communication

2022-07-31 01:10:00 2021 Nqq

应用场景:Requires use of service communication,But timely feedback is required.

在ROS中提供了actionlib功能包集,用于实现 action 通信.action 是一种Similar to service communication的实现,Its implementation model is also included请求和响应,但是不同的是,during the request and response process,The server can also continuously feedback the current task progress,Clients can receive continuous feedback and can also cancel tasks.

  • goal:目标任务
  • cacel:取消任务
  • status:服务端状态
  • result:最终执行结果(只会发布一次)
  • feedback:continuous feedback(可以发布多次)


服务端 action01_server.cpp

/* 需求: 创建两个ROS节点,服务器和客户端, The client can send target data to the serverN(一个整型数据) The server will calculate1到N之间所有整数的和,This is a cyclic accumulation process,返回给客户端, This is based on the request-response pattern, It is also known that the server is a time-consuming operation from receiving a request to generating a response,Time-consuming for each accumulation0.1s, 为了良好的用户体验,Requires the server to be in the calculation process, 每累加一次,Just give the client a response to the execution progress in percentage format,使用action实现. 流程: 1.包含头文件; 2.初始化ROS节点; 3.创建 NodeHandle; 4.创建 action 服务对象; 5.处理请求(a. Parse the submitted target value;b. Generate continuous feedback;c. Final result response)Generate feedback and responses; 回调函数实现 6.spin()回旋 */

// 重命名
typedef actionlib::SimpleActionServer<demo01_action::AddIntsAction> Server;

// 5.处理请求(a. Parse the submitted target value;b. Generate continuous feedback;c. Final result response)——回调函数实现 客户端提供的goal 和 服务端的server对象
void cb(const demo01_action::AddIntsGoalConstPtr &goalPtr,Server* server){
    // a. Parse the submitted target value
    int goal_num = goalPtr->num;
    ROS_INFO("The target value submitted by the client is :%d",goal_num);
    // b. Generate continuous feedback 累加
    ros::Rate rate(10);// 10Hz
    int result = 0;
    ROS_INFO("Start continuous feedback.....");
    for(int i = 1; i <= goal_num; i++)
        // 累加
        result += i;
        // 休眠
        // Generate continuous feedback
        // void publishFeedback(const demo01_action::AddIntsFeedback &feedback)
        demo01_action::AddIntsFeedback fb;
        fb.progress_bar = i / (double)goal_num;
    // c. Final result response
    demo01_action::AddIntsResult r;
    r.result = result;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    // 2.初始化ROS节点;
    ros::init(argc,argv,"addInts_server");// 节点
    // 3.创建 NodeHandle;
    ros::NodeHandle nh;
    // 4.创建 action 服务对象;
    /* SimpleActionServer(ros::NodeHandle n, NodeHandle std::string name, 话题名称 boost::function<void (const demo01_action::AddIntsGoalConstPtr &)> execute_callback, 回调函数 bool auto_start 是否自动启动 参数1: NodeHandle 参数2: 话题名称 参数3: 回调函数 参数4: 是否自动启动 */
    Server server(nh,"addInts",boost::bind(&cb,_1,&server),false); // 话题,_1is used to occupy space,传入的是回调函数goal的参数
    server.start();// 如果 atuto_start 为false, Then you need to manually call this function to start the service
    // 6.spin()回旋
    return 0;

客户端 action02_client.cpp

#include "ros/ros.h"
// 创建客户端对象
#include "actionlib/client/simple_action_client.h"
#include "demo01_action/AddIntsAction.h"

/* 需求: 创建两个ROS节点,服务器和客户端, The client can send target data to the serverN(一个整型数据) The server will calculate1到N之间所有整数的和,This is a cyclic accumulation process,返回给客户端, This is based on the request-response pattern, It is also known that the server is a time-consuming operation from receiving a request to generating a response,Time-consuming for each accumulation0.1s, 为了良好的用户体验,Requires the server to be in the calculation process, 每累加一次,Just give the client a response to the execution progress in percentage format,使用action实现. 流程: 1.包含头文件; 2.初始化ROS节点; 3.创建 NodeHandle; 4.创建 action 客户端对象; 5.发送请求 a. 连接建立: --- 回调函数 b. Handle continuous feedback:--- 回调函数 c. Process the final response:--- 回调函数 6.spin(). */
typedef actionlib::SimpleActionClient<demo01_action::AddIntsAction> Client;

// Callback when the response is successful,处理最终结果(第3步)状态、The result is litigation
void done_cb(const actionlib::SimpleClientGoalState &state, const demo01_action::AddIntsResultConstPtr &result){
    // 响应是否成功
    if (state.state_ == state.SUCCEEDED)
        ROS_INFO("响应成功,最终结果 = %d",result->result);
    } else {

// 激活回调,Service has been activated(第1步)
void active_cb(){
    ROS_INFO("The connection between the client and the server is established....");
// A callback for continuous feedback,Handle continuous feedback(第2步)
void feedback_cb(const demo01_action::AddIntsFeedbackConstPtr &feedback){

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    // 2.初始化ROS节点
    // 3.创建 NodeHandle
    ros::NodeHandle nh;
    // 4.创建 action 客户端对象
    // SimpleActionClient(ros::NodeHandle & n, const std::string & name, bool spin_thread = true)
    actionlib::SimpleActionClient<demo01_action::AddIntsAction> client(nh,"addInts");// 话题
    // 5.发送请求
    // 注意: 判断服务器状态,等待服务启动
        // a. 连接建立: --- 回调函数
        // b. Handle continuous feedback:--- 回调函数
        // c. Process the final response:--- 回调函数
    /* void sendGoal(const demo01_action::AddIntsGoal &goal, boost::function<void (const actionlib::SimpleClientGoalState &state, const demo01_action::AddIntsResultConstPtr &result)> done_cb,Process the final response boost::function<void ()> active_cb, 连接建立 boost::function<void (const demo01_action::AddIntsFeedbackConstPtr &feedback)> feedback_cb) Process feedback */
   // 参数1: 设置目标值
    demo01_action::AddIntsGoal goal;
    goal.num = 100;

    // 6.spin().
    return 0;

服务端 action01_server_p.py

#! /usr/bin/env python

""" 需求: 创建两个ROS 节点,服务器和客户端, The client can send target data to the serverN(一个整型数据)The server will calculate 1 到 N 之间所有整数的和, This is a cyclic accumulation process,返回给客户端,This is based on the request-response pattern, It is also known that the server is a time-consuming operation from receiving a request to generating a response,Time-consuming for each accumulation0.1s, 为了良好的用户体验,Requires the server to be in the calculation process, 每累加一次,Just give the client a response to the execution progress in percentage format,使用 action实现. 流程: 1.导包 2.初始化 ROS 节点 3.Use class encapsulation alone, 4.类中创建 action 服务端对象 5.处理请求(a.Parse the target value b. Send continuous feedback c. Respond to the final result)--- 回调函数 6.spin()回旋 """
import rospy
import actionlib
from demo01_action.msg import *

# 4.类中创建 action 服务端对象
# 5.处理请求(a.Parse the target value b. Send continuous feedback c. Respond to the final result)--- 回调函数
class MyAction:
    def __init__(self):
        #SimpleActionServer(name, ActionSpec, execute_cb=None, auto_start=True)
        self.server = actionlib.SimpleActionServer("addInts",AddIntsAction,self.cb,False)

    # 回调函数
    # 参数: 目标值
    def cb(self,goal):
        # a.Parse the target value
        goal_num = goal.num
        # b.循环累加,continuous feedback
        rate = rospy.Rate(10)
        sum = 0 # Accepts the summation result variable
        for i in range(1,goal_num + 1):
            # 累加
            sum = sum + i
            # Send continuous feedback
            fb_obj = AddIntsFeedback()
            fb_obj.progress_bar = i / goal_num
        # c.Respond to the final result
        result = AddIntsResult()
        result.result = sum        

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # 2.初始化 ROS 节点
    # 3.Use class encapsulation alone
    myAction = MyAction()
    # 6.spin()回旋

客户端 action02_client_p.py

#! /usr/bin/env python

""" 需求: 创建两个ROS 节点,服务器和客户端, The client can send target data to the serverN(一个整型数据)The server will calculate 1 到 N 之间所有整数的和, This is a cyclic accumulation process,返回给客户端,This is based on the request-response pattern, It is also known that the server is a time-consuming operation from receiving a request to generating a response,Time-consuming for each accumulation0.1s, 为了良好的用户体验,Requires the server to be in the calculation process, 每累加一次,Just give the client a response to the execution progress in percentage format,使用 action实现. 流程: 1.导包 2.初始化 ROS 节点 3.Use class encapsulation alone, 4.类中创建 action 服务端对象 5.处理请求(a.Parse the target value b. Send continuous feedback c. Respond to the final result)--- 回调函数 6.spin()回旋 """
import rospy
import actionlib
from demo01_action.msg import *

# 4.类中创建 action 服务端对象
# 5.处理请求(a.Parse the target value b. Send continuous feedback c. Respond to the final result)--- 回调函数
class MyAction:
    def __init__(self):
        #SimpleActionServer(name, ActionSpec, execute_cb=None, auto_start=True)
        self.server = actionlib.SimpleActionServer("addInts",AddIntsAction,self.cb,False)

    # 回调函数
    # 参数: 目标值
    def cb(self,goal):
        # a.Parse the target value
        goal_num = goal.num
        # b.循环累加,continuous feedback
        rate = rospy.Rate(10)
        sum = 0 # Accepts the summation result variable
        for i in range(1,goal_num + 1):
            # 累加
            sum = sum + i
            # Send continuous feedback
            fb_obj = AddIntsFeedback()
            fb_obj.progress_bar = i / goal_num
        # c.Respond to the final result
        result = AddIntsResult()
        result.result = sum        

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # 2.初始化 ROS 节点
    # 3.Use class encapsulation alone
    myAction = MyAction()
    # 6.spin()回旋

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