安装完成 Rust 之后,我们可以编写 Rust 的 Hello Word.这里介绍两种方式,一种是rust原生方式,一种是利用 cargo 工具(重要)
1、rustc 方式
1.1 创建项目目录
rust The run doesn't care about the directory where the code resides,We can arbitrarily choose a suitable location,创建一个目录.
比如:We create a directory named rust_helloword
mkdir rust_helloword
1.2 编写rust程序
rust 的源文件后缀是 .rs .So we are in the first created project directory,创建一个 main.rs 文件.
然后在 main.rs 文件中写入如下代码:
fn main(){
println!("Hello World!");
1.3 编译并运行 rust 程序
在创建的 main.rs 文件目录下,输入如下命令:
rustc main.rs
执行之后,会在当前目录下生成一个 main 的可执行文件.
PS:windows 是生成 main.exe 可执行文件;Linux/Mac 是生成 main 文件.
After running, it will print out in the window Hello World!
至此,我们完成了第一个 Rust 程序的编写.
cargo 英文文档:https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/
Cargo 是 Rust 的构建系统和包管理器.大多数 Rustacean(The word is derived from the word crustaceanCrustacean[[krʌ'steʃən]],Removed initialsC,evolved,表示 rust 开发者) 使用 Cargo 来管理 Rust 项目,因为它可以为你处理很多任务,比如构建代码、下载依赖库并编译这些库.
More complex in writing rust 程序时,A lot of dependencies will be used,如果使用 Cargo 来启动项目,会简单很多.
2.1 检查cargo安装
注意:在安装 rust 时,We are installed rustup,这会自动安装 Cargo,So we won't introduce how to install it here cargo.
cargo --version
分别是 cargo 【版本号】(【哈希码】 【发布时间】)
2.2 创建项目
cargo new hello_cargo
The command automatically creates one hello_cargo 目录,It contains two files and a directory:一个 Cargo.toml 文件,一个 src 目录,以及位于 src 目录中的 main.rs 文件.
2.3 文件介绍
name = "hello_cargo"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Your Name <[email protected]>"]
edition = "2018"
这是 Cargo的配置文件,使用 TOML (Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language)语法
,是一个片段(section)标题,表明下面的语句用来配置一个包.随着我们在这个文件增加更多的信息,Additional snippets will be added(section).
The next four lines are set Cargo 编译程序所需的配置:项目的名称、版本、Author and what to use Rust 版本.Cargo Get your name and email 信息,So if this information is incorrect,Please modify and save this file.
,Dependencies for writing projects(类似Maven、GradleDependencies written inside).在 Rust 中,代码包被称为 crates.这个项目并不需要其他的 crate.
fn main() {
println!("Hello, world!");
Cargo 为我们生成了一个 “Hello, world!” 程序,rust native way with Cargo The difference in generating the project is Cargo 将代码放在 src 目录,At the same time the project root directory contains a Cargo.toml 配置文件.
Cargo Expect source files to be stored in src 目录中.The project root directory is only stored README、license 信息、Configuration files and other files not related to code.使用 Cargo Helps you keep your projects clean and tidy,一切井井有条.
如果没有使用 Cargo 开始项目,比如我们创建的 Hello,world! 项目,It can be turned into one Cargo 项目:将代码放入 src 目录,并创建一个合适的 Cargo.toml 文件.
2.4 构建并运行项目
cargo bulid
This command will create an executable file target/debug/hello_cargo (在 Windows 上是 target\debug\hello_cargo.exe),rather than in the current directory.
Execute and run the executable file generated in the previous step.
如果一切顺利,It should print out on the terminal Hello, world!
.首次运行 cargo build
时,也会使 Cargo Create a new file in the project root directory:Cargo.lock.这个文件记录项目依赖的实际版本.This project has no dependencies,So its content is relatively small.
In principle, you never need to touch this file yourself,让 Cargo 处理它就行了.
2.5 cargo run
我们刚刚使用 cargo build
构建了项目,并使用 ./target/debug/hello_cargo
运行了程序,也可以使用 cargo run
Compile and run the resulting executable simultaneously in one command:
Note that this time no indication appears Cargo 正在编译 hello_cargo
的输出.Cargo Found that the file has not been changed,Just run the binary directly.If the source file has been modified,Cargo will rebuild the project before running,and an output like this will appear:
2.6 cargo check
cargo check This command quickly checks the code to make sure it compiles,But no executable is produced.
Why would you not need an executable?
通常 cargo check
要比 cargo build
快得多,Because it omits the step of generating the executable.If you keep checking as you write code,cargo check
will speed up development!为此很多 Rustaceans Run periodically while writing code cargo check
Make sure they compile.Runs only when the executable is ready to use cargo build
2.7 发布(release)构建
When the project is finally ready for release,可以使用 cargo build --release
来优化编译项目.这会在 target/release 而不是 target/debug 下生成可执行文件.These optimizations allow Rust 代码运行的更快,不过启用这些优化也需要消耗更长的编译时间.That's why there are two different configurations:One is for development,你需要经常快速重新构建;
The other is to build the final program for the user,它们不会经常重新构建,并且希望程序运行得越快越好.
If you are testing the runtime of your code,请确保运行 cargo build --release
并使用 target/release The executable file below is tested.
For simple projects, Cargo 并不比 rustc
provides more advantages,However, as the development progresses,Its advantages will increase.对于拥有多个 crate of complex projects,交给 Cargo To coordinate the build will be much simpler.
So we will do it during the development process Cargo as a habit.