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Summary of rendering of water wave and caustics (etching) in webgl

2020-11-08 16:10:00 Trees of wood


What is caustics caustics

Caustics are light from the surface ( In our case, it's air / Water interface ) The mode of light that appears when refracted and reflected .

Due to reflection and refraction on water waves , Water acts as a dynamic magnifying glass , These patterns of light formed .

Blog Garden is rubbish , It's too cumbersome to upload pictures , Forget it , Let's take a look at my Youdao share


file :WebGL Water waves and caustics ( Etching ) Rendering summary of .n...
link :http://note.youdao.com/noteshare?id=9c49c743f0eb357f2298a9f70216cc3f&sub=872B35E249BA4F5A9C79E5AFE6F70218


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