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About the problem of APP flash back after appium starts the app - (solved)

2022-07-07 13:02:00 Full stack husky

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But I hope the wind and rain will come , I can keep you here .

Author's brief introduction : Husky who yearns for power , You can call me Siberian Husky , One devoted to TFS - The whole stack Empowered bloggers
CSDN Blog expert certification 、 Nova plan Season 3 full stack track top_1 、 Huawei cloud sharing expert 、 Alibaba cloud expert Blogger
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Introduction background

In writing blog appium At the time of the case , The following scene appears : When passed python Script Realization appium Of APP In the end automation scenario , After starting the tested app After that ,APP Flash back after startup . as follows :

Abnormal analysis

Try this to analyze the error log , To no avail .

Try to find previous cases on the Internet , To no avail .

… Too many fruitless , And waste time .

There's a big guy to mention something , Probably because app Safety reinforcement of , After all appium 、selenium Plus the simulator , This is a conventional reptile crawl app operation …

so… Forget it , Don't digress , Keep going .

Finally, look at the startup parameters of the script , as follows :

#  Launch parameters 
desired_caps = {
    }       #  Definition  desired_caps  Variable , Used to assign a lot of startup information 
desired_caps['platformName'] = 'Android'    #  Equipment name 、 System is  "Android"
desired_caps['platformVersion'] = '7.1.2'   #  Here is the setup center of the night God simulator to view the Android version  "7.1.2" , Later, I will tell you how to switch versions 
desired_caps['deviceName'] = ''     #  If it is a real machine, fill in the equipment name ; Because we use simulators , Fill in IP Port number 
desired_caps['appPackage'] = 'com.baidu.searchbox'     # APP  The package name ; Here we use the address book 
desired_caps['appActivity'] = 'com.baidu.searchbox.SplashActivity'    #  The name of the launched interface ( Or the startup name , The default is  "."  At the beginning )

About the sixth and seventh lines : This is a required parameter for the startup parameter , If we log out these two lines of parameters , Then start it manually in the simulator app , Is it possible to bypass this error reporting problem when running scripts ?

The operation results are as follows :


This solution is not so friendly , After all, he needs to start it manually app , Instead of starting through a script app. It seems very stupid , It can only be regarded as a bad way . Later, if I find a solution, I will update .

If any boss knows how to solve this problem , Please give me some advice .


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