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Live Preview | KDD2022 Doctoral Dissertation Award Champion and Runner-up Dialogue
2022-07-31 02:13:00 【AITIME on Taoism】
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KDD 2022 博士论文奖The winning results have been announced,来自斯坦福大学的Rex Ying(Ying Zhitao)Received doctoral dissertation awardWINNER 奖,Qiu Jiezhong, Tsinghua University获得Runner Up 奖 .
KDD,The full name of the International Conference on Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery,是数据挖掘领域历史最悠久、规模最大的国际顶级学术会议,也是首个引入大数据、数据科学、Forecast analysis of the concept of meeting.会议自1995年举办第一届以来,今年的 KDD 大会是第 28 届,会议将于 8月14日-18Held at the Washington Convention Center.KDD2022The results of the acceptance of the paper have been announced earlier,共收到 2448 篇投稿,其中 449 篇被接收,接收率为 18.3%.
8月3日10:30,We are honored to have invited aRex Ying(Ying Zhitao)、Two speakers from Tsinghua University Qiu Jiezhong brought wonderful sharing to everyone!
Dialogue Questions Sneak Peek:
“ What is the most impressive submission experience??Do you have any submission experience to share with you??
How to plan your PhD research career?Can you use one key word or one sentence to sum up your biggest insights during your Ph.D.?
After reading the blog,What research is planned for the future?Can you briefly describe the currentAIResearch hotspots and difficult issues in the field,What are the issues worth investigating?”
* 嘉宾简介 *
Rex Ying(Ying Zhitao):
Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Yale University,kumo.ai的创始工程师.主要研究方向为AIAlgorithms and applications of machine learning on graph data structures,包括图神经网络,表示学习,Geometric deep learning, etc.He is the author of many algorithms commonly used in the field of graph learning,包括GraphSAGE, PinSage, GNNExplainer等.Rex在社交网络,推荐系统,生物计算,Design and implement map learning algorithms in application scenarios such as physical simulation;his framePinterest,Amazonand many other companies have been applied and deployed.Rex是LoG 2022的领域主席,并且在KDD, ICML, ICLR, NeurIPSand other conferences to hold graph learning and applicationWorkshopand competition.Rex于2022年1Received Ph.D. in Computer Science from Stanford University,导师是Jure Leskovec.
腾讯高级研究员,His main research interests are algorithm design and representation learning for graph data..His work on graph representation learning NetMF 和 GCC 分别是是 WSDM'18 和 KDD'20 The second most cited and most cited paper in the conference of the year.他曾获得 2018 MSRA Microsoft Scholar Nominee Award、2022 Outstanding Graduates of Beijing、2022 清华大学优秀毕业论文.他于 2022 年 1 Received a Ph.D. degree from the Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University,导师为唐杰教授.
* 主持人简介 *
First-year graduate student of the Department of Computer Science, Tsinghua University,The main research direction is large-scale pre-trained language model training and knowledge graph construction、representation and reasoning.他在KDD, ACL, WWW, TKDEPublished several papers in conference journals,The main work includes pre-training model prompt learningP-Tuning系列工作,以及获得WWW 2022Best Paper Nominated Self-Supervised Entity Alignment WorkSelfKG.他曾获2020年CCFNational Outstanding College Student Award,2021Outstanding Graduation Thesis for Undergraduates of Tsinghua University,Rewards for Outstanding Undergraduate Graduates of the Department of Computer Science of Tsinghua University.导师为唐杰教授.
* 活动安排 *
10:30-10:50 报告分享
报告人:Rex Ying(Ying Zhitao)
报告题目:Towards Expressive and Scalable Deep Representation Learning for Graphs
10:50-11:10 报告分享
报告题目:Graph Representation Learning: Spectral Theory and Self-supervised Learning
11:10-12:10 Champion and runner-up dialogue
嘉宾:Rex Ying(Ying Zhitao)、裘捷中
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