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221. Largest Square
2022-07-31 01:52:00 【ZNineSun】
今天继续给大家分享一道动态规划类型的题目,However, the state transition equation of this topic is more difficult to understand,I will give you a detailed analysis
在一个由 ‘0’ 和 ‘1’ 组成的二维矩阵内,找到只包含 ‘1’ 的最大正方形,并返回其面积.
本题思路很简单,直接暴力解决,两个for循环遍历,Traverse all the way to the bottom right node,Then find an area maximum,Because the time complexity is too high,Also sorry for our IQ(PS:Just listen to my bragging,In the real written test or interview, you must use the fastest speed to solve it,只要能AC就是厉害),Next we discuss the solution of dynamic programming.
我们定义dp[i][j],表示以(i,j)为右下角的,且只包含 1 的正方形的边长最大值
通俗来讲,Like the corresponding square under the red area shown above,Of course the square might not be that big,I just drew a random one for everyone to understand the meaning of the lower right corner.
如果我们能计算出所有 dp(i,j) 的值,那么其中的最大值即为矩阵中只包含 1 的正方形的边长最大值,其平方即为最大正方形的面积.
那么如何计算 dp 中的每个元素值呢?对于每个位置 (i, j),检查在矩阵中该位置的值:
- 如果该位置的值是 0,则 dp(i, j) = 0,因为当前位置不可能在由 1 组成的正方形中;
- 如果该位置的值是 1,则 dp(i,j) 的值由其上方、左方和左上方的三个相邻位置的 dp 值决定.具体而言,当前位置的元素值等于三个相邻位置的元素中的最小值加 1,状态转移方程如下:
Let me help you understand why the minimum of these three is taken
说明EThe value in the area must be 0,否则的话CThe side length can be taken2了
如果Dthe side length ofA的边长+1,即D的边长=4,Then it consists of a large square,一定包含E区域,这就不合理了,Because the title requires that our squares must all be1
如果还是不理解,下面留言吧,实在不行,I have time to record a video to explain it to you.
If this is understood,代码就很简单了:
public int maximalSquare(char[][] matrix) {
int row = matrix.length;
int coloumn = matrix[0].length;
if (row <= 1 && coloumn <= 1) {
return matrix[0][0];
int[][] dp = new int[row][coloumn];
for (int r = 0; r < row; r++) {
for (int c = 0; c < coloumn; c++) {
if (matrix[r][c] == '0') {
dp[r][c] = 0;
} else {
if (r - 1 < 0 || c - 1 < 0) {
dp[r][c] = 1;
} else {
dp[r][c] = Math.min(Math.min(dp[r][c - 1], dp[r - 1][c]), dp[r - 1][c - 1]) + 1;
int max = dp[0][0];
for (int i = 0; i < row; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < coloumn; j++) {
max = Math.max(dp[i][j], max);
return max * max;
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