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Door level modeling - after class exercises
2022-07-01 23:33:00 【Jiangnan small workshop】
Using dual input nand door , use Verilog Write your own and or not gate , And verify the function of these doors with the excitation module .
And gate ,verilog Realization , Use three NAND gates
module my_add( output out, input a, input b ); wire w1,w2; nand na1(w1,a,b); nand na2(w2,a,b); nand na3(out,w1,w2); endmodule
RTL View
Simulation Implementation
The simulation results meet the and gate logic .
And gate ( The second way ),Verilog Realization , Two NAND gates
module my_and( output out, input a, input b ); wire w1; nand na1(w1,a,b); nand na2(out,w1,w1); endmodule
RTL View
Simulation results
Or gate ,verilog Realization
// Build or gate module my_or( output out, input a, input b ); // Input short circuit wire w1,w2; nand (w1,a,a); nand (w2,b,b); nand (out,w1,w2); endmodule
Simulation verification
Not gate , It's very simple , Just short-circuit the NAND gate , We don't have to verify them one by one . I didn't want to write my_not Of , As a result, the second question needs , Stick its code .
Use the definition in the above question my_and,my_or,my_not, To build an XOR gate (xor), Function calculation z = x ˉ y + x y ˉ z=\bar{x}y+x\bar{y} z=xˉy+xyˉ, Write simulation signal to test it .
verilog Realization
// comprehensive my_and,my_or,my_not module my_xor( output out, input a, input b ); // Declare intranet wire w1,w2,w3,w4; my_not my_not_1(w1,a); my_not my_not_2(w2,b); my_and my_and_1(w3,w1,b); my_and my_and_2(w4,w2,a); my_or my_or_1(out,w3,w4); endmodule
RTL View
Simulation design
// Simulation definition module my_xor_tb(); reg x,y; wire z; my_xor my_xor_inst(z,x,y); initial begin x=1'b0; y=1'b1; #10 x=1'b0; y=1'b0; #1 $display("x=%b,y=%b,z=%b\n",x,y,z); #10 x=1'b0; y=1'b1; #1 $display("x=%b,y=%b,z=%b\n",x,y,z); #10 x=1'b1; y=1'b0; #1 $display("x=%b,y=%b,z=%b\n",x,y,z); #10 x=1'b1; y=1'b1; #1 $display("x=%b,y=%b,z=%b\n",x,y,z); end endmodule
Simulation results , Satisfy XOR gate logic
Too lazy to type , The title is as follows
Verilog Realization
module my_fulladder( output sum, output c_out, input a, input b, input c_in ); wire a_1, b_1, c_in_1; wire s1, s2, s3, s4; wire c1, c2, c3; // First realize the not gate in the equation , And connect with the network defined above not (a_1, a); not (b_1, b); not (c_in_1, c_in); // Realize sum and (s1,a,b,c_in); and (s2,a_1,b,c_in_1); and (s3,a_1,b_1,c_in); and (s4,a,b_1,c_in_1); or (sum,s1,s2,s3,s4); // Realize c_out and (c1,a,b); and (c2,b,c_in); and (c3,a,c_in); or (c_out,c1,c2,c3); endmodule
RTL View
Simulation Implementation
module my_fulladder_tb(); reg A,B,C_IN; wire C_OUT,SUM; my_fulladder my_fulladder_inst(SUM, C_OUT, A, B, C_IN); initial begin A = 1'b0; B = 1'b0; C_IN = 1'b0; #10 A = 1'b0; B = 1'b0; C_IN = 1'b1; #1 $display("A=%b,B=%b,C_IN=%b,SUM=%b,C_OUT=%b\n", A, B, C_IN, SUM, C_OUT); #10 A = 1'b0; B = 1'b1; C_IN = 1'b0; #1 $display("A=%b,B=%b,C_IN=%b,SUM=%b,C_OUT=%b\n", A, B, C_IN, SUM, C_OUT); #10 A = 1'b0; B = 1'b1; C_IN = 1'b1; #1 $display("A=%b,B=%b,C_IN=%b,SUM=%b,C_OUT=%b\n", A, B, C_IN, SUM, C_OUT); #10 A = 1'b1; B = 1'b0; C_IN = 1'b0; #1 $display("A=%b,B=%b,C_IN=%b,SUM=%b,C_OUT=%b\n", A, B, C_IN, SUM, C_OUT); #10 A = 1'b1; B = 1'b0; C_IN = 1'b1; #1 $display("A=%b,B=%b,C_IN=%b,SUM=%b,C_OUT=%b\n", A, B, C_IN, SUM, C_OUT); #10 A = 1'b1; B = 1'b1; C_IN = 1'b0; #1 $display("A=%b,B=%b,C_IN=%b,SUM=%b,C_OUT=%b\n", A, B, C_IN, SUM, C_OUT); #10 A = 1'b1; B = 1'b1; C_IN = 1'b1; #1 $display("A=%b,B=%b,C_IN=%b,SUM=%b,C_OUT=%b\n", A, B, C_IN, SUM, C_OUT); #10 A = 1'b0; B = 1'b0; C_IN = 1'b0; #1 $display("A=%b,B=%b,C_IN=%b,SUM=%b,C_OUT=%b\n", A, B, C_IN, SUM, C_OUT); end endmodule
Simulation results , Meet the design requirements
Directly above
verilog Realization
module my_rs_latch( output q, output qbar, input set, input reset ); nor #(1) (q,reset,qbar); nor #(1) (qbar,q,set); endmodule
module my_rs_latch_tb(); reg SET,RESET; wire Q,QBAR; my_rs_latch my_rs_latch_inst(Q,QBAR,SET,RESET); initial begin SET=1'b0; RESET = 1'b0; #10 SET=1'b0; RESET = 1'b1; #10 SET=1'b1; RESET = 1'b0; #10 SET=1'b1; RESET = 1'b1; end endmodule
Simulation results , After two time units (2 ps),q Change
Upper figure
This multiplexer , When s by 1 When , Output in1;s by 0 When , Output in2.
verilog Realization
module my_mux2_to_1( output out, input in1,in2, input s ); bufif1 #(1:3:5,2:4:6,3:5:7) buf1(out,in1,s); bufif0 #(1:3:5,2:4:6,3:5:7) buf0(out,in2,s); endmodule
Simulation results
- When s by 0 when , Output in2, When in2 by 1 when , It's delayed 3 In time units ,in2 by 1
- When s by 0 when , Output in2, When in2 by 0 when , It's delayed 4 In time units ,in2 by 0
- When s by 1 when , Empathy .
- When s by 0 when , Output in2, When in2 by 1 when , It's delayed 3 In time units ,in2 by 1
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