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[micro service sentinel] @sentinelresource details
2022-07-01 23:12:00 【Bulst】
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We mentioned in the article we wrote before , At the current limit of hot spot parameters , We can only use @SentinelResource Annotation to define resources , To take effect , So what is the use of this annotation ?
Sentinel Provides @SentinelResource Annotations are used to define resources , And provides AspectJ The extension of is used to automatically define resources 、 Handle BlockException etc. .
@SentinelResource The annotation contains the following properties :
- value: Resource name , Required ( Can't be empty )
- entryType:entry type , optional ( The default is EntryType.OUT)
- blockHandler / blockHandlerClass: blockHandler Deal with BlockException The function name of , optional .blockHandler The function access range needs to be public, Return type needs to match the original method , The parameter type needs to match the original method and add an extra parameter , The type is BlockException.blockHandler Function default needs to be in the same class as the original method . If you want to use functions of other classes , You can specify blockHandlerClass For the corresponding class Class object , Note that the corresponding function must be static function , Otherwise, it cannot be parsed .
- fallback:fallback The name of the function , optional , Used to provide... When an exception is thrown fallback Processing logic .fallback Functions can be used for all types of exceptions ( except exceptionsToIgnore The types of exceptions excluded ) To deal with .fallback Function signature and location requirements :
- The return value type must be the same as the return value type of the original function ;
- Method parameter list should be consistent with the original function , Or maybe one more Throwable The parameter of type is used to receive the corresponding exception .
- fallback Function default needs to be in the same class as the original method . If you want to use functions of other classes , You can specify fallbackClass For the corresponding class Class object , Note that the corresponding function must be static function , Otherwise, it cannot be parsed .
- defaultFallback(since 1.6.0): default fallback The name of the function , optional , Usually used for general purpose fallback Logic ( It can be used in many services or methods ). Default fallback Functions can be used for all types of exceptions ( except exceptionsToIgnore The types of exceptions excluded ) To deal with . If you configure fallback and defaultFallback, only fallback Will take effect .defaultFallback Function signature requirements :
- The return value type must be the same as the return value type of the original function ;
- Method parameter list needs to be empty , Or maybe one more Throwable The parameter of type is used to receive the corresponding exception .
- defaultFallback Function default needs to be in the same class as the original method . If you want to use functions of other classes , You can specify fallbackClass For the corresponding class Class object , Note that the corresponding function must be static function , Otherwise, it cannot be parsed .
- exceptionsToIgnore(since 1.6.0): Used to specify which exceptions are excluded , It will not be included in the abnormal statistics , And will not enter fallback In the logic , But will throw out as is .
Specially , if blockHandler and fallback It's all configured , It is degraded by current limiting and thrown BlockException It will only enter blockHandler Processing logic . If not configured blockHandler、fallback and defaultFallback, When it is degraded by current limiting, it will BlockException Direct selling .
Case study
public class TestService {
// Corresponding `handleException` The function needs to be in `ExceptionUtil` Class , And must be static function .
@SentinelResource(value = "test", blockHandler = "handleException", blockHandlerClass = {
public void test() {
// Primitive function
@SentinelResource(value = "hello", blockHandler = "exceptionHandler", fallback = "helloFallback")
public String hello(long s) {
return String.format("Hello at %d", s);
// Fallback function , The signature of the function is the same as the original function or add one Throwable Parameters of type .
public String helloFallback(long s) {
return String.format("Halooooo %d", s);
// Block Exception handling functions , One more parameter at the end BlockException, The rest is consistent with the original function .
public String exceptionHandler(long s, BlockException ex) {
// Do some log here.
return "Oops, error occurred at " + s;
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