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What are the visual database design software _ database visual programming
2022-08-03 14:33:00 【Full stack programmer webmaster】
- C#数据The structure of the library application development environment
- 服务器资源管理器
- The typed dataset
- Create a simple database application
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The typed dataset
Using the data connection to server explorer Using server explorer executable task is as follows: 1)打开数据连接. 2)登录到服务器上,And display the server database and system service,Including the event log、消息队列、性能计数器、系统服务和SQL数据库. 3)View about availableWebService information and make information available method and architecture. 4)生成到SQL ServerAnd the data connection to other database. 5)Storage database project and reference. 6)Node in server explorer will drag Visual Studio .NET 项目中,To create the reference data resources or monitor their activities data component. 7)Based on the in Visual Studio .NET Projects created data component programming to interact with data resource.
直观的说 1)首先,在数据库Sql server2019中新建一个数据库eg:students;
接着,右击students,任务,数据导入(Operation and import the corresponding data file aeg:systudenfs);
2)打开VS2013, 首先,Start the server resource manager(执行菜单命令“视图”→“服务器资源管理器”,To enter the server resource manager);
第二,建立数据库连接(在“数据连接”Right-click on the pop-up context menu,选择“添加连接”命令);
第三,The typed dataset to create(新建一个“Windows应用程序”,Then right click the program created in,在弹出的快捷菜单上选择“添加”→“新建项”命令,“模板”选择“数据集”);
第四,For the created data set,单击“添加”Button after entering the data set window,Select a data from server explorer connection,Then connect the data tables in the drag to the data set设计界面,Compiled established a typed dataset.
第五,The typed dataset parameterized queries,Each table adapter has a defaultFill方法,称为主Fill方法,Also known as the main query,It defines the architecture of table.
1)Modify the main query:Right click on the corresponding table adapter,在弹出的快捷菜单中选择“配置”命令,修改相应的SQL语句,单击“完成”按钮. 2)创建新查询:Right click on the corresponding table adapter,选择“添加查询”命令,By default the wizard to enter useSQL语句编辑窗口(见图5-19),并编写SQL语句,单击“下一步”按钮,将“方法名”改为“FillByDeptID”即可.
Create a set of typed data students file management system 1.创建数据集DsStudentSys.xsd Select students file management system project,Right click on the select the shortcut menu“添加”→“新建项”,In the design of interface in the selection“模板”为“数据集”,“名称”为“DsStudentSys.xsd”,单击“添加”按钮. 2.For the data set add table objectstblDept、tblClass、tblStudent Open the data in the server explorer connection,依次将tblDept、tblClass、tblStudent 3Form drag to design interface data sets,For the project to create the typed dataset,参见图5-18所示. 3.For the table adaptertblClassTableAdapterAdd parameterized queries For the table adapter add parameterized queries,According to the department code for class information,方法名为“FillByDeptID”,语句为: SELECT * FROM tblClass WHERE (Class_DeptID like ?) 4.Modify the table adaptertblStudentTableAdapter的主查询,And add a parameterized queries 1)Modify the main query:Due to the often need to look at the specified class's and grade's student information,So you need to modify the main query,According to the class code query student information.Right-click the main query,选择“配置”命令,打开“TableAdapterQuery configuration wizard”对话框,修改SQL语句如下. SELECT * FROM tblStudent, tblSex, tblNation, tblNtvPlc, tblParty, tblClass WHERE tblStudent.Stu_Sex = tblSex.Sex_ID AND tblStudent.Stu_Nation = tblNation.Nation_ID AND tblStudent.Stu_NtvPlc = tblNtvPlc.NtvPlc_ID AND tblStudent.Stu_Party = tblParty.Party_ID AND tblStudent.Stu_Class = tblClass.Class_ID AND tblStudent.Stu_Class = ? 2)Add new query:In the student file query,Sometimes need to the student's name、学号、Gender fuzzy query,So you need to add a new query to fit system requirement.新建查询(方法名为“FillByNameNoSex”):Right-click the table adapter,在弹出的快捷菜单中选择“添加查询”命令,进入“TableAdapterQuery configuration wizard”对话框,新建查询,相应SQL语句如下. SELECT * FROM tblStudent, tblSex, tblNation, tblNtvPlc, tblParty, tblClass WHERE tblStudent.Stu_Sex = tblSex.Sex_ID AND tblStudent.Stu_Nation = tblNation.Nation_ID AND tblStudent.Stu_NtvPlc = tblNtvPlc.NtvPlc_ID AND tblStudent.Stu_Party = tblParty.Party_ID AND tblStudent.Stu_Class = tblClass.Class_ID AND (tblStudent.Stu_Name like ? +’%’ ) AND (tblStudent.Stu_No like ? +’%’ ) AND (tblSex.Sex_Name = ? )
The structure and design of database application procedure
Database application structure Database application by data access form controls、A data source control andADO.NETThe data access object composition. 1.The data access form controls Typical data access form controls haveDataGridView,此外在第2Described in the chapter of many control(如TextBox、Label、ComboBox、ListBox等)Can also set the fields of data associated with the data sheet,ACTS as a data access form controls. 2.数据源控件 A data source control is a data interface controls from the data table to get the data channel,包括DataSet控件和BindingSource控件. 3.ADO.NET对象
The design of database application procedure 1.Create the solution project 2.添加Windows窗体 3.设计用户界面 4.Create an event handler and compile、调试、运行程序
A data source control and control of data access window
1) BindingSource控件 1.BindingSource控件的作用 Used to simplify the control process of binding to the underlying data source,Can be seen as a form of control to the data of a layer of indirection. 2.BindingSource 控件的常用属性 1)Count:Basis for the total number of items in the list of. 2)Current:Access to the data source of the current item. 3)Position:Get or set the base current location in the list of. 4)List:获取 DataSource 和 DataMember 计算列表. 5)DataSource:Get or set the connector is bound to a data source,可以是数组、列表、数据集、数据表等. 6)DataMember:Settings used to screen to see what data table expression.(It indicates that the correspondingDateSetWhich one or some of the table) 7)Sort:如果数据源为 IBindingList,Then get or set the column for sorting and sort order information.如果数据源为 IBindingListView,And supporting advanced sorting,The multiple column for sorting and sort order information. 8)Filter:如果数据源是 IBindingListView,Will get or set expressions used to filter the view line. 3.BindingSource The control of commonly used方法 1)RemoveCurrent方法:Remove the current item from the list. 2)EndEdit方法:The application of the change of hang in the underlying data source. 3)CancelEdit方法:Cancel the current edit operation. 4)Add方法:Add existing item to the internal list. 5)AddNew方法:Based list to add new item. 6)Insert方法:Insert a list at the specified index in the. 7)MoveFirst方法:Move to the first item of the list. 8)MoveLast方法:Moved to the last item on the list. 9)MoveNextv方法:Move to the next item in the list of. 10)MovePrevious方法:To the list on a.
2)BindingNavigator控件 1.BindingNavigator控件的作用 Is a data record navigation controls,Created some standardized methods for users to search and change Windows 窗体中的数据,与 BindingSource Controls can be used together in the form of data records between mobile and interact with these records.
2.BindingNavigator Controls include tool item
3.常用属性 BindingSource属性:为BindingNavigator控件绑定数据源.
2)Label控件 1.作用 LabelControl is used to display data field values in the current record in the table. 2.绑定属性 DataBindingsProperty is used to bind data source. TextAttribute is used to select the data source and the field.
3)TextBox控件 1.作用 TextBoxControl is used to display and edit the data field values in the current record in the table. 2.绑定属性 DataBindingsProperty is used to bind data source. TextAttribute is used to select the data source and the field.
4)ListBox控件 1.作用 作用1:With a list of display data a field values in the table. 作用2:By linking field binding,Make the main table(如tblClass)With the code table(如tblStatus)建立连接. 2.属性 1)DataSource:Select code table data bound controls. 2)DisplayMember:Select code table of Chinese character field.–Are displayed in which field 3)ValueMember:Choose connections in the code table fields.–The true field values in the data table 4)DataBinding.SelectValue:Select the main connection field.
5)ComboBox控件 1.作用 作用1:Use the drop-down list displays the data in the table a field value. 作用2:By linking field binding,Make the main table(如tblClass)With the code table(如tblDept)建立连接. 2.属性 1)DataSource:Select code table data bound controls. 2)DisplayMember:Select code table of Chinese character field. 3)ValueMember:Choose connections in the code table fields. 4)DataBinding.SelectValue:Select the main connection field.
6)DataGridView 控件 DataGridView 控件提供一种强大而灵活的以表格形式显示数据的方式.用户可以使用 DataGridView 控件来显示少量数据的只读视图,也可以对其进行缩放以显示特大数据集的可编辑视图. 1.DataGridView的数据绑定 设置 DataSource Attribute data binding can beDataGridView 控件. 注: 1,界面操作 2,代码:dataGridView1.DataSource =tblclassBindingSource1
//General automatically binding,不用写; 2.DataGridView的行集合Rows 1)Count属性: Return the data record line number table control. 格式: <DataGridView控件>.Rows.Count
textBox3.Text = dataGridView1.Rows.Count.ToString();//所有行数量
2)Cell[j]属性:表示记录(行)中第j个字段(单元格). 格式: <DataGridView控件>.Rows[i].Cells[j].Value 表示数据表中第i条记录(行)第j个字段(列)的值.
textBox4.Text = dataGridView1.CurrentRow.Cells[2].Value.ToString();//当前Cells[2]的值是..
3)Clear属性:Remove rows all records. 格式: <DataGridView控件>.Rows .Clear() 4)Add方法:To add records to the data table controls. 格式: <DataGridView控件>.Rows.Add(n) 其中:nAccording to add the number of rows.
3.DataGridView的当前行CurrentRow CurrentRowProperty is used to obtain containsDataGridViewControls the line,使用方式如下. 格式: <DataGridView控件>.CurrentRow 4.DataGridViewThe control of the designer 单击DataGridViewControls in the top right corner of the smart tag sign,A designer. 5.DataGridViewColumn editor 单击DataGridViewThe control of the designer“编辑列”选项,或者在DataGridView控件的“属性”面板中单击ColumnsAttributes on the right side of the ellipsis button,即可进入“编辑列”对话框. (1)添加与删除字段 在“编辑列”Dialog box on the left side of the display data table field name,用“添加”与“移除”Button you can add or remove fields. (2)Change the field position 单击“Change the field position”按钮,Can change the field in the data table controls the position of the order. (3)设置字段属性 在“编辑列”Dialog box on the right side for each field in the attribute editor.Field properties are divided into layout、设计、数据、外观、行为5项. 1)布局. AutoSizeMode:Automatically adjust the field width. DividerWidth:Column separation line width. MinimumWidth:列最小宽度,Such as setting the minimum column width as5. Width:The current field width. 2)设计. ① Name:字段名. ② ColumnType:Used to select the type of column,有如下类型. DataGridViewTextBoxColumn:文本. DataGridViewButtonColumn:按钮. DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn:复选. DataGridViewComboBoxColumn:下拉列表. DataGridViewImageColumn:图像. DataGridViewLinkColumn:链接. 3)数据 DataPropertyName:Bound to the data table field name. 4)外观 DefaultCellStyle:设置字段,The default cell style.Click the properties button on the right side of the ,进入如图5-26所示的“CellStyle(单元格类型)生成器”对话框,Can set the cell's alignment、背景色、前景色等. HeaderText:Set the field. Visible:True显示字段,False隐藏字段.
5)行为 ReadOnly:TrueAccording to field read-only,FalseAccording to field devices. Resizeable:TrueAccording to field variable width,FalseAccording to the field width does not change.
6.DataGridViewThe editor (1)Allow the records of、删、改 单击DataGridViewControls in the top right corner of the small triangle button,打开“DataGridView任务”面板,使“启用添加”“启用删除”“启用编辑”The checkbox is selected,则DataGridViewControl allows for rows increase、删、改的操作. (2)Ban on record of、删、改 取消“启用添加”“启用删除”“启用编辑”复选框选中状态,则DataGridViewControls ban on rows to add、删、改的操作. (3)Design record style 1)RowsDefaultCellStyle属性:Set the rows to display. Record the display style is achieved by the appearance of the cell set,So the edit interface with“CellStyle生成器”界面相同,参见图5-26. 2)AlternatingRowsDefaultCellStyle 属性:Set a record line alternating effect. Tabular data is usually in the form of similar accounts show,The alternate row background color different,可通过设置AlternatingRowsDefaultCellStyle Properties to achieve the effect of alternating row shows.设置方法与RowsDefaultCellStyle属性相同.
///单元格单击事件,Access to the currently selected cell values--以下有3种方法
private void dataGridView1_CellClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
textBox5.Text = dataGridView1.Rows.Count.ToString();//当前单元格的值
textBox5.Text = dataGridView1.SelectedCells[0].Value.ToString();//The selected cell array first value
textBox5.Text = dataGridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[e.ColumnIndex].Value.ToString();//Use subscript return value
///The cell contents click event--以下有3种方法
private void dataGridView1_CellContentClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
textBox5.Text = dataGridView1.Rows.Count.ToString();//当前单元格的值
textBox5.Text = dataGridView1.SelectedCells[0].Value.ToString();//The selected cell array first value
textBox5.Text = dataGridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[e.ColumnIndex].Value.ToString();//Use subscript return value
/*将TextBox控件和DataGridView控件绑定到BindingSource控件,为BindingNavigator控件添加“加载”“保存”和“取消”按钮,实现加载、Keep records and cancel the operation function. “加载”“保存”和“取消”The button add event code are as follows:(Form the results as shown in figure5-22所示)*/
private void tsLoad_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void tsSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void tsCancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
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