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HCIP Day 16 Notes (SVI, Spanning Tree Protocol)

2022-08-03 13:37:00 oranges love oranges



    交换机虚拟接口------在华为体系中被称为VLAN IF 接口,这个接口是针对VLANVirtual Layer 3 interface for configuration.
    This interface is for Layer 2 switches,The main purpose is to facilitate remote management,所以,This interface only needs one,And it belongs to thatVLAN都可以.


    二层交换机只能存在一个SVI接口,Its function is only to facilitate the remote login control,所以,他的SVI只能属于一个VLAN,这个所属的VLAN就是管理VLAN.

三层交换机中,所有VLAN均可以创建一个VLAN IF 接口,并且,三层交换机本身具备三层转发功能,所以,This interface can play the role of gateway in addition to remote login control in Layer 3 switches.

    VLAN IF的配置:

[lsw1]interface Vlanif 2-------创建VLAN IF 接口
[lsw1-Vlanif2]ip address 24----配置IP地址

[lsw1]interface Vlanif 3
[lsw1-Vlanif3]ip address 24



    Layer 2 loop problem

    1、广播风暴-----The broadcast frame will form a two-layer loop that rotates clockwise and counterclockwise in the second-layer loop,并且无线循环,最终导致设备宕机,Online classes are paralyzed.
     2、Mac地址表的翻摆(MacDrift of the address table)--------同一个数据帧,Clockwise will be recorded after receivingMacThe address and interface are in the corresponding information,之后,Counterclockwise will change again,如此循环,导致MacThe address table content keeps rolling over.

    1、生成树----在二层交换网络中,Logically block part of the interface,Realize the shortest path from the root switch to all nodes displacement,Generate a tree topology without loops.When the best path fails,Individual blocked ports can then be opened,形成备份路径.

802.1D------由IEEE组织颁布的公有协议-----标准的STP协议 PVST,PVST±----思科根据标准的STPDeveloped proprietary spanning tree protocol
MSTP-----Generate new agreements------802.1S----协议版本ID为3


    配置BPDU(//Negotiate the election process),TCN BPDU(//Condition to pass topology change information)


    802.2W(MSTP)-----3 标记位—8位—在802.1D当中,只应用了最高位(TCA-----Topology change confirmation token)和最低位(TC—拓扑变更标记),中间6位为保留位.

    网桥ID----BID-----网桥指交换机,因为最终需要整个交换网络生成一个树形拓扑,所以,需要对每一个交换设备进行身份标识,则使用BID来完成区分和标定.-----(A switching network generates a tree802.1D的做法)

    3、 根网桥ID----RID----for the root network segmentBID.


    4、 根路径开销—RPC----表示的是发送BPDU的交换设备到达根网桥的开销大小.


-----All four parameters above will be involvedSTP生成树的结构选举.

    消息寿命-----它存在一个最大跳数(MAX-HOP),这个值默认为20,即如果一个BPDU它的消息寿命超过20时,The accepting device will no longer process thatBPDU

    TCN BPDU–Contains configuration onlyBPDUthe first three parameters.


    All switches just started,All interfaces activate thisSTP,At first it was not known who was the root,Then all devices will judge themselves as the root bridge,All activated from myselfSTPThe interface sends the configurationBPDU.then it will contain native parameters,之后,After all devices have exchanged parameters,Elections will be made based on parameter values.之后,A true root bridge will be elected.之后,Only the root bridge will send the configuration periodicallyBPDU,And other non-root bridges can only receive the sent by the root bridgeBPDU之后,进行转发.(转发时,The parameters can be modified)发送周期为2s,最大老化时间
MAX AGE----20s.




    After a local exchange link failure,STPwill reconverge,In order to speed up the refresh of the switchMAC地址表,将向本地所有STP接口发送TCN
BPDU,邻居交换机收到TCN BPDUWill reply one laterTCA位置1的配置BPDU,用于可靠性传输,之后将TCN
BPDU逐级转发到根网桥处,Sent by the root bridgeTC标记位置1的配置BPDU,It is distributed to all switches level by level,All switches will be temporarily reset upon receipt300S的MacThe address aging time is changed15S.



1、选举根网桥-----802.1D中,A switched network has one and only one root bridge
           先比较优先级,优先级越小越优-----计算范围 0- 65535,The actual value range is 0-61440,默认取值为32768,
          这个优先级,Only the first four bits are actually used,后面12The bits are called the extended systemID.因为只使用了4位,每一位代表4096.在When modifying the priority,也必须按照4096的倍数来进行修改.

 如果优先级相同,则比较Mac地址,取MacThe address with the smallest value is the root bridge.

step: 2

选举根端口-----on every non-root bridge,有且仅有一个,离根网桥最近的接口,Used to accept configuration sent from the root bridgeBPDU,不能被阻塞.


    Huawei devices support the above3种RPC的评判标准,默认选择的是802.1t中定义的标准.

[lsw1]stp pathcost-standard ?-----Select the criteria to follow for interface cost values
  dot1d-1998  IEEE 802.1D-1998
  dot1t       IEEE 802.1T
  legacy      Legacy

[lsw1-GigabitEthernet0/0/1]stp cost ?------自定义接口开销值
  INTEGER<1-200000000>  Port path cost
1、Comparable configurationBPDU的开销值,Choose the smallest interface as the root port.

2、If there are multiple interfaces with the same inbound cost,It will be compared to the peer deviceBID,选择BIDThe interface corresponding to the small device is used as the root port.

3、If there is a peer deviceBIDAlso in the same situation,则比较对端的PID.PIDThe port corresponding to the smaller port is the root port.
              优先级每一位代表28,则取值范围为0-240,默认取值为128.所以,When modifying the priority,必须按照16的倍数来修改.优先级越小越优.
4、如果对端的PID也相同,will compare local的PID,取本地的PID小的作为根端口.


选举指定端口----There is one and only one port on each link as the designated port,Configuration for forwarding sent by the root bridgeBPDU,不能被阻塞.
       首先,All ports on the root bridge are designated ports
       其次,All links where root ports exist,Then its peer port must specify the interface.

  1、Compare the ports originating from the root bridgeBPDU的RPC值
  2、比较本地的BID值,BIDThe port corresponding to the smaller value is the designated port.
 3、当本地的BID也相同时,will compare localPID,取本地PIDSmall as the designated port.
 4、如果本地的PID也相同,The interface will be blocked directly.


 非指定端口----The remaining ports without roles are non-designated ports,Logic blocking is required

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