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Installation of VMware Workstation

2022-07-05 21:53:00 Longquan TAIA

VMware Workstation It's a virtual PC Software for , utilize VMware The workstation , One or more new hardware environments can be virtualized on the existing operating system , Equivalent to simulating multiple new PC, In this way, multiple independent operating systems can be run on one machine at the same time .

VMware Is a common 、 Powerful virtual machine management software , There is also a relatively common lightweight virtual machine management software VirtualBox.

VMware Workstation It is a kind of virtual machine management software , After installing the software , You can create multiple virtual machines ( It's virtual PC), Then install the operating system on the virtual machine , Each virtual machine itself is like a real computer .

VMware Official website :http://www.vmware.com

VMware The main characteristics of :

You can run multiple operating systems on the same machine at the same time ;

The local system can communicate with the virtual machine system ;

You can modify the hardware environment of the virtual machine system at any time .

1. VMware Download and install

Download from the official website , Baidu registers with a serial number . My documents are as follows :

The installation method is very simple , Double click the installer directly , The default installation is enough . After installation , Click the shortcut startup icon on the desktop , You will be prompted to enter the license key , Baidu can be activated with a key input . The installation process is as follows :

Installing ...

installation is complete , Desktop icon opens .

Because I installed a virtual system before , So now I'll remove . Menu selection “ virtual machine ”--》“ management ”--》“ Remove... From disk ”. as follows :

complete .

The next article will utilize VMware Create a virtual machine .


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