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Cloud native is devouring everything. How should developers deal with it?

2022-07-07 23:18:00 Editorial Department of new programmer

Ten years ago ,Netscape founder 、 Mark, the famous investor in Silicon Valley · Anderson (Marc Andreessen) Prophesy “ Software is eating up the world ”; Several years later , In software 90% The above code is open source ,“ Open source is eating up software ”; Now ,“ Cloud native devours open source ”, Open source projects are evolving to cloud .

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chart 1: Clouds devour the world

However, in the developer community 、CSDN Community , People often have such doubts : What is cloud native ?

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This article is excerpted from 《 New programmers 003》

What is Yunyuan ?

With readers' questions , The author has reviewed 《 New programmers 003》, One of them graduated from Peking University , Alibaba cloud container service technical expert , Worked in IBM Hao Shuwei of 《 The definition of cloud primitiveness and its key technologies 》 Mentioned in the article : Cloud native (Cloud Native) It's a combination ,“ cloud ” Indicates that the application is running in a distributed cloud environment ,“ Native ” Indicates that the elastic and distributed characteristics of the cloud platform are fully considered at the beginning of the design of the application , It's designed for the cloud . so , Cloud native does not simply use the cloud platform to run existing applications , It is a kind of application design that can make full use of the advantages of cloud computing 、 Realization 、 Deploy 、 Application architecture methods for delivery and operation .

Cloud native technology is constantly changing and developing , The definition of cloud primitives is also constantly iterating and updating , Different community organizations or companies have different understandings and definitions of cloud Nativity .

Have 20 Years of experience in software and Internet development and technology management 、 Once in Silicon Valley LinkedIn、Yahoo、IBM Three enterprises took office , Dr. cuibaoqiu, currently the vice president of Xiaomi group, believes : Cloud nativity is a kind of flexibility based on Cloud Computing 、 The idea and methodology of scalability and elasticity to build and run software applications . In the original concept of cloud , All applications should consider how to run in the best way in the cloud computing environment in the design stage , To give play to the elasticity of Cloud Computing 、 High fault tolerance 、 Advantages such as self recovery and on-demand use . Cloud native methodologies often cover microservices 、 Containers 、CI/CD、 agile development 、DevOps And other modern software development technologies and concepts .

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Cloud native = Containers +K8s Do you ?

Among the doubts of many developers , Many people think that cloud primordial is equal to container +K8s, Some even think , Just move the application to the cloud , It's cloud origin ?

Misunderstandings about cloud primitives , Zhang Xin from volcanic engine is 《“ Native cloud ” Four changes of the times 》 The common 2 Three misunderstandings are answered :

1、Cloud Hosting=Cloud Native?

A lot of people will Cloud Hosting Equate to Cloud Native, Simply think that as long as you open a cloud account 、 Using cloud is cloud primordial , Others believe that as long as the application is moved to the cloud, it is cloud native . However , In many cases, the production mode of these application architectures has not changed , It is still the traditional application architecture in the past , Just copy mechanically to the cloud , Did not really play the value of cloud Nativity .

So what exactly is cloud primordial ? There is a very simple way to distinguish : Look at the subject it defines . The primary subject of cloud should not be platform or tool , That is, not with containers and K8s Building a platform is cloud native , The key subjects should be business and Application , It depends on whether the ability of the underlying technology business is fully transferred to the business and application side .

2、 Cloud primitives are IaaS still PaaS?

Conventional IaaS and PaaS There is always an irreconcilable contradiction between flexibility and management :IaaS Products can provide high flexibility, but management is very difficult ,PaaS The difficulty of product management is very small, but the flexibility is poor . In this situation , Cloud Nativity came into being , It's not IaaS Neither PaaS, But the two are well connected and integrated , It not only brings a lot of management functions , It also provides rich and low-level interfaces , Make it extremely scalable .

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New programmers 003》 Help developers ride the storm

After clarifying the concept of cloud primordial , As a developer , What knowledge and capabilities are needed in order to survive the era of development paradigm shift , Reserve a place ?

Have 20 Years of experience in Internet and financial architecture ,MegaEase founder 、 Former senior architect of Alibaba cloud 、 Tmall development director 、 Senior R & D Manager of Amazon 、 Chen Hao, basic architect and senior R & D Manager of Thomson Reuters ( Mouse with left ear ) stay 《 New programmers 003》 Share in 5 Great ability and knowledge :

Besides ,《 New programmers 003》 Also sincerely invite 50 More than technical experts jointly created , It is a selected technical book for all developers who pay attention to cloud Nativity , Help developers ride the storm under the general trend of cloud native and digital transfer , It also includes Huawei 、 Ali 、 Bytes to beat 、 NetEase 、 Well quickly 、 Microsoft 、 Amazon 、 Intel 、 Siemens 、 Schneider et al 30 Cloud native and digital first-hand practical experience of many well-known companies .

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