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Flink: from introduction to Zhenxiang (6. Flink implements UDF function - realizes more fine-grained control flow)
2020-11-08 12:06:00 【osc_15vyay19】
Flink Provides a variety of data conversion operations , But in the actual business process, there are many data structures that need to be processed in business 、 Rules and so on , You need to write your own business code , It's used at this time flink Provided function class (Function Class)
Flink Exposed everything udf Function interface ( The implementation mode is interface or abstract class ), for example MapFunction,FilterFunction,ProcessFunction etc. .
A small chestnut , To filter the data to sensor3 Start with data
Still com.mafei.apitest Create a new one scala Object UDFTest1
The rest of the code is the same as before , Read the file and do some simple processing , A custom function class is added here MyFilterFunction, When use , Just add... To the logic .filter The method can ,
package com.mafei.apitest
import org.apache.flink.api.common.functions.{FilterFunction, ReduceFunction, RichFilterFunction}
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.scala.{StreamExecutionEnvironment, createTypeInformation}
// Get sensor data
case class SensorReadingTest1(id: String,timestamp: Long, temperature: Double)
object UdfTest1 {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
// Create an execution environment
val env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment
case class Person(name: String, age: Int)
val inputStream= env.readTextFile("/opt/java2020_study/maven/flink1/src/main/resources/sensor.txt")
// inputStream.print()
// First convert to sample class type
val dataStream = inputStream
.map(data => {
val arr = data.split(",") // according to , Split data , To get the results
SensorReadingTest1(arr(0), arr(1).toLong, arr(2).toDouble) // Generate data for a sensor class , Parameters are passed in the middle toLong and toDouble Because the default split is string category
// }).filter(new MyFilterFunction)
// }).filter(_.id.startsWith("sensor1")) // If it's very simple logic , You can also write anonymous classes like this , It's the same effect as writing a function
// }).filter(new RichFilterFunction[SensorReadingTest1] {
// override def filter(t: SensorReadingTest1): Boolean =
// t.id.startsWith("sensor3")
// }) // Anonymous class implementation effect , And above 2 The effects are the same
}).filter(new KeywordFilterFunction("sensor3")) // You can also pass in the parameters to be filtered
env.execute("udf test")
// Customize a function class , Filter it , Implement... In the interface filter The method can
class MyFilterFunction extends FilterFunction[SensorReadingTest1] {
override def filter(t: SensorReadingTest1): Boolean = t.id.startsWith("sensor3")
// Custom function class , Same as above , Added the transmission reference ,
class KeywordFilterFunction(keyword: String) extends FilterFunction[SensorReadingTest1]{
override def filter(t: SensorReadingTest1): Boolean =
Code structure and running effect diagram
Mainly do some data processing and other operations , The code demonstrates MapperDemo and RichMapDemo The difference and operation effect of
package com.mafei.apitest
import org.apache.flink.api.common.functions.{FilterFunction, MapFunction, RichMapFunction}
import org.apache.flink.configuration.Configuration
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.scala.{StreamExecutionEnvironment, createTypeInformation}
// Get sensor data
case class SensorReadingTest2(id: String,timestamp: Long, temperature: Double)
object UdfTest2 {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
// Create an execution environment
val env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment
case class Person(name: String, age: Int)
val inputStream= env.readTextFile("/opt/java2020_study/maven/flink1/src/main/resources/sensor.txt")
// inputStream.print()
// First convert to sample class type
val dataStream = inputStream
.map(data => {
val arr = data.split(",") // according to , Split data , To get the results
SensorReadingTest2(arr(0), arr(1).toLong, arr(2).toDouble) // Generate data for a sensor class , Parameters are passed in the middle toLong and toDouble Because the default split is string category
}).map(new RichMapDemo())
env.execute("udf test")
class MapperDemo extends MapFunction[SensorReadingTest2, String]{
override def map(t: SensorReadingTest2): String = t.id+" Test to add some strings "
// Rich function , There are more classes than above open and close Other methods , Can do some database connection and other operations
class RichMapDemo extends RichMapFunction[SensorReadingTest2, String]{
// The main operations here are initialization , When starting the call , The whole process will only be called once , It is similar to the variables loaded by class initialization , Like database connection and so on
override def open(parameters: Configuration): Unit = {
println(" A database connection was made ..........")
// Get runtime context
// Every data goes through this method
override def map(in: SensorReadingTest2): String = in.id+" Test the rich function and add some strings "
override def close(): Unit = {
// Follow open similar , When the task stops , You can do something like release database connection and so on
print(" Closed database connection ......")
Running effect : You can see , The whole process , Only one database connection operation
A database connection was made ..........
sensor1 Test the rich function and add some strings
sensor2 Test the rich function and add some strings
sensor3 Test the rich function and add some strings
sensor4 Test the rich function and add some strings
sensor4 Test the rich function and add some strings
sensor4 Test the rich function and add some strings
Closed database connection ......
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