当前位置:网站首页>Close to the double 11, he made up for two months and successfully took the offer from a large factory and transferred to Alibaba

Close to the double 11, he made up for two months and successfully took the offer from a large factory and transferred to Alibaba

2020-11-08 09:40:00 osc_rect81




One 、mybatis And JVM Collection 21 Avenue

MyBatis What is it? ?

Mybatis Advantages and disadvantages

Tradition JDBC What's wrong with development ?

MyBatis What are the programming steps like ?

MyBatis What is the functional architecture of ?

MyBatis What is the framework design of ?

When will stack memory overflow occur ?

JVM Once complete GC How is the process , How to promote the object to the old age ?

JVM How much do you know about the memory model , Like reordering , Memory barrier ,happen-before, Main memory , The working memory .

Strong citation 、 Soft citation 、 Weak reference 、 The difference between virtual references ?【 Strong citation ; Soft citation ; Weak reference ; Virtual reference 】

Fuzzy query like How to write a sentence ?

stay mapper How to transfer multiple parameters in ?

Mybatis How to perform batch operations ?

When the property name in the entity class is different from the field name in the table , What do I do ?

Mapper What are the ways to write ?

Use MyBatis Of mapper What are the requirements when calling the interface ?

sketch Mybatis Of Xml Mapping files and Mybatis Mapping between internal data structures ?

Mybatis In the mapping file , If A Tag passed include Refer to the B Inside of label

Rong , Excuse me, ,B Can a label be defined in A Behind the label , Or must be defined in A In front of the label ?

sketch Mybatis How the plug-in works , And how to write a plug-in ?

Mybatis The first level of 、 Second level cache :

Two 、zookeeper And tomcat Collection 16 Avenue

tomcat With what kind of Connector Operation mode ( Optimize )?

tomcat How containers are created servlet Class instance ? What principle is used ?

tomcat How to optimize ?

Garbage collection policy tuning :

About Tomcat Of session number :

Printing class loading and object recycling :

Tomcat Working mode ?

Zookeeper file system :

Four types of data nodes Znode:

Client registration Watcher Realization :

Server-side processing Watcher Realization :

Zookeeper Next Server Working state :

zookeeper How to ensure the order consistency of transactions ?

Why do distributed clusters have Master?

zookeeper Load balancing and nginx Load balancing difference ?

Zookeeper For nodes watch Are monitoring notifications permanent ? Why not forever ?

3、 ... and 、Spring A complete collection 39 Avenue (spring cloud;spring boot;spring MVC)

What is? SpringBoot?

SpringBoot Start class annotation ? What annotations does it consist of ?

SpringBoot Hot deployment mode ?

SpringBoot How to modify the port number ?

Why learning is needed Spring Cloud

Spring Cloud What is it? ?

What is? Spring MVC? Briefly introduce you to Spring MVC The understanding of the ?

Spring MVC The advantages of :

Spring MVC The main components of ?

Spring MVC Is the controller in singleton mode , If it is , What's the problem? , How to solve ?

Please describe Spring MVC workflow ? Describe the DispatcherServlet workflow ?

Turn on SpringBoot Several ways of characterizing ?

get Bean Which endpoint does the assembly report information access ?

SpringBoot Medium starter?

How to activate the configuration of an environment ?

SpringBoot 1.x and 2.x difference ?·······

Use Spring Boot When developing distributed microservices , What problems are we facing

What does service registration and discovery mean ?Spring Cloud How to achieve ?

Eureka and ZooKeeper Can provide service registration and discovery functions , Please tell me the difference between the two ?

What is? Spring Cloud Zuul( The service gateway )?

since Nginx Gateway can be implemented ? Why do I need to use Zuul frame ?

Nginx And Ribbon The difference between ?

Talking about the avalanche effect of services ?

How the bottom layer of service degradation is realized ?

SpingMvc What is the general annotation for the controller in , Is there any other annotation to replace ?

@PathVariable and @RequestParam The difference between ?

Spring MVC And Struts2 difference ?

Spring MVC How and AJAX Calling each other ?

If the foreground has many parameters passed in , And these parameters are all the parameters of an object , So how to get this object quickly ?

Spring MVC How is the interceptor written inside ?

Introduce to you WebApplicationContext:

What is? Spring Cloud Confifig?

SpringCloud Confifig Can you refresh in real time ?

SpringBoot Read configuration related comments are ?

Spring Cloud Netflflix( a key , These components are used the most )

Spring Cloud Bus

Spring Cloud Consul

Spring Cloud Security

Spring Cloud Sleuth


This time last year , Through two months of review, I got Alibaba's Offer, Some luck , I also have some experience , I would like to share it with you by the coming of job hopping season . I firmly believe , Opportunities will always be left to those who work hard , We don't envy the success of others , It's better to seize the opportunity in your hands , Accumulate enough knowledge and interview experience , Lay a solid foundation for your future , Oulige !


One 、mybatis And JVM Collection 21 Avenue

MyBatis  This is a apache An open source project of iBatis, 2010 This project was initiated by apache software foundation Moved to google code, And renamed it MyBatis .2013 year 11 Month to migrate to Github.

iBATIS The word comes from "internet" and "abatis" The combination of , It's based on Java The persistence layer framework .iBATIS The persistence layer framework provided includes SQL Maps and Data Access Objects(DAOs)

JVM Has always been a java An important part of advanced knowledge , If you want to java Further research in the field , be JVM It's a topic that can't be avoided , This series tries to make it easy to read , Explain JVM Necessary knowledge .

  1. MyBatis What is it? ?

  2. Mybatis Advantages and disadvantages

  3. Tradition JDBC What's wrong with development ?

  4. MyBatis What are the programming steps like ?

  5. MyBatis What is the functional architecture of ?

  6. MyBatis What is the framework design of ?

  7. When will stack memory overflow occur ?

  8. JVM Once complete GC How is the process , How to promote the object to the old age ?

  9. JVM How much do you know about the memory model , Like reordering , Memory barrier ,happen-before, Main memory , The working memory .

  10. Strong citation 、 Soft citation 、 Weak reference 、 The difference between virtual references ?【 Strong citation ; Soft citation ; Weak reference ; Virtual reference 】

  11. Fuzzy query like How to write a sentence ?

  12. stay mapper How to transfer multiple parameters in ?

  13. Mybatis How to perform batch operations ?

  14. When the property name in the entity class is different from the field name in the table , What do I do ?

  15. Mapper What are the ways to write ?

  16. Use MyBatis Of mapper What are the requirements when calling the interface ?

  17. sketch Mybatis Of Xml Mapping files and Mybatis Mapping between internal data structures ?

  18. Mybatis In the mapping file , If A Tag passed include Refer to the B Inside of label

  19. Rong , Excuse me, ,B Can a label be defined in A Behind the label , Or must be defined in A In front of the label ?

  20. sketch Mybatis How the plug-in works , And how to write a plug-in ?

  21. Mybatis The first level of 、 Second level cache :

Two 、zookeeper And tomcat Collection 16 Avenue

zookeeper, It's a distributed services framework , yes Apache Hadoop A subproject of , It is mainly used to solve some data management problems often encountered in distributed applications , Such as : Unified naming service 、 State synchronization service 、 Cluster management 、 Management of distributed application configuration items .

Tomcat It's an open source 、 function servlet and JSP Web Application software is based on Java Of Web Application containers .Tomcat The free version is made by Apache-Jakarta Subprojects are supported by and from open source code Java Volunteers in the community do maintenance .Tomcat Server It's based on servlet and JSP To standardize the implementation of , So we can say Tomcat Server It has also been implemented Apache-Jakarta Standard and better than most commercial application software servers .


  1. tomcat With what kind of Connector Operation mode ( Optimize )?

  2. tomcat How containers are created servlet Class instance ? What principle is used ?

  3. tomcat How to optimize ?

  4. Garbage collection policy tuning :

  5. About Tomcat Of session number :

  6. Printing class loading and object recycling :

  7. Tomcat Working mode ?

  8. Zookeeper file system :

  9. Four types of data nodes Znode:

  10. Client registration Watcher Realization :

  11. Server-side processing Watcher Realization :

  12. Zookeeper Next Server Working state :

  13. zookeeper How to ensure the order consistency of transactions ?

  14. Why do distributed clusters have Master?

  15. zookeeper Load balancing and nginx Load balancing difference ?

  16. Zookeeper For nodes watch Are monitoring notifications permanent ? Why not forever ?

The information and answers to the above interview questions have been filed , Backstage private message 【 Am I Am I Free collection 】 Free access

3、 ... and 、Spring A complete collection 39 Avenue (spring cloud;spring boot;spring MVC)

Spring The frame is Java The most widely used framework , its Success comes from ideas , Not the technology itself , Its ideas include  IoC (Inversion of Control, Inversion of control )  and  AOP(Aspect Oriented Programming, Section oriented programming ).

  • Scope of application : whatever Java application
  • Spring The fundamental mission of : simplify Java Development
  1. What is? SpringBoot?

  2. SpringBoot Start class annotation ? What annotations does it consist of ?

  3. SpringBoot Hot deployment mode ?

  4. SpringBoot How to modify the port number ?

  5. Why learning is needed Spring Cloud

  6. Spring Cloud What is it? ?

  7. What is? Spring MVC? Briefly introduce you to Spring MVC The understanding of the ?

  8. Spring MVC The advantages of :

  9. Spring MVC The main components of ?

  10. Spring MVC Is the controller in singleton mode , If it is , What's the problem? , How to solve ?

  11. Please describe Spring MVC workflow ? Describe the DispatcherServlet workflow ?

  12. Turn on SpringBoot Several ways of characterizing ?

  13. get Bean Which endpoint does the assembly report information access ?

  14. SpringBoot Medium starter?

  15. How to activate the configuration of an environment ?

  16. SpringBoot 1.x and 2.x difference ?·······

  17. Use Spring Boot When developing distributed microservices , What problems are we facing

  18. What does service registration and discovery mean ?Spring Cloud How to achieve ?

  19. Eureka and ZooKeeper Can provide service registration and discovery functions , Please tell me the difference between the two ?

  20. What is? Spring Cloud Zuul( The service gateway )?

  21. since Nginx Gateway can be implemented ? Why do I need to use Zuul frame ?

  22. Nginx And Ribbon The difference between ?

  23. Talking about the avalanche effect of services ?

  24. How the bottom layer of service degradation is realized ?

  25. SpingMvc What is the general annotation for the controller in , Is there any other annotation to replace ?

  26. @PathVariable and @RequestParam The difference between ?

  27. Spring MVC And Struts2 difference ?

  28. Spring MVC How and AJAX Calling each other ?

  29. If the foreground has many parameters passed in , And these parameters are all the parameters of an object , So how to get this object quickly ?

  30. Spring MVC How is the interceptor written inside ?

  31. Introduce to you WebApplicationContext:

  32. What is? Spring Cloud Confifig?

  33. SpringCloud Confifig Can you refresh in real time ?

  34. SpringBoot Read configuration related comments are ?

  35. Spring Cloud Netflflix( a key , These components use Of most )

  36. Spring Cloud Bus

  37. Spring Cloud Consul

  38. Spring Cloud Security

  39. Spring Cloud Sleuth

Welfare from Xiaobian

Many people have been interviewing recently , I have also collated a lot of interview materials (spring、mybatis、jvm,Zookeeper, Distributed, etc ) and 2020 The latest Ali interview question , Yes 40 Multiple sets PDF Document interview questions

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