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PX4 Position_Control RC_Remoter引入
2022-07-02 09:38:00 【Chasing中的小强】
PX4飞控位置环控制中如何引入遥控器的控制量, 本文基于PX4 1.12版本, 相比于之前的版本, 多引入了Flight Task这么一个模块.
- 遥控器的值通过_flight_tasks.update() -->_velocity_setpoint 通过 _flight_tasks.getPositionSetpoint() --> setpoint 通过_control.updateSetpoint(setpoint) --> vel_sp 通过 PositionControl::_positionController() --> 前馈项
- 发布话题 trajectory_setpoint 为其中的setpoint数值
主要的程序位于mc_pos_control_main.cpp中, 毕竟这个是位置环的主体部分. 每次循环下面的Run()函数
if (should_exit()) {
if (_local_pos_sub.update(&_local_pos)) {
// set _dt in controllib Block - the time difference since the last loop iteration in seconds
const hrt_abstime time_stamp_current = hrt_absolute_time();
setDt((time_stamp_current - _time_stamp_last_loop) / 1e6f);
_time_stamp_last_loop = time_stamp_current;
const bool was_in_failsafe = _in_failsafe;
_in_failsafe = false;
// activate the weathervane controller if required. If activated a flighttask can use it to implement a yaw-rate control strategy
// that turns the nose of the vehicle into the wind
if (_wv_controller != nullptr) {
// in manual mode we just want to use weathervane if position is controlled as well
// in mission, enabling wv is done in flight task
if (_control_mode.flag_control_manual_enabled) {
if (_control_mode.flag_control_position_enabled && _wv_controller->weathervane_enabled()) {
} else {
_wv_controller->update(matrix::Quatf(_att_sp.q_d), _states.yaw);
// an update is necessary here because otherwise the takeoff state doesn't get skiped with non-altitude-controlled modes
_takeoff.updateTakeoffState(_control_mode.flag_armed, _vehicle_land_detected.landed, false, 10.f,
!_control_mode.flag_control_climb_rate_enabled, time_stamp_current);
// takeoff delay for motors to reach idle speed
if (_takeoff.getTakeoffState() >= TakeoffState::ready_for_takeoff) {
// when vehicle is ready switch to the required flighttask
} else {
// stop flighttask while disarmed
// check if any task is active
if (_flight_tasks.isAnyTaskActive()) {
// setpoints and constraints for the position controller from flighttask or failsafe
vehicle_local_position_setpoint_s setpoint = FlightTask::empty_setpoint;
vehicle_constraints_s constraints = FlightTask::empty_constraints;
// update task
if (!_flight_tasks.update()) {
// Task was not able to update correctly. Do Failsafe.
failsafe(setpoint, _states, false, !was_in_failsafe);
} else {
setpoint = _flight_tasks.getPositionSetpoint();
constraints = _flight_tasks.getConstraints();
_failsafe_land_hysteresis.set_state_and_update(false, time_stamp_current);
// Check if position, velocity or thrust pairs are valid -> trigger failsaife if no pair is valid
if (!(PX4_ISFINITE(setpoint.x) && PX4_ISFINITE(setpoint.y)) &&
!(PX4_ISFINITE(setpoint.vx) && PX4_ISFINITE(setpoint.vy)) &&
!(PX4_ISFINITE(setpoint.thrust[0]) && PX4_ISFINITE(setpoint.thrust[1]))) {
failsafe(setpoint, _states, true, !was_in_failsafe);
// Check if altitude, climbrate or thrust in D-direction are valid -> trigger failsafe if none
// of these setpoints are valid
if (!PX4_ISFINITE(setpoint.z) && !PX4_ISFINITE(setpoint.vz) && !PX4_ISFINITE(setpoint.thrust[2])) {
failsafe(setpoint, _states, true, !was_in_failsafe);
// publish trajectory setpoint
landing_gear_s gear = _flight_tasks.getGear();
// check if all local states are valid and map accordingly
// handle smooth takeoff
_takeoff.updateTakeoffState(_control_mode.flag_armed, _vehicle_land_detected.landed, constraints.want_takeoff,
constraints.speed_up, !_control_mode.flag_control_climb_rate_enabled, time_stamp_current);
constraints.speed_up = _takeoff.updateRamp(_dt, constraints.speed_up);
if (_takeoff.getTakeoffState() < TakeoffState::rampup && !PX4_ISFINITE(setpoint.thrust[2])) {
// we are not flying yet and need to avoid any corrections
setpoint.thrust[0] = setpoint.thrust[1] = setpoint.thrust[2] = 0.0f;
// set yaw-sp to current yaw
// TODO: we need a clean way to disable yaw control
setpoint.yaw = _states.yaw;
setpoint.yawspeed = 0.f;
// prevent any integrator windup
// reactivate the task which will reset the setpoint to current state
if (_takeoff.getTakeoffState() < TakeoffState::flight && !PX4_ISFINITE(setpoint.thrust[2])) {
constraints.tilt = math::radians(_param_mpc_tiltmax_lnd.get());
// limit altitude only if local position is valid
if (PX4_ISFINITE(_states.position(2))) {
// Update states, setpoints and constraints.
// update position controller setpoints
if (!_control.updateSetpoint(setpoint)) {
warn_rate_limited("Position-Control Setpoint-Update failed");
failsafe(setpoint, _states, true, !was_in_failsafe);
constraints = FlightTask::empty_constraints;
// Generate desired thrust and yaw.
// Fill local position, velocity and thrust setpoint.
// This message contains setpoints where each type of setpoint is either the input to the PositionController
// or was generated by the PositionController and therefore corresponds to the PositioControl internal states (states that were generated by P-PID).
// Example:
// If the desired setpoint is position-setpoint, _local_pos_sp will contain
// position-, velocity- and thrust-setpoint where the velocity- and thrust-setpoint were generated by the PositionControlller.
// If the desired setpoint has a velocity-setpoint only, then _local_pos_sp will contain valid velocity- and thrust-setpoint, but the position-setpoint
// will remain NAN. Given that the PositionController cannot generate a position-setpoint, this type of setpoint is always equal to the input to the
// PositionController.
vehicle_local_position_setpoint_s local_pos_sp{
local_pos_sp.timestamp = hrt_absolute_time();
local_pos_sp.x = setpoint.x;
local_pos_sp.y = setpoint.y;
local_pos_sp.z = setpoint.z;
local_pos_sp.yaw = _control.getYawSetpoint();
local_pos_sp.yawspeed = _control.getYawspeedSetpoint();
local_pos_sp.vx = PX4_ISFINITE(_control.getVelSp()(0)) ? _control.getVelSp()(0) : setpoint.vx;
local_pos_sp.vy = PX4_ISFINITE(_control.getVelSp()(1)) ? _control.getVelSp()(1) : setpoint.vy;
local_pos_sp.vz = PX4_ISFINITE(_control.getVelSp()(2)) ? _control.getVelSp()(2) : setpoint.vz;
// Publish local position setpoint
// This message will be used by other modules (such as Landdetector) to determine
// vehicle intention.
// Inform FlightTask about the input and output of the velocity controller
// This is used to properly initialize the velocity setpoint when onpening the position loop (position unlock)
_flight_tasks.updateVelocityControllerIO(_control.getVelSp(), Vector3f(local_pos_sp.thrust));
// Part of landing logic: if ground-contact/maybe landed was detected, turn off
// controller. This message does not have to be logged as part of the vehicle_local_position_setpoint topic.
// Note: only adust thrust output if there was not thrust-setpoint demand in D-direction.
if (_takeoff.getTakeoffState() > TakeoffState::rampup && !PX4_ISFINITE(setpoint.thrust[2])) {
// Fill attitude setpoint. Attitude is computed from yaw and thrust setpoint.
_att_sp = ControlMath::thrustToAttitude(matrix::Vector3f(local_pos_sp.thrust), local_pos_sp.yaw);
_att_sp.yaw_sp_move_rate = _control.getYawspeedSetpoint();
_att_sp.fw_control_yaw = false;
_att_sp.apply_flaps = false;
// publish attitude setpoint
// Note: this requires review. The reason for not sending
// an attitude setpoint is because for non-flighttask modes
// the attitude septoint should come from another source, otherwise
// they might conflict with each other such as in offboard attitude control.
// if there's any change in landing gear setpoint publish it
if (gear.landing_gear != _old_landing_gear_position
&& gear.landing_gear != landing_gear_s::GEAR_KEEP) {
_landing_gear.landing_gear = gear.landing_gear;
_landing_gear.timestamp = hrt_absolute_time();
_old_landing_gear_position = gear.landing_gear;
} else {
// no flighttask is active: set attitude setpoint to idle
_att_sp.roll_body = _att_sp.pitch_body = 0.0f;
_att_sp.yaw_body = _states.yaw;
_att_sp.yaw_sp_move_rate = 0.0f;
_att_sp.fw_control_yaw = false;
_att_sp.apply_flaps = false;
matrix::Quatf q_sp = matrix::Eulerf(_att_sp.roll_body, _att_sp.pitch_body, _att_sp.yaw_body);
_att_sp.q_d_valid = true;
_att_sp.thrust_body[2] = 0.0f;
// reset the numerical derivatives to not generate d term spikes when coming from non-position controlled operation
在Position模式中, 程序会在其中的 _flight_tasks.update() 跳转到 对应的子模式 该部分是新增的
程序跳转到FlightTask.cpp中的 bool FlightTasks::update()
bool FlightTasks::update()
if (isAnyTaskActive()) {
return _current_task.task->updateInitialize() && _current_task.task->update() && _current_task.task->updateFinalize();
return false;
然后会进入到子模式中的更新函数, 比如下面的
bool FlightTaskManualAltitude::updateInitialize()
bool ret = FlightTaskManual::updateInitialize();
// in addition to manual require valid position and velocity in D-direction and valid yaw
return ret && PX4_ISFINITE(_position(2)) && PX4_ISFINITE(_velocity(2)) && PX4_ISFINITE(_yaw);
bool FlightTaskManual::updateInitialize()
bool ret = FlightTask::updateInitialize();
const bool sticks_available = _evaluateSticks();
if (_sticks_data_required) {
ret = ret && sticks_available;
return ret;
bool FlightTaskManual::_evaluateSticks()
hrt_abstime rc_timeout = (_param_com_rc_loss_t.get() * 1.5f) * 1_s;
/* Sticks are rescaled linearly and exponentially to [-1,1] */
if ((_time_stamp_current - _sub_manual_control_setpoint.get().timestamp) < rc_timeout) {
/* Linear scale */
_sticks(0) = _sub_manual_control_setpoint.get().x; /* NED x, "pitch" [-1,1] */
_sticks(1) = _sub_manual_control_setpoint.get().y; /* NED y, "roll" [-1,1] */
_sticks(2) = -(_sub_manual_control_setpoint.get().z - 0.5f) * 2.f; /* NED z, "thrust" resacaled from [0,1] to [-1,1] */
_sticks(3) = _sub_manual_control_setpoint.get().r; /* "yaw" [-1,1] */
/* Exponential scale */
_sticks_expo(0) = math::expo_deadzone(_sticks(0), _param_mpc_xy_man_expo.get(), _param_mpc_hold_dz.get());
_sticks_expo(1) = math::expo_deadzone(_sticks(1), _param_mpc_xy_man_expo.get(), _param_mpc_hold_dz.get());
_sticks_expo(2) = math::expo_deadzone(_sticks(2), _param_mpc_z_man_expo.get(), _param_mpc_hold_dz.get());
_sticks_expo(3) = math::expo_deadzone(_sticks(3), _param_mpc_yaw_expo.get(), _param_mpc_hold_dz.get());
// Only switch the landing gear up if the user switched from gear down to gear up.
// If the user had the switch in the gear up position and took off ignore it
// until he toggles the switch to avoid retracting the gear immediately on takeoff.
int8_t gear_switch = _sub_manual_control_setpoint.get().gear_switch;
if (_gear_switch_old != gear_switch) {
_gear_switch_old = gear_switch;
// valid stick inputs are required
const bool valid_sticks = PX4_ISFINITE(_sticks(0))
&& PX4_ISFINITE(_sticks(1))
&& PX4_ISFINITE(_sticks(2))
&& PX4_ISFINITE(_sticks(3));
return valid_sticks;
} else {
/* Timeout: set all sticks to zero */
_gear.landing_gear = landing_gear_s::GEAR_KEEP;
return false;
其中上面的函数中可以看出,是对遥控器数据进行读入. 而对应的下面的update函数中含有一个_scaleSticks()则完成数据的转移
bool FlightTaskManualAltitude::update()
_constraints.want_takeoff = _checkTakeoff();
return true;
void FlightTaskManualPosition::_scaleSticks()
/* Use same scaling as for FlightTaskManualAltitude */
/* Constrain length of stick inputs to 1 for xy*/
Vector2f stick_xy(&_sticks_expo(0));
float mag = math::constrain(stick_xy.length(), 0.0f, 1.0f);
if (mag > FLT_EPSILON) {
stick_xy = stick_xy.normalized() * mag;
// scale the stick inputs
if (PX4_ISFINITE(_sub_vehicle_local_position.get().vxy_max)) {
// estimator provides vehicle specific max
// use the minimum of the estimator and user specified limit
_velocity_scale = fminf(_constraints.speed_xy, _sub_vehicle_local_position.get().vxy_max);
// Allow for a minimum of 0.3 m/s for repositioning
_velocity_scale = fmaxf(_velocity_scale, 0.3f);
} else if (stick_xy.length() > 0.5f) {
// raise the limit at a constant rate up to the user specified value
if (_velocity_scale < _constraints.speed_xy) {
_velocity_scale += _deltatime * _param_mpc_acc_hor_estm.get();
} else {
_velocity_scale = _constraints.speed_xy;
// scale velocity to its maximum limits
Vector2f vel_sp_xy = stick_xy * _velocity_scale;
/* Rotate setpoint into local frame. */
// collision prevention
if (_collision_prevention.is_active()) {
_collision_prevention.modifySetpoint(vel_sp_xy, _velocity_scale, Vector2f(_position),
_velocity_setpoint(0) = vel_sp_xy(0);
_velocity_setpoint(1) = vel_sp_xy(1);
至此我们稍微做个总结, 相当于遥控器的值在 FlightTaks::update()中完成读入, 并转化成了_velocity_setpoint()
紧接着 后面有一个函数setpoint = _flight_tasks.getPositionSetpoint(); 我们将其展开得到
const vehicle_local_position_setpoint_s FlightTask::getPositionSetpoint()
/* fill position setpoint message */
vehicle_local_position_setpoint_s vehicle_local_position_setpoint;
vehicle_local_position_setpoint.timestamp = hrt_absolute_time();
vehicle_local_position_setpoint.x = _position_setpoint(0);
vehicle_local_position_setpoint.y = _position_setpoint(1);
vehicle_local_position_setpoint.z = _position_setpoint(2);
vehicle_local_position_setpoint.vx = _velocity_setpoint(0);
vehicle_local_position_setpoint.vy = _velocity_setpoint(1);
vehicle_local_position_setpoint.vz = _velocity_setpoint(2);
vehicle_local_position_setpoint.acc_x = _acceleration_setpoint(0);
vehicle_local_position_setpoint.acc_y = _acceleration_setpoint(1);
vehicle_local_position_setpoint.acc_z = _acceleration_setpoint(2);
vehicle_local_position_setpoint.jerk_x = _jerk_setpoint(0);
vehicle_local_position_setpoint.jerk_y = _jerk_setpoint(1);
vehicle_local_position_setpoint.jerk_z = _jerk_setpoint(2);
vehicle_local_position_setpoint.yaw = _yaw_setpoint;
vehicle_local_position_setpoint.yawspeed = _yawspeed_setpoint;
return vehicle_local_position_setpoint;
可见随后_velocity_setpoint() 进入到setpoint变量中
---------------------! 分割线 !---------------------
随后通过_traj_sp_pub.publish(setpoint);将setpoint以话题的形式发布出去; 话题为trajectory_setpoint
随后 我们注意到下面有一个_control.updateSetpoint(setpoint)函数, 我们将其展开. 来看一下是如何进入到控制中的
bool PositionControl::updateSetpoint(const vehicle_local_position_setpoint_s &setpoint)
// by default we use the entire position-velocity control-loop pipeline (flag only for logging purpose)
_pos_sp = Vector3f(setpoint.x, setpoint.y, setpoint.z);
_vel_sp = Vector3f(setpoint.vx, setpoint.vy, setpoint.vz);
_acc_sp = Vector3f(setpoint.acc_x, setpoint.acc_y, setpoint.acc_z);
_thr_sp = Vector3f(setpoint.thrust);
_yaw_sp = setpoint.yaw;
_yawspeed_sp = setpoint.yawspeed;
bool mapping_succeeded = _interfaceMapping();
// If full manual is required (thrust already generated), don't run position/velocity
// controller and just return thrust.
_skip_controller = PX4_ISFINITE(_thr_sp(0)) && PX4_ISFINITE(_thr_sp(1))
&& PX4_ISFINITE(_thr_sp(2));
return mapping_succeeded;
此处又将setpoint赋值给 _vel_sp.
void PositionControl::generateThrustYawSetpoint(const float dt)
if (_skip_controller) {
// Already received a valid thrust set-point.
// Limit the thrust vector.
float thr_mag = _thr_sp.length();
if (thr_mag > _param_mpc_thr_max.get()) {
_thr_sp = _thr_sp.normalized() * _param_mpc_thr_max.get();
} else if (thr_mag < _param_mpc_manthr_min.get() && thr_mag > FLT_EPSILON) {
_thr_sp = _thr_sp.normalized() * _param_mpc_manthr_min.get();
// Just set the set-points equal to the current vehicle state.
_pos_sp = _pos;
_vel_sp = _vel;
_acc_sp = _acc;
} else {
void PositionControl::_positionController()
// P-position controller
const Vector3f vel_sp_position = (_pos_sp - _pos).emult(Vector3f(_param_mpc_xy_p.get(), _param_mpc_xy_p.get(),
_vel_sp = vel_sp_position + _vel_sp;
// Constrain horizontal velocity by prioritizing the velocity component along the
// the desired position setpoint over the feed-forward term.
const Vector2f vel_sp_xy = ControlMath::constrainXY(Vector2f(vel_sp_position),
Vector2f(_vel_sp - vel_sp_position), _param_mpc_xy_vel_max.get());
_vel_sp(0) = vel_sp_xy(0);
_vel_sp(1) = vel_sp_xy(1);
// Constrain velocity in z-direction.
_vel_sp(2) = math::constrain(_vel_sp(2), -_constraints.speed_up, _constraints.speed_down);
可以看到_vel_sp 作为前馈项进入到 速度设定值中
然后通过速度控制PID算出来Thrust 以及 Yaw的方向设定值
发布话题vehicle_local_position_setpoint. 其中速度为P-PID计算后的的setpoint速度数值_vel_sp变量
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