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Log analysis tool - goaccess

2020-11-09 08:41:00 0xBoo

The importance of a journal is self-evident , But I seem to have completely ignored it , What kind of problems often arise , The first time is not to look at the log .

Obviously, I completely ignored its power , take nginx In terms of access logs , The following information can be analyzed from it :

  1. Response time of the request
  2. The address and port of the back-end server that the request reaches
  3. Whether the request has cache configuration
  4. Request body 、 Request header 、 The size of response body and response head, etc
  5. Client's IP Address 、UserAgent Etc
  6. The content of the custom variable

Through this information , You can get the response time-consuming request and the number of requests and concurrency , To analyze the causes of concurrency , This is very important for application level services .

GoAccess What is it?

GoAccess It's an open source Real time network log analyzer and Interactive viewer , Can be in the class Unix Running through a browser or system . —— GoAccess official

Why choose GoAccess?
  1. because GoAccess It is designed as a terminal based fast log analyzer . Its core idea is to analyze and view in real time Web Server statistics , Instead of using a browser . You can also input it into HTML perhaps CSV、JSON.
  2. GoAccess You can parse almost anything Web Log format (Apache,Nginx,Amazon S3,Elastic Load Balancing,CloudFront etc. ). Just format the log and run it based on your log .

GoAccess introduction

Yesterday I was using GoAccess when , I stepped into some holes , It led me to think for a time whether this tool existed or not Bug. Because in reading other people's tutorials, they are out of the box .

The following is a detailed description from installation to use .

install GoAccess

Because the operating system of the server is Ubuntu, So here we are Ubuntu For example :

Because not all distributions offer the latest version of GoAccess, So here we use the latest stable version of the official installation method

$ echo "deb http://deb.goaccess.io/ $(lsb_release -cs)main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/goaccess.list
$ wget -O - https://deb.goaccess.io/gnugpg.key | sudo apt-key add - 
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install goaccess

Determine the log format

Installed on the computer GoAccess after , The first thing to do is to determine the log format of the access log , You can set them permanently , You can also pass them on the command line .

Here we use Nginx Of access.log For example - - [28/Apr/2019:02:20:01 +0000] "GET /Manage/Dingdan/fail_index/startTime/2019-04-28+00%3A00%3A00/endTime/2019-04-28+23%3A59%3A59.html HTTP/1.1" 200 7798 "http://www.692213.com/Manage/Dingdan/fail_index/startTime/2019-04-28+00%3A00%3A00/endTime/2019-04-28+23%3A59%3A59.html" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.110 Safari/537.36"

Mode one , To configure .goaccessrc file :

vim ~/.goaccessrc

time-format %T
date-format %d/%b/%Y
log_format %h %^[%d:%t %^] "%r" %s %b "%R" "%u" %^

Mode two , Pass parameters on the command line :

$ goaccess nginx/access.log --log-format='%h %^[%d:%t %^] "%r" %s %b "%R" "%u" %^' --date-format=%d/%b/%Y --time-format=%T
Be careful : Whether it's a configuration file or a command line parameter It's not always the same , Just relative to the log format you want to monitor .

function GoAccess

Mode one , adopt -p Parameters , Specify profile .

$ goaccess nginx/access.log  -p ~/.goaccessrc

Mode two , Specify the log format directly in the command line parameter , See the example above for details .

Terminal output

The following tips use the log configuration dialog box of predefined log format for you to choose from , Then the statistics are displayed in real time .

$ goaccess nginx/access.log -c

The third is usually chosen , Common log format (CLF), That's what it looks like after success :

How to operate under the console :

* F1 or h The main help .
* F5 Redraw the main window .
* q Exit procedure , Current window or collapse active module 
* o or ENTER Expand the selected module or open a window 
* 0-9 And will Shift + 0 The selected module is set to active state 
* j Scroll down through the expanded module 
* k Scroll up in the extension module 
* c Set or change scheme colors 
* ^ f Scroll one screen forward in the active module 
* ^ b Scroll back one screen in the active module 
* TAB Iteration module ( forward )
* SHIFT + TAB Iteration module ( backward )
* s Sorting options for active modules 
* / Search all modules ( Allow regular expressions )
* n Find the next place to appear 
* g Move to the first item or top of the screen 
* G Move to the last item or bottom of the screen 

static state HTML Output

The following content analyzes the access log and static HTML The report shows statistics .

$ goaccess -a -d -f nginx/access.log.1 -p ~/.goaccessrc -o /var/www/report.html

real time HTML Output

$ goaccess -a -d -f nginx/access.log.1 -p ~/.goaccessrc -o /var/www/report.html --real-time-html

Then use the browser to access , That's about it :

Description of configuration file and log format

GoAccess The configuration file is located in %sysconfdir%/goaccess.conf or ~/.goaccessrc

among ,%sysconfdir% yes /etc/,/usr/etc/ or /usr/local/etc/

time-format and date-format The format is usually fixed , Only log-format The format of the log depends on the specific log format .

time-format %T

date-format %d/%b/%Y

log-format Common format description :

* %x Date and time fields that match time format and date format variables . Use when you give a timestamp instead of a date and time in two separate variables .
* %t The time field matches the time format variable .
* %d Date fields that match date format variables .
* %v The server name is set according to the canonical name ( Server block or virtual host ).
* %e This is a HTTP The user ID of the person who requested the document as determined by authentication .
* %hhost( client IP Address ,IPv4 or IPv6)
* %r Request line from client . This requires a specific separator around the request ( Single quotation marks , Double quotation marks, etc ) Analyzable . otherwise , Use special format specifiers , Such as combination %m,%U,%q and %H Parse the fields .
 Be careful : Use or %r Get the complete request OR %m,%U,%q and %H Form your requirements , Don't use... At the same time .
* %m Request method .
* %U Requested URL route .
 Be careful : If the query string is in %U, No need to use %q. however , If URL The path does not contain any query strings , You can use %q And append the query string to the request .
* %q Query string .
* %H Request protocol .
* %s The server sends the status code back to the client .
* %b The size of the object returned to the client .
* %R“Referer”HTTP Request header .
* %u The user agent HTTP Request header .
* %D The time required for the service request , In microseconds .
* %T The time required for the service request , In Milliseconds , The resolution is milliseconds .
* %L  The time taken for the service request , A decimal number in milliseconds .
* %^ Ignore this field .
* %~ Move the log string forward , Until a non space is found (!isspace)char.
* ~h X-Forwarded-For(XFF) Host in the field ( client IP Address ,IPv4 or IPv6).

Common parameters

  • -f: Specify the log file path to be analyzed
  • -c: Prompt log when program starts / Date configuration window
  • -p: Specify the custom profile to use
  • -d: stay HTML or JSON Enable on output IP Parser
  • -o: Output to the specified extension file (Html、Json、CSV)
  • -a: Enable user agent list by host . For faster resolution of , Please do not enable this flag
  • -d: stay HTML or JSON Enable on output IP Parser .

summary :GoAccess It's very convenient from installation to use , Not only can you analyze historical logs , It can also analyze the log in real time , The supported log format can basically meet most application scenarios .

Reference link
