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Launch APS system to break the problem of decoupling material procurement plan from production practice

2022-07-06 07:37:00 Huidu technology intelligent manufacturing

Recently, we have solved the problem of decoupling material procurement plan from actual production for a well-known customer in the sheet metal industry , And successfully achieve single purchase cost savings 30% The above remarkable results .

Before , Customer procurement 、 plan 、 production 、 Each department of material control mainly adopts traditional manual Excel Material collaboration management , The workload is huge and complicated , It often appears in the coordination of various departments “ Conflicts ”: For example, the material purchase cannot keep up with the production schedule , Lead to production delay ; Purchasing materials in an unnecessary period of time will increase the cost of a single purchase and overstock the warehouse ; It is impossible to accurately trace the purchased materials , The cost cannot be counted .

The key to conflict , In the final analysis, each department does its own thing , It is difficult to consider the company comprehensively “ capacity + materiel ” Key resources . actually APS Automatic scheduling system can easily solve this problem , because APS It is a medium and long-term planning and scheduling based on limited capacity and resources , Opened the MRP-MPS Complete planning process , Combined with inventory capacity and ( Lead time )leadtime, It can accurately calculate the net material demand of a single work order , Make the material purchase plan and production plan match accurately .

Traditional material requirement planning and purchasing methods , It is often disconnected from the actual production plan , Most manufacturing enterprises are used to Eexcel To maintain the MRP , use excel There is a large amount of data 、 Prone to error , And it can only realize order level material requirement planning , It is impossible to accurately trace the purchased materials , At the same time, the regular production and marketing coordination meetings also bring a lot of time waste , Lead to purchasing personnel 、 Material control personnel 、 The production personnel have different opinions , Internal conflicts occur frequently ;

Many times, in order to meet production needs, purchase in advance , This leads to an increase in the cost of a single purchase , And early purchase is also likely to cause factory warehouse explosion , Even cause the material quality to expire 、 Deterioration and other problems . Similar information is opaque 、 The complex procurement process not only brings great trouble to factory managers , At the same time, it also causes a lot of unnecessary cost waste .

that , How to solve these problems , In fact, it can be implemented APS Automatic scheduling system , Get through MRP-MPS Complete planning process , Realize medium and long-term planning and scheduling based on limited capacity , And use this to calculate the time when the materials of the corresponding production work order are complete , And take a single production work order as the dimension , Combined with inventory capacity and lead time , Accurately calculate the net material demand of a single work order , In this way, the accurate traceability of purchased materials can be realized , Realize accurate statistics of order costs , And it can greatly reduce the single purchase cost , Avoid long-term occupation of cash flow .

If you have MES/APS System related requirements , Pay attention to me , Get more details about smart manufacturing , Welcome to communicate !


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