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Simulation implementation of new of Js handwritten function

2022-08-01 12:32:00 Name is not ready yet

JavaScriptIn-depth article twelfth in the series,通过new的模拟实现,Take everyone to open to usenewGet the truth of the constructor instance


一句话介绍 new:

new 运算符创建一个用户定义的对象类型的实例或具有构造函数的内置对象类型之一

Maybe a little hard to understand,我们在模拟 new 之前,先看看 new 实现了哪些功能.


// Otaku 御宅族,简称宅
function Otaku (name, age) {
    this.name = name;
    this.age = age;

    this.habit = 'Games';

// 因为缺乏锻炼的缘故,身体强度让人担忧
Otaku.prototype.strength = 60;

Otaku.prototype.sayYourName = function () {
    console.log('I am ' + this.name);

var person = new Otaku('Kevin', '18');

console.log(person.name) // Kevin
console.log(person.habit) // Games
console.log(person.strength) // 60

person.sayYourName(); // I am Kevin

从这个例子中,我们可以看到,实例 person 可以:

  1. 访问到 Otaku 构造函数里的属性
  2. 访问到 Otaku.prototype 中的属性

接下来,We can try to simulate it.

因为 new 是关键字,所以无法像 bind Functions are directly overridden,所以我们写一个函数,命名为 objectFactory,来模拟 new 的效果.This is how it is used:

function Otaku () {

// 使用 new
var person = new Otaku(……);
// 使用 objectFactory
var person = objectFactory(Otaku, ……)



因为 new 的结果是一个新对象,所以在模拟实现的时候,We also create a new object,假设这个对象叫 obj,因为 obj 会具有 Otaku 构造函数里的属性,Consider the example of classical inheritance,我们可以使用 Otaku.apply(obj, arguments)来给 obj 添加新的属性.

在 JavaScript Dive into the first part of the series,We talked about prototypes and prototype chains,我们知道实例的 __proto__ 属性会指向构造函数的 prototype,It is precisely because of the establishment of such a relationship,Instances can access properties on the prototype.

现在,We can try to write the first edition:

// 第一版代码
function objectFactory() {

    var obj = new Object(),

    Constructor = [].shift.call(arguments);

    obj.__proto__ = Constructor.prototype;

    Constructor.apply(obj, arguments);

    return obj;



  1. 用new Object() 的方式新建了一个对象 obj
  2. 取出第一个参数,就是我们要传入的构造函数.此外因为 shift 会修改原数组,所以 arguments 会被去除第一个参数
  3. 将 obj 的原型指向构造函数,这样 obj 就可以访问到构造函数原型中的属性
  4. 使用 apply,改变构造函数 this 的指向到新建的对象,这样 obj 就可以访问到构造函数中的属性
  5. 返回 obj





Copy the code below,到浏览器中,We can do a test:

function Otaku (name, age) {
    this.name = name;
    this.age = age;

    this.habit = 'Games';

Otaku.prototype.strength = 60;

Otaku.prototype.sayYourName = function () {
    console.log('I am ' + this.name);

function objectFactory() {
    var obj = new Object(),
    Constructor = [].shift.call(arguments);
    obj.__proto__ = Constructor.prototype;
    Constructor.apply(obj, arguments);
    return obj;

var person = objectFactory(Otaku, 'Kevin', '18')

console.log(person.name) // Kevin
console.log(person.habit) // Games
console.log(person.strength) // 60

person.sayYourName(); // I am Kevin

[]~( ̄▽ ̄)~**

Return value effect implementation

接下来我们再来看一种情况,If the constructor has a return value,举个例子:

function Otaku (name, age) {
    this.strength = 60;
    this.age = age;

    return {
        name: name,
        habit: 'Games'

var person = new Otaku('Kevin', '18');

console.log(person.name) // Kevin
console.log(person.habit) // Games
console.log(person.strength) // undefined
console.log(person.age) // undefined

在这个例子中,The constructor returns an object,在实例 person 中只能访问返回的对象中的属性.

And one more thing,Here we are returning an object,What if we just returned a value of a primitive type?


function Otaku (name, age) {
    this.strength = 60;
    this.age = age;

    return 'handsome boy';

var person = new Otaku('Kevin', '18');

console.log(person.name) // undefined
console.log(person.habit) // undefined
console.log(person.strength) // 60
console.log(person.age) // 18

The result is completely reversed,This time despite the return value,But it is equivalent to no return value for processing.

So we also need to determine whether the returned value is an object,如果是一个对象,我们就返回这个对象,如果没有,我们该返回什么就返回什么.

Let's look at the second version of the code,Also the last version of the code:

// 第二版的代码
function objectFactory() {

    var obj = new Object(),

    Constructor = [].shift.call(arguments);

    obj.__proto__ = Constructor.prototype;

    var ret = Constructor.apply(obj, arguments);

    return typeof ret === 'object' ? ret : obj;


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