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Cmake command line use

2022-07-07 08:56:00 beibeix2015

 Generate project build system 
 cmake [< Options >] < The source path >
 cmake [< Options >] < Existing build path >
 cmake [< Options >] -S < The source path > -B < Build path >
 Build a project 
 cmake --build < Catalog > [< Options >] [-< Build tool options >]
 Installation project 
 cmake --install < Catalog > [< Options >]
 Open a project 
 cmake --open < Catalog >
 Run script 
 cmake [{-D <var> = < value >} ...] -P <cmake-script-file>
 Run the command line 
 cmake -E < command > [< Options >]
 Run the find package tool 
 cmake --find-package [< Options >]
 view help 
 cmake --help [-<topic>]


Reference resources

cmake Chinese document ( One )- Compile command line tools

CMake I Specify the build type Debug/Release 

CMake Introduction of actual combat

