你好呀, 我是歪歪.
Didn't you post this article before?:《千万不要把Request传递到异步线程里面!有坑!》
said that because of Request 在 tomcat It is reused,So if in a Request After the life cycle of,The related method is called in the asynchronous thread,会导致这个 Request 被污染,Then in the next request was also observed that some of the strange scene.
But there is a problem in the comment area of the article,Also got me by asking:

Since the focus of my article is to Request Pass this operation to the asynchronous thread,并没有特别的关注 Request How is it reused?.
I just observed the phenomenon of multiplexing by printing the log:

After starting the project,分别访问 testRequest 和 testRequest1,从控制台的输出来看,Request object is indeed an object.
But from the previous thread name,These are two completely different threads in the thread pool.
所以,Although I haven't analyzed anything yet,Based on the log, at least the answer to this question can be seen:
复用的requestIs it tied to the thread??
If not, and thread binding,那么问题就随之而来了:
How to decide which thread to reuse which each timerequest呢?
这是个好问题,我也不知道答案,So I decided to have a plate of it.
but before disc,Let's think first:假设 Request tied to the request thread,Is this a reasonable design?
The thread should be a simple thread,should not give it“绑定”一个 Request.This binding makes the thread not simple,Threads and requests are coupled.
A better design should be Request 放在一个“池子”里面,When a thread comes, it can be used from the pool. Request.
This can achieve the effect of decoupling between threads and requests.
当然,This is just an assumption I made before exploring.,先放在这里,Finally, see if this conjecture is correct.
You don't need to be right to read this article Tomcat 有多少了解,will use it,Many things can be inferred based on source code.
对了,说一下 Tomcat 源码版本:9.0.58.
To find the answer to the question, you must go to the source code,But where to start?
或者换个问题:Where is the first breakpoint??
When I encounter this problem, my first reaction is to see if I can find relevant clues from the log.,So as to find the location of the first breakpoint.
But I adjusted the log separately to DEBUG 级别和 TRACE 级别,No valuable information was found,Feel so log this road to go,怎么办?
不慌,It's time to calm down and analyze.

quietly ask yourself:Can I put a breakpoint at the method entry?
当然可以了,It is also can think of a very conventional means:

But if you hit the breakpoint here,It is equivalent to pushing the source code backward from the first line of the business code,Take the road a little further.
So where can the breakpoint be hit??
I'm not outputting here Request the full class name of this object:
http-nio-8080-exec-2:testRequest1 = [email protected]
RequestFacade,This class can be used,必然有一个 new 它的地方,而要 new 它,must call its constructor.
Then do I just make a breakpoint on its corresponding constructor?,When the program creates this class,Isn't that the source I'm looking for??

所以,I hit the first breakpoint at RequestFacade 的构造方法上.
Start with the construction method,This is also one of my debugging tips,送给你,不客气.
有的小伙伴就要问了:If a class has more than one constructor?
很简单,大力出奇迹,Breakpoints on every constructor,There must be a trigger somewhere.

Find the location of the first breakpoint,The next step is to restart the project,A call.
I launched two consecutive calls,I knew from the procedure of the breakpoint is hit.
I'll give you the last figure,你就知道我为什么这么说了:

项目启动之后,The first call where the breakpoint stop,Then the second call doesn't stop at the breakpoint.
It means that there is really no new construction for the second time. RequestFacade 对象,Instead, it reuses the one generated when the first call is made RequestFacade 对象.
After verifying that the position of the breakpoint is OK,You can start to debug slowly.
首先,Let's keep an eye on this RequestFacade 对象创建的地方:

有两个 if 判断.
第一个是判断 facade 是否为 null,不为 null 就 new.
第二个是把 facade 赋值给 applicationRequest 对象,接着返回 applicationRequest 对象.
第二个 if 其实很有意思,你想啊,这里直接返回 facade 也可以呀,为什么要用 applicationRequest come take it?
这两个 if 的关键在于 facade 和 applicationRequest 是否为空.
Definitely empty on first visit.So when will it be empty again??
Is at the end of a request,执行 recycle 方法的时候:

从源码中可以看到 applicationRequest is directly set to null 的.
但是这个 facade 设置为 null 有个前提,getDiscardFacades 方法返回为 true.

意思是 RECYCLE_FACADES This parameter controls whether the cycle is used or not facade 这个对象,如果设置为 true will improve safety,And this parameter defaults to false.

That is to say, if I change this parameter to true,facade The object will be recycled after each call is complete.
It can be known from the previous source code,在默认的情况下,applicationRequest will be set to null,而 facade 会保留下来.
So when the next request comes,facede 并不为空,直接复用 facade.把 facade 赋值给 applicationRequest.
So what we observe in the log is that the output is requested twice facade 对象是一样的.
接着,We continue to see a call stack.
看创建 facade 的这个 getRequest Who is calling the request:

发现是一个 Request 对象在调用 getRequest 方法.
So the next thing to look for is Request Object initially started with which method as the transfer of refs.
Follow the call stack,can be found here:

这就是 Request Where the object is initially passed as an argument.
那么这个 Request How are objects created??
所以,要知道这个问题的答案,The position of the second breakpoint hit is ready to appear.:

重启项目,发起请求,发现 Debug 停在了 AbstractProcessor 类的构造方法,这就是 request The most begin to produce,At the same time, we have harvested a call stack:
org.apache.coyote.AbstractProcessor#AbstractProcessor(org.apache.coyote.Adapter, org.apache.coyote.Request, org.apache.coyote.Response)

这个 Request 是怎么来的呢?
new 出来的:

why do this new 方法呢?
because this place is createProcessor:

And the answers to the questions we're looking for,in the screenshot above.
准确的说,hidden in the screenshot above,Marked the place of the pentagram:
processor = recycledProcessors.pop();
From the snippet of code,如果从 recycledProcessors 里面 pop 出的 processor 对象不为空,则不会调用 createProcessor 方法.
And from a debugging point of view,不调用 createProcessor 方法,也就不会创建 RequestFacade 对象.
所以,recycledProcessors,This thing is gorgeous、Is a real breakthrough.

这一小节,Mainly to share a process I found this breakthrough,Two key breakpoints are set based on the above considerations.
Actually, think back,This is a very natural thing,Debugging source code with problems is a relatively simple matter.
you see the name of this object,recycled + Processors,You can tell there's a story in there,A story about object reuse.

The method of this class is also very simple,就三个方法:push、pop、clear.
继承至 SynchronizedStack 对象,is a standard stack structure,只不过是用 Synchronized Modified the corresponding method:

在 SynchronizedStack Such comments on mentioned here is an object pool、This object pool does not need to be scaled down、The purpose is to reduce garbage objects,释放 GC 压力.
Now we found this object pool,Also found calling this object pool pop 的地方.
So when to go to this object pool push 呢?
So the third breakpoint comes,可以打在 push 方法上:

然后发起调用,It is found that the request processing is completed,release 当前 processor 的时候,就把这个 processor 放到 recycledProcessors 里面去,Waiting for the next request:

At this point we have mastered such a closed loop:
当请求来了之后,先看 recycledProcessors Is there anything available in this stack structure? processor,没有则调用 createProcessor 方法创建一个新的,Then after the end of the request,Put it into the stack structure.
而在调用 createProcessor 方法的时候,会构建一个新的 Request 对象,最终这个 Request The object is encapsulated as RequestFacade 对象.
So I now want to verify Processor、Request 和 RequestFacade There is such a correspondence between the three.

注意,Next is another debugging trick..

i want to select processor 之后,Add a line of output statement:

Create a package path that is the same as the source code in your own project,Then paste the corresponding class directly over:

Because it's in my own project,You can change it however you want:

For example, I join this output statements,打印出 processor 和里面的 request.
After you initiate the request, you will find that it does take effect,但是 reuqest 的输出是这样的:

because in the source code,这个类的 toString 方法被重写了:

改源码啊,I just taught you:

Call after modification,You can see the corresponding expected output in the console:

你看,processor 里面有个 request.Now what I'm looking for is request 和 RequestFacade 之间的关系.
很简单,在 getRequest The method also outputs a line here:


这两个 Request Is not the same thing:
不要慌,calm down,Although they are two different Request,But with some issues between them.

先看一下 org.apache.catalina.connector.Request 是怎么来的,老规矩,breakpoint on constructor:

Based on this call stack,look forward a little,A noteworthy spot:

In this method in the screenshot above,有一行这样的代码:
其中 request 是 org.apache.catalina.connector.Request 对象.
而 req 是 org.apache.coyote.Request 对象.

也就是说,My output statement here should be like this:

修改之后,再次发起调用,The output log is like this:

If you haven't seen something,I'll process it for you:

意思就是 Processor 和 RequestFacade 确实是一一对应的.
Go back to this screenshot at the beginning of the article,Why do I make two requests,RequestFacade 对象是同一个呢?

Because the two requests use the same Processor 呀.
You see I make two more requests,都是 [email protected] 在处理:

所以,On the surface it is the same RequestFacade,essentially the same Processor.
换句话说:If the two requests use different Processor,There will be no reuse.
I thought of the following verification method:

I can ask first sleepTenSeconds,然后在 10s 内请求 testRequest.这样,I can observe two different Processor:

In order to see this phenomenon more intuitively.
I decided to operate recycledProcessors 的 pop method before and push 方法之后,输出一下 recycledProcessors 里面的内容:

But when you write it like this, you will find: RecycledProcessors 的父类,也就是 SynchronizedStack 类并没有提供 print 方法,怎么办呢?
很简单嘛,I can get the source code,加一个方法,It's not a matter of grabbing?

接着,I was in accordance with the first visit sleepTenSeconds 再访问 testRequest order of methods to initiate requests,日志是这样的:

单独拿出来,testRequest After the request is completed,对应的日志是这样的,
========pop之前【开始】print all currentProcessor========
========pop之前【结束】print all currentProcessor========
[email protected],[email protected]
[email protected],[email protected]
3.http-nio-8080-exec-1:testRequest = [email protected]
========push之后【开始】print all currentProcessor========
[email protected]
========push之后【结束】print all currentProcessor========
而 sleepTenSeconds After the request is completed,对应的日志是这样的:
========pop之前【开始】print all currentProcessor========
========pop之前【结束】print all currentProcessor========
[email protected],[email protected]
[email protected],[email protected]
3.http-nio-8080-exec-2:sleepTenSeconds = [email protected]
========push之后【开始】print all currentProcessor========
[email protected]
[email protected]
========push之后【结束】print all currentProcessor========
也就是说,此时 recycledProcessors 里面有两个 Processor:
========push之后【开始】print all currentProcessor========
[email protected]
[email protected]
========push之后【结束】print all currentProcessor========
那么问题就来了:You said I'll make another request next,哪个 Processor Will you accept this request??
Although I haven't made the request yet,但是我知道,一定是 [email protected] 来进行处理.
because i know it will be the next pop 出来的 Processor 对象.
不信,Just watch this animation:

在上面的动图中,我先是 testRequest 这个请求.
if i visit first sleepTenSeconds,再访问 testRequest 呢?
Although I haven't made the request yet,但是我知道,There must be such a correspondence to handle these two requests:
sleepTenSeconds->[email protected]
testRequest->[email protected]
因为 sleepTenSeconds 请求来的时候,recycledProcessors 里面会 pop 出 [email protected] 这个对象,来处理这个请求.
所以在 10 秒内,也就是 sleepTenSeconds Request has been finished,访问 testRequest 请求,recycledProcessors 里面接着 pop 出来的 就是 [email protected] 这个对象.
不信的话,Look at this animation again:

所以,Have we found the answer to this question now?:
How to decide which thread to reuse each timerequest呢?
请求线程和 request no relationship.Which to use per request request 取决于使用哪个 Processor.and which is used for each request Processor,取决于 recycledProcessors What is cached in the class Processor.请求过来的时候,pop which one come out,就是哪个.
recycledProcessors Since it is a cache,它的大小,To a certain extent determines the performance of the project.
while its default value is 200:

为什么是 200 呢?
因为 tomcat The maximum number of threads thread pool is by default 200:

Can you understand this??
Although thread and Processor There is no binding between relations,But logically one thread corresponds to one Processor.因此,A better approach is to make the number of threads and Processor 的数量保持一致.
如果我把 processorCache 这个参数修改为 1:
What happens when you say high concurrency??
很多请求 push 的时候会 push 不进去,从而走到 handler.unregister(processor) inside the logic:

而这个 unregister 方法,对应的还有一个 register 方法,I'll show you:

they hold the same synchronized 锁,There is competition between them.
我们知道,Called after a request ends RecycledProcessors 的 push 方法,而 push 的时候会调用 unregister 方法.
那么问题就来了:register 什么时候调用呢?
In fact, it has already appeared before:

一个请求来了,创建完 processor 之后.
所以,当我把 processorCache 设置为 1,高并发的情况下,constantly calling register 和 unregister,锁竞争频繁,性能下降.
这个结论,That's what I came to by reading the source code,Rather than a ready-made conclusion from some other book or video.
This is the joy and meaning of reading the source code.

写到这里的时候,I can't help but think of me in《千万不要把Request传递到异步线程里面!有坑!》The pit stepped on in this article.
Look again at that figure,Mainly focus on the output corresponding to the console when it is called twice:

就是因为在 Request is used outside its lifetime,There is a problem when reusing.
The correct solution I gave at the time was to use Request 的异步编程,也就是 startAsync 和 AsyncContext.complete the method.
But after writing this article,I thought of two more tricks.
第一个方法,just hide in front of me RECYCLE_FACADES 这个配置中.
From the description on the official documentation, if this parameter is set to true will improve safety,但是它默认是 false.
How to enhance security?
就是每次把 RequestFacade also recycled.
then i change it to true 试一试,看看啥效果:


When you see this exception,I immediately understood what the official documentation said.“安全性”是什么意思了:your usage is wrong,I throw an exception for you,to remind you,这里需要进行修改,提升安全性.
And the second one is like this:
I won't let you reuse it,use a new one every time,bypass multiplexing this“坑”:

Don't care if it works or not,有没有性能问题,You say that after thoroughly understanding the underlying logic,Isn't this action rude?.

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