2022-08-01 12:43:00 【51CTO】
3、去掉括号即可 8910*+42/-3+
package cn. tzy. calculator;
import java. util. HashMap;
import java. util. LinkedList;
import java. util. Map;
import java. util. Queue;
import java. util. Stack;
* Created by gchx on 2015/2/9.
public class Calculator {
private Map < String, Integer > priority; //操作符优先级Map
public Calculator() {
private void initPriority() {
this. priority = new HashMap <>();
this. priority. put( "#", 0);
this. priority. put( "+", 1);
this. priority. put( "-", 1);
this. priority. put( "*", 2);
this. priority. put( "/", 2);
public int getPriority( String operator) {
if ( operator. matches( "[()]")) {
return - 1;
} else {
return priority. get( operator);
private boolean isPrior( String one, String another) {
return getPriority( one) <= getPriority( another);
private < T > T getTopEle( Stack < T > stack) {
if ( stack == null) {
return null;
} else {
return stack. get( stack. size() - 1);
* @param expression 算数表达式
* @return
* 将中缀表达式转换为后缀表达式
public Queue < String > toSuffix( String expression) {
Queue < String > operandQueue = new LinkedList <>(); //操作数队列
Stack < String > operatorStack = new Stack <>(); //操作符堆栈
operatorStack. push( "#");
String current = "";
String operator = "";
String number = "";
int start = 0;
int end = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < expression. length(); i ++) {
current = String. valueOf( expression. charAt( i));
// 如果是数字,末尾标记end++
if ( current. matches( "[\\d\\.]")) {
// 如果数字是最后一个字符,直接将其入队列
if ( i == expression. length() - 1) {
operandQueue. add( current);
} else {
end ++;
} else {
// 如果是字符
// 如果是左括号,将其入栈
if ( current. equals( "(")) {
operatorStack. push( current);
} else {
// 如果是右括号和其它运算符,先将前面的数字入队列
number = expression. substring( start, end);
if ( ! number. isEmpty()) {
operandQueue. add( number);
// 如果是右括号,执行出栈操作,并将出栈的元素入队列,直到弹出栈的是左括号,左括号直接出栈
if ( current. equals( ")")) {
while ( ! getTopEle( operatorStack). equals( "(")) {
operandQueue. add( operatorStack. pop());
operatorStack. pop();
} else {
// 如果是其它运算符,弹出所有优先级大于或者等于该运算符的栈顶元素,然后将该运算符入栈
operator = current;
while ( isPrior( operator, getTopEle( operatorStack))) {
operandQueue. add( operatorStack. pop());
operatorStack. push( operator);
// 将指向数字的首尾指针加1
start = end = i + 1;
for ( int i = operatorStack. size() - 1; i > 0; i --) {
operandQueue. add( operatorStack. pop());
return operandQueue;
* @param expression 算数表达式
* @return
* 得到表达式的结果
public double getResult( String expression) {
Queue < String > suffixQueue = toSuffix( expression);
Stack < String > suffixStack = new Stack < String >();
String current = "";
double frontOperand;
double backOperand;
double value = 0;
for ( int i = suffixQueue. size(); i > 0; i --) {
current = suffixQueue. poll();
if ( current. matches( "^\\d+(\\.\\d+)*$")) {
suffixStack. push( current);
} else {
backOperand = Double. valueOf( suffixStack. pop());
frontOperand = Double. valueOf( suffixStack. pop());
if ( current. equals( "+")) {
value = frontOperand + backOperand;
} else if ( current. equals( "-")) {
value = frontOperand - backOperand;
} else if ( current. equals( "*")) {
value = frontOperand * backOperand;
} else if ( current. equals( "/")) {
try {
value = frontOperand / backOperand;
} catch ( Exception e) {
return 0;
suffixStack. push( String. valueOf( value));
String result = suffixStack. get( 0);
return Double. valueOf( result);
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package cn. tzy. calculator;
import java. util. Queue;
import org. junit. Assert;
import org. junit. Test;
public class CalculatorTest {
private Calculator calculator;
private String infix;
public CalculatorTest() {
this. calculator = new Calculator();
this. infix = "(8+9*10)-4/2+3";
public void testToSuffix() {
Queue < String > suffix = calculator. toSuffix( infix);
for ( int i = suffix. size(); i > 0; i --) {
System. out. print( "(" + suffix. poll() + ")");
public void testGetResult() {
double result = calculator. getResult( infix);
Assert. assertEquals( result, 99, 0);
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