当前位置:网站首页>Based on FPGA in any number of bytes (single-byte or multibyte) serial port (UART) to send (including source engineering)
Based on FPGA in any number of bytes (single-byte or multibyte) serial port (UART) to send (including source engineering)
2022-08-01 20:34:00 【lonely single knife】
在这篇文章中串口(UART)的FPGA实现(Contains the source code project),实现了基于FPGASerial port to send driver.Use send driver can realize 起始位1bit+数据位8bit+停止位1bit 共10bitSingle-byte transmission.
But in the process of practical application and often requires a one-time send multiple bytes of data.比如,A sends a bit wide for【39:0】的数据.诚然,Can change the article directly in the serial port to send driver,使其变成 起始位1bit+数据位40bit+停止位1bit 共42bitMulti-byte transmission.这种方法理论上是可行的,因为UARTAgreement did not stipulate time to send you、Receive more lessbit的数据,既然能发送8个bit,It can also send40个bit.
但是很不幸,In fact the basic won't work,Because most of general PC do not support a resolution40bit的数据位(If you write a machine when I didn't say).
So can only think of some other way to,比如:写个逻辑,多次调用8bitThe single-byte serial port to send driver,40bitThe data of call5次,That is cut into5个 起始位1bit+数据位8bit+停止位1bit共10bit的单字节 Respectively, it is ok to send the past.
2、A serial port to send driver
请参考:串口(UART)的FPGA实现(Contains the source code project),In this article introduces in detail a serial port to send driver.
以下代码可以实现 1bit+数据位8bit+停止位1bit 共10bitSingle-byte transmission,无奇偶校验.
// *******************************************************************************************************
// ** 作者 : 孤独的单刀
// ** 邮箱 : [email protected]
// ** 博客 : https://blog.csdn.net/wuzhikaidetb
// ** 日期 : 2022/07/31
// ** 功能 : 1、基于FPGASerial port to send driver module;
// 2、可设置波特率BPS、主时钟CLK_FRE;
// 3、起始位1bit,数据位8bit,停止位1bit,无奇偶校验;
// 4、每发送1After the bytes upuart_tx_done一个周期,Can be used for subsequent multi-byte module.
// *******************************************************************************************************
module uart_tx
parameter integer BPS = 9_600 , //发送波特率
parameter integer CLK_FRE = 50_000_000 //主时钟频率
input sys_clk , //系统时钟
input sys_rst_n , //系统复位,低电平有效
input [7:0] uart_tx_data , //需要通过UART发送的数据,在uart_tx_en为高电平时有效
input uart_tx_en , //Send the effective,当其为高电平时,On behalf of the need to send data valid at this time
output reg uart_tx_done , //成功发送1BYTEData after raising a cycle
output reg uart_txd //UART发送数据线tx
//param define
localparam integer BPS_CNT = CLK_FRE / BPS; //Calculated according to transmission baud rate for eachbitNeed to count more than the system clock
localparam integer BITS_NUM = 10 ; //Send the format to determine the need to sendbit数,10bit = 1起始位 + 8数据位 + 1停止位
//reg define
reg tx_state ; //发送标志信号,Up on behalf of the sending process is ongoing
reg [7:0] uart_tx_data_reg ; //寄存要发送的数据
reg [31:0] clk_cnt ; //计数器,Is used to count to send abitThe data needed on the number of clock
reg [3:0] bit_cnt ; //bit计数器,Marks the current sent how manybit
//When can send make signal arrived,Check to send data in order to avoid subsequent changes、丢失
always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n)begin
uart_tx_data_reg <=8'd0;
else if(uart_tx_en) //To send effective data
uart_tx_data_reg <= uart_tx_data; //Check needs to send data
uart_tx_data_reg <= uart_tx_data_reg;
//When can send make signal arrived,进入发送过程
always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n)begin
tx_state <=1'b0;
else if(uart_tx_en)
tx_state <= 1'b1; //Send signals effectively, in the process of sending
//Send out the final data is sent process
else if((bit_cnt == BITS_NUM - 1'b1) && (clk_cnt == BPS_CNT - 1'b1))
tx_state <= 1'b0;
tx_state <= tx_state;
//To send data to end up sent signals a cycle,Indicating a byte is sent
always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n)begin
uart_tx_done <=1'b0;
//To send data to end up sent signals a cycle
else if((bit_cnt == BITS_NUM - 1'b1) && (clk_cnt == BPS_CNT - 1'b1))
uart_tx_done <=1'b1;
uart_tx_done <=1'b0;
//进入发送过程后,Start the clock counter and send the numberbit计数器
always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n)begin
clk_cnt <= 32'd0;
bit_cnt <= 4'd0;
else if(tx_state) begin //在发送状态
if(clk_cnt < BPS_CNT - 1'd1)begin //一个bit数据没有发送完
clk_cnt <= clk_cnt + 1'b1; //时钟计数器+1
bit_cnt <= bit_cnt; //bit计数器不变
else begin //一个bit数据发送完了
clk_cnt <= 32'd0; //Empty the clock counter,重新开始计时
bit_cnt <= bit_cnt+1'b1; //bit计数器+1,Said to send over abit的数据
else begin //Is not in the delivery status
clk_cnt <= 32'd0; //清零
bit_cnt <= 4'd0; //清零
always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n)begin
uart_txd <= 1'b1; //The default for high status,空闲状态
else if(tx_state) //处于发送状态
case(bit_cnt) //Data sent from low to high
4'd0: uart_txd <= 1'b0; //起始位,拉低
4'd1: uart_txd <= uart_tx_data_reg[0]; //Send the lowest data
4'd2: uart_txd <= uart_tx_data_reg[1]; //
4'd3: uart_txd <= uart_tx_data_reg[2]; //
4'd4: uart_txd <= uart_tx_data_reg[3]; //
4'd5: uart_txd <= uart_tx_data_reg[4]; //
4'd6: uart_txd <= uart_tx_data_reg[5]; //
4'd7: uart_txd <= uart_tx_data_reg[6]; //
4'd8: uart_txd <= uart_tx_data_reg[7]; //发送最高位数据
4'd9: uart_txd <= 1'b1; //终止位,拉高
default:uart_txd <= 1'b1;
else //Not in the delivery status
uart_txd <= 1'b1; //The default for high status,空闲状态
3、Any method to realize the bytes sent
A serial port to send driver module foreign ports is as follows:
其中uart_tx_doneThe signal is the key.When a byte of data is according to the serial port protocol to send out,The signal will be raising a clock cycle,Said a transmitting end.
Can be in after sending a byte,Send the signal as the next byte enabling signal,Until all the bytes are sent.
But there is a need to pay attention to the problem:The first byte sent can make reference signal is not uart_tx_done,So when the first signal to send?同样的,In any bytes sent an external signal module design:uart_bytes_en,Only when the signal effectively initiate a transfer,The signal at the same time also can be used as the first byte sent can make signal,如下:
总结一下,More bytes sent logic:
- 1、Convey more bytes sent can make+多字节数据
- 2、According to many bytes sent to minimum to send bytes(最低8bit),As for the first time send a single-byte
- 3、According to the single byte is sent indicating signal,Start sending a second single-byte,The multi-byte time lowbyte
- 4、All single byte is sent after the completion of,拉高uart_bytes_done,Said a multibyte sending end
// *******************************************************************************************************************
// ** 作者 : 孤独的单刀
// ** 邮箱 : [email protected]
// ** 博客 : https://blog.csdn.net/wuzhikaidetb
// ** 日期 : 2022/07/31
// ** 功能 : 1、基于FPGAThe serial interface of bytes sent module;
// 2、Can be set up of the number of bytes at a time、波特率BPS、主时钟CLK_FRE;
// 3、UARTAgreement is set to start bit1bit,数据位8bit,停止位1bit,无奇偶校验(In the port change,Can only change to send driver source code);
// 4、每发送1After multi-byte up indicator a cycle,Indicating a multibyte sending end;
// 5、Data sent order,先发送低字节、再发送高字节.如:发送16’h12_34,To send a single-byte8'h34,Send a single-byte again8'h12.
// *******************************************************************************************************************
module uart_bytes_tx
parameter integer BYTES = 4 , //发送字节数,单字节8bit
parameter integer BPS = 9_600 , //发送波特率
parameter integer CLK_FRE = 50_000_000 //输入时钟频率
input sys_clk , //系统时钟
input sys_rst_n , //系统复位,低电平有效
input [(BYTES * 8 - 1):0] uart_bytes_data , //需要通过UARTSend a multibyte data,在uart_bytes_en为高电平时有效
input uart_bytes_en , //Send the effective,当其为高电平时,On behalf of the need to send data valid at this time
output uart_bytes_done , //After successfully sent all bytes data up1个时钟周期
output uart_txd //UART发送数据线tx
//reg define
reg [(BYTES*8-1):0] uart_bytes_data_reg; //Register to receive multibyte data
reg work_en; //High level said in the sending state,Low level said idle
reg [9:0] byte_cnt; //Send the number of bytes of the count(Because of lazy directly with10bit计数,最大可以表示1024BYTE,Big probability will not overflow)
reg [7:0] uart_sing_data; //To send a single byte data apart
reg uart_sing_en; //To send a single byte data can make
reg uart_bytes_done_reg; //All bytes sent a shot
reg uart_sing_done_reg; //A single byte data sent a shot
//wire define
wire uart_sing_done; //Completion of a single byte signal
//The end KouFu value
assign uart_bytes_done = uart_bytes_done_reg;
//When can send make signal arrived,Check sent multibyte data so as to avoid subsequent changes、丢失
always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n)begin
uart_bytes_data_reg <= 0;
else if(uart_bytes_en && ~work_en) //To send effective data,And is not in a state
uart_bytes_data_reg <= uart_bytes_data; //Check needs to send data
else if(uart_sing_done)
uart_bytes_data_reg <= uart_bytes_data_reg >> 8; //发送完一个数据后,The multibyte data moves to the right8bit
uart_bytes_data_reg <= uart_bytes_data_reg;
//When can send make signal arrived,进入工作状态
always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n)begin
work_en <= 1'b0;
else if(uart_bytes_en && ~work_en) //To send effective data in working conditions and
work_en <= 1'b1; //进入发送状态
else if(uart_sing_done && byte_cnt == BYTES - 1) //Send out the last byte of data
work_en <= 1'b0; //发送完毕,Quit working condition
work_en <= work_en;
//In the working state of sending data to count number
always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n)begin
byte_cnt <= 0;
else if(work_en)begin //In the sending state need to send the number of bytes of the count
if(uart_sing_done && byte_cnt == BYTES - 1) //Count to the maximum value is zero
byte_cnt <= 0;
else if(uart_sing_done) //Send out a single-byte the counter+1
byte_cnt <= byte_cnt + 1'b1;
byte_cnt <= byte_cnt;
else //Not in the sending state is reset
byte_cnt <= 0;
//Play shoot up timing·~·
always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n)begin
uart_sing_done_reg <= 0;
uart_sing_done_reg <= uart_sing_done;
//Sending a single byte of data
always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n)begin
uart_sing_data <= 8'd0;
else if(uart_bytes_en && ~work_en) //Enter the working state after sending the first data immediately
uart_sing_data <= uart_bytes_data[7:0]; //Send the lowest bytes
else if(uart_sing_done_reg) //Send out a byte is sent another
uart_sing_data <= uart_bytes_data_reg[7:0]; //先右移8bit,然后取低8bit
uart_sing_data <= uart_sing_data; //保持稳定
//Sending a single byte of data can make
always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n)begin
uart_sing_en <= 1'b0;
else if(uart_bytes_en && ~work_en) //Enter the working state after sending the first data immediately
uart_sing_en <= 1'b1;
else if(uart_sing_done_reg && work_en) //Send out a byte is sent another
uart_sing_en <= 1'b1;
uart_sing_en <= 1'b0; //Other times it is0
//All data is sent
always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n)begin
uart_bytes_done_reg <= 1'b0;
else if(uart_sing_done && byte_cnt == BYTES - 1)
uart_bytes_done_reg <= 1'b1;
uart_bytes_done_reg <= 1'b0;
//Instantiated send driver module
uart_tx #(
.BPS (BPS ),
.sys_clk (sys_clk ),
.sys_rst_n (sys_rst_n ),
.uart_tx_data (uart_sing_data ),
.uart_tx_en (uart_sing_en ),
.uart_tx_done (uart_sing_done ),
.uart_txd (uart_txd )
Use the module sends data3次,Observation send results conformed to theUART协议要求.Use single-byte respectively(8位)、双字节(16位)、5字节(40位)进行测试.
4.1、Single-byte simulation
`timescale 1ns/1ns //Define time scale
module tb_uart_bytes_tx();
localparam integer BYTES = 1 ; //The number of bytes at a time
localparam integer BPS = 230400 ; //波特率
localparam integer CLK_FRE = 50_000_000 ; //系统频率50M
reg sys_clk ; //系统时钟
reg sys_rst_n ; //系统复位,低电平有效
reg [(BYTES * 8 - 1):0] uart_bytes_data ; //需要通过UARTSend a multibyte data,在uart_bytes_en为高电平时有效
reg uart_bytes_en ; //Send the effective,当其为高电平时,On behalf of the need to send data valid at this time
wire uart_bytes_done ; //Successfully sent all theBYTEAfter the data up1个时钟周期
wire uart_txd ; //UART发送数据线
initial begin
sys_clk <=1'b0;
sys_rst_n <=1'b0;
uart_bytes_en <=1'b0;
uart_bytes_data <= 0;
#80 //系统开始工作
sys_rst_n <=1'b1;
//第1Time send random data
#90 //发送1Random multibyte data
uart_bytes_en <=1'b1;
uart_bytes_data <= {$random}; //生成随机数据
uart_bytes_en <=1'b0;
wait(uart_bytes_done); //Waiting for the sending
//第2Time send random data
uart_bytes_en <=1'b1;
uart_bytes_data <= {$random}; //发送1Random multibyte data
uart_bytes_en <=1'b0;
wait(uart_bytes_done); //Waiting for the sending
//第3Time send random data
uart_bytes_en <=1'b1;
uart_bytes_data <= {$random}; //发送1Random multibyte data
uart_bytes_en <=1'b0;
wait(uart_bytes_done); //Waiting for the sending
#1000 $finish(); //结束仿真
always #10 sys_clk=~sys_clk; //设置主时钟,20ns,50M
//Instantiated multibyte delivery module
uart_bytes_tx #(
.BPS (BPS ),
.sys_clk (sys_clk ),
.sys_rst_n (sys_rst_n ),
.uart_bytes_data (uart_bytes_data ),
.uart_bytes_en (uart_bytes_en ),
.uart_bytes_done (uart_bytes_done ),
.uart_txd (uart_txd )
- 该模块调用了3次,To send data respectively8'h24,8'h81,8'h09
- A serial port to send driver to send the same3个数据8'h24,8'h81,8'h09
- In the first time send8'h24为例,A serial port to send the line at this timeTXThe data on the respectively0(起始位) --0--0--1--0--0--1--0--0--1(停止位),According to the data in the previous low,The principle of high in the,即8'b00100100,也就是8'h24
4.2、Double byte simulation
TB基本不用修改,仅仅把BYTESThis parameter into2就行.仿真结果如下:
- 该模块调用了3次,To send data respectively16'h3524,16'h5e81,16'hd609
- A serial port to send driver to send6个数据8'h24,8'h35,8'h81,8'h5e,8'h09,8'hd6
- Based on the principle of starter low byte backwardness high byte,将3A double byte tear open a6A single-byte respectively send
4.3、5Byte simulation
TB基本不用修改,仅仅把BYTESThis parameter into5就行.仿真结果如下:
According to the above logic you see it,我就不啰嗦了.
The lower the measured,Need to write a top-level module to instantiated the arbitrary byte serial port to send the module.在顶层模块,设置成每1sPull up a signal,At the same time will send data+1.
5.1、Single-byte measured
// *******************************************************************************************************************
// ** 作者 : 孤独的单刀
// ** 邮箱 : [email protected]
// ** 博客 : https://blog.csdn.net/wuzhikaidetb
// ** 日期 : 2022/07/31
// ** 功能 : 1、对基于FPGASerial port multibyte delivery module test module;
// 2、Set up of the number of bytes at a time、波特率、主时钟频率;
// 3、UARTAgreement is set to start bit1bit,数据位8bit,停止位1bit,无奇偶校验(In the port change,Can only change to send driver source code);
// 4、Data sent order,先发送低字节、再发送高字节.如:发送16’h12_34,To send a single-byte8'h34,Send a single-byte again8'h12.
// *******************************************************************************************************************
module uart_bytes_tx_test(
input sys_clk , //主时钟
input sys_rst_n , //低电平有效的复位信号
output uart_txd //UART发送线
localparam integer BYTES = 1 ; //发送的字节数,单字节8bit
localparam integer BPS = 115200 ; //发送波特率
localparam integer CLK_FRE = 50_000_000 ; //输入时钟频率
localparam integer CNT_MAX = 50_000_000 ; //发送时间间隔,1秒
reg [31:0] cnt_time;
reg uart_bytes_en; //发送使能,当其为高电平时,On behalf of the need to send data at this time
reg [BYTES*8-1 :0] uart_bytes_data; //需要通过UART发送的数据,在uart_bytes_en为高电平时有效
//1s计数模块,每隔1sSend an enabling signal data and pull up a,Increasing data starting from the initial value1
always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n)begin
cnt_time <= 'd0;
uart_bytes_en <= 1'd0;
uart_bytes_data <= 'h12; //初始数据
else if(cnt_time == (CNT_MAX - 1'b1))begin
cnt_time <= 'd0;
uart_bytes_en <= 1'd1; //Up to send can make
uart_bytes_data <= uart_bytes_data + 1'd1; //To send data accumulation1
else begin
cnt_time <= cnt_time + 1'd1;
uart_bytes_en <= 1'd0;
uart_bytes_data <= uart_bytes_data;
//Instantiated serial multibyte delivery module
.BPS (BPS ),
.sys_clk (sys_clk ),
.sys_rst_n (sys_rst_n ),
.uart_bytes_data (uart_bytes_data ),
.uart_bytes_en (uart_bytes_en ),
.uart_bytes_done ( ),
.uart_txd (uart_txd )
初始值设定为8'h13,This PC per1sYou can receive a data,其值分别为8'h13、8'h14、8'h15、8'h16、8'h17·····,PC receives the data is as follows:
5.2、Double byte measured
// *******************************************************************************************************************
// ** 作者 : 孤独的单刀
// ** 邮箱 : [email protected]
// ** 博客 : https://blog.csdn.net/wuzhikaidetb
// ** 日期 : 2022/07/31
// ** 功能 : 1、对基于FPGASerial port multibyte delivery module test module;
// 2、Set up of the number of bytes at a time、波特率、主时钟频率;
// 3、UARTAgreement is set to start bit1bit,数据位8bit,停止位1bit,无奇偶校验(In the port change,Can only change to send driver source code);
// 4、Data sent order,先发送低字节、再发送高字节.如:发送16’h12_34,To send a single-byte8'h34,Send a single-byte again8'h12.
// *******************************************************************************************************************
module uart_bytes_tx_test(
input sys_clk , //主时钟
input sys_rst_n , //低电平有效的复位信号
output uart_txd //UART发送线
localparam integer BYTES = 2 ; //发送的字节数,单字节8bit
localparam integer BPS = 115200 ; //发送波特率
localparam integer CLK_FRE = 50_000_000 ; //输入时钟频率
localparam integer CNT_MAX = 50_000_000 ; //发送时间间隔,1秒
reg [31:0] cnt_time;
reg uart_bytes_en; //发送使能,当其为高电平时,On behalf of the need to send data at this time
reg [BYTES*8-1 :0] uart_bytes_data; //需要通过UART发送的数据,在uart_bytes_en为高电平时有效
//1s计数模块,每隔1sSend an enabling signal data and pull up a,Increasing data starting from the initial value1
always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n)begin
cnt_time <= 'd0;
uart_bytes_en <= 1'd0;
uart_bytes_data <= 'h3412; //初始数据
else if(cnt_time == (CNT_MAX - 1'b1))begin
cnt_time <= 'd0;
uart_bytes_en <= 1'd1; //Up to send can make
uart_bytes_data <= uart_bytes_data + 1'd1; //To send data accumulation1
else begin
cnt_time <= cnt_time + 1'd1;
uart_bytes_en <= 1'd0;
uart_bytes_data <= uart_bytes_data;
//Instantiated serial multibyte delivery module
.BPS (BPS ),
.sys_clk (sys_clk ),
.sys_rst_n (sys_rst_n ),
.uart_bytes_data (uart_bytes_data ),
.uart_bytes_en (uart_bytes_en ),
.uart_bytes_done ( ),
.uart_txd (uart_txd )
初始值设定为16'h3413,This PC per1sYou can receive a data,其值分别为8'h13、8'h34、8'h14、8'h34、8'h15、8'h34·····,PC receives the data is as follows:
5.3、5Byte measured
// *******************************************************************************************************************
// ** 作者 : 孤独的单刀
// ** 邮箱 : [email protected]
// ** 博客 : https://blog.csdn.net/wuzhikaidetb
// ** 日期 : 2022/07/31
// ** 功能 : 1、对基于FPGASerial port multibyte delivery module test module;
// 2、Set up of the number of bytes at a time、波特率、主时钟频率;
// 3、UARTAgreement is set to start bit1bit,数据位8bit,停止位1bit,无奇偶校验(In the port change,Can only change to send driver source code);
// 4、Data sent order,先发送低字节、再发送高字节.如:发送16’h12_34,To send a single-byte8'h34,Send a single-byte again8'h12.
// *******************************************************************************************************************
module uart_bytes_tx_test(
input sys_clk , //主时钟
input sys_rst_n , //低电平有效的复位信号
output uart_txd //UART发送线
localparam integer BYTES = 5 ; //发送的字节数,单字节8bit
localparam integer BPS = 115200 ; //发送波特率
localparam integer CLK_FRE = 50_000_000 ; //输入时钟频率
localparam integer CNT_MAX = 50_000_000 ; //发送时间间隔,1秒
reg [31:0] cnt_time;
reg uart_bytes_en; //发送使能,当其为高电平时,On behalf of the need to send data at this time
reg [BYTES*8-1 :0] uart_bytes_data; //需要通过UART发送的数据,在uart_bytes_en为高电平时有效
//1s计数模块,每隔1sSend an enabling signal data and pull up a,Increasing data starting from the initial value1
always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n)begin
cnt_time <= 'd0;
uart_bytes_en <= 1'd0;
uart_bytes_data <= 40'h9a_78_56_34_12; //初始数据
else if(cnt_time == (CNT_MAX - 1'b1))begin
cnt_time <= 'd0;
uart_bytes_en <= 1'd1; //Up to send can make
uart_bytes_data <= uart_bytes_data + 1'd1; //To send data accumulation1
else begin
cnt_time <= cnt_time + 1'd1;
uart_bytes_en <= 1'd0;
uart_bytes_data <= uart_bytes_data;
//Instantiated serial multibyte delivery module
.BPS (BPS ),
.sys_clk (sys_clk ),
.sys_rst_n (sys_rst_n ),
.uart_bytes_data (uart_bytes_data ),
.uart_bytes_en (uart_bytes_en ),
.uart_bytes_done ( ),
.uart_txd (uart_txd )
初始值设定为40'h9a78563413,This PC per1sYou can receive a data,其值分别为8'h13、8'h34、8'h56、8'h78、8'h9a、8'h14、8'h34、8'h56、8'h78、8'h9a、·····,PC receives the data is as follows:
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