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Robomaster visual tutorial (1) camera

2022-07-07 23:54:00 Raring_ Ringtail

Camera parameters

Camera should be the most important part of machine vision , Choosing a stable and reliable camera with good imaging quality can greatly reduce the difficulty of recognition algorithm design . Mainstream cameras are divided into CMOS Cameras and CCD camera . generally speaking CCD The camera has large volume, high cost and high precision , and CMOS The cost of camera is far lower than CCD camera , meanwhile CMOS The volume and power consumption of the camera are also better than CCD camera . This paper mainly summarizes CMOS Camera selection ( Because I haven't played CCD camera ).

Roller shutter exposure and global exposure

Usually the cameras we buy online are roller shutter exposure cameras , It is difficult to see the difference between these two cameras in daily use , But in the field of high speed requirements, the advantages and disadvantages of these two exposure methods are obvious , Especially for cheap cameras, the jelly effect of roller shutter exposure is more obvious .
For the difference between roller shutter exposure and global exposure, see : Talk about shutter : Rolling curtains / Global shutter and jelly effect

In addition to the jelly effect , The camera with global exposure has higher color saturation under the condition of low exposure time , In the actual test and comparison, it is found that the exposure value is also adjusted to the minimum , When shooting the red light bar of the referee system ,KS2A17(200 Ten thousand pixel roller shutter exposure camera ) And KS1A552(100 Megapixel global exposure camera ) The contrast is obvious ,KS2A17 The light bar photographed is dark and gray , And it will flash , and KS1A552 colorful . Pictured 1 chart 2 Shown :( Because there is no competition now , Take the video screenshot taken before as an example )

 Insert picture description here KS1A552 Shoot the energy mechanism
chart 1 KS2A17 Low exposure shooting armor plate chart 2 KS1A552 Low exposure shooting energy mechanism

Through the comparison of the above two figures , In terms of color, the global exposure camera explodes the roller shutter exposure camera .


In armor recognition , Exposure is the key factor to determine whether the armor plate can be successfully identified . When I was a sophomore in the competition , Since I started from scratch, I didn't know that there are so many parameters of the camera that can be adjusted , At that time, I thought that a camera with high resolution and realistic colors was a good camera , So I bought a Microsoft LifeCam Studio, This camera should be the most failed camera I have ever bought , It's expensive and difficult to use . The first time I knew the power of adjusting exposure was after reading the official open source code , The feeling at that time was that of sudden enlightenment . The method used when you don't know the exposure is YOLO, This algorithm is awesome , But very slowly , Even running on the computer is stuck, let alone a wonderful calculation . I was running YOLO The frame rate is on the computer 28fps, Wonderful calculation 8fps. The following is a direct comparison between the normal exposure and low exposure of the camera .

 Insert picture description here  Insert picture description here
chart 3 Pictures taken under normal exposure chart 4 Pictures taken under low exposure

So when we shoot objects that can glow autonomously , Reducing the exposure time can reduce the influence of ambient light . At this time, the binary graph obtained by threshold processing can be further processed .

Gamma correct

In the process of reducing the false recognition rate of armor plate , We can filter mismatches through various constraints , The smarter way is to recognize the number in the middle of the armor plate . But when we set the exposure of the camera to very low, the number is invisible ( Pictured 5), What do you do then ? One method that is not easy to think of is to improve the camera Gamma value . When Gamma When it is increased, the brightness of the area with low brightness in the image will be increased . Pictured 5~ chart 7 Shown :

 Insert picture description here  Insert picture description here  Insert picture description here
chart 5 No improvement Gamma chart 6 Improve Gamma chart 7 Further improve Gamma

chart 5 You can hardly see the middle number in , While improving Gamma Then you can see the numbers in the middle , When further improved Gamma The last number can be clearly recognized . Some people may have questions , Since the brightness of the dark area has increased , That's the same as before reducing the exposure . Not the same. , Improve Gamma In the rear image, the part with increased brightness is gray, while the light bar in the red part has no obvious change . Pictured 8, The parts of the picture that are increased in brightness are basically gray , Because of the gray rgb Same value , So as long as the two channels of the picture are subtracted, the interference of the background can be removed . Pictured 9, To recognize red, you only need to subtract the blue channel from the red channel , What remains is what is needed . After finding the light bar, frame the number area to be recognized by the recognition function .

 Insert picture description here  Insert picture description here
chart 8 Gamma Correction results chart 9 Red and blue channels subtract

The camera Gamma What did correction do ? In fact, the thing to do is very simple , That is, each pixel of the image is converted through a power function , The reciprocal of the exponent of a power function is what is usually called gamma value , The image of this function is shown in Figure 10 Shown :

 Insert picture description here
chart 10 Gamma Correction function curve

It can be seen from the curve that when the input value is small, the ratio of output to input is large , Thus, the brightness of the dark part of the image can be improved .
About exposure and Gamma You can see This blog post

Frame rate and camera selection

about RoboMaster In terms of competition , The faster the recognition, the better , So the higher the camera frame rate, the better . Due to the limitation of bandwidth, frame rate and resolution usually restrict each other , If you want a high frame rate, the resolution will be low . The following table is the resolution and frame rate of the camera I have used :

model The resolution of the Frame rate
KS2A17 Color roller shutter 640*480120
KS1A293 Black and white 640*480240
KS1A552 Color overall 640*48060
WX605 Color roller shutter 640*320330

It can be seen that the maximum frame rate can usually be reached when the resolution is the lowest , In fact, for the wonderful calculation (TK1) In general, it can only process with a resolution of 640*480 Left and right pictures , No matter how high the resolution is, you can't run , choose WX605 Can achieve the fastest single picture 6ms About the processing speed, that is to say, the best calculation can run as fast as 150 frame , Therefore, considering the actual use, the filter is selected KS1A293 Both image quality and speed are taken into account .

to update : During the resurrection game, I asked my classmates on wechat how their vision was doing , They told me not to use black and white cameras , Black and white cannot filter the interference of white light , And then finally WX605.

The lens

I think the lens is the most easily overlooked point , Because I usually don't think about changing the lens when I buy a camera . Lenses with different focal lengths present different perspectives , The larger the focal length, the narrower the viewing angle .

Limited by hardware and money , The image quality can be improved by selecting a suitable lens , It is used on the gun barrel of the combat vehicle in the actual measurement 6mm or 8mm The left and right lenses are more suitable , At this focal length 3m The left and right armor plates are clearly photographed . Use 1280*720 The resolution of the 8m The energy mechanism of can also be photographed clearly .

The relationship between the lens and the shooting angle is roughly shown in the figure below , Because the figure is for digital cameras, the data is not suitable for our scene , But the relationship between focal length and angle of view can still be seen and compared .

 Insert picture description here
chart 11 Lens focal length and angle of view


Because the armor plate is only red and blue , So when identifying, we only need to filter out these two kinds of light , In fact, it's OK not to use filters , By changing the picture from BGR The switch to HSV Identifying colors or subtracting red and blue channels can achieve the purpose of filtering colors .

Filters are mainly used in conjunction with black-and-white cameras . When analyzing various cameras before, it was said that the final model selection is KS1A293 Global exposure black and white camera , It can be well combined by using filters 240fps The advantages of frame rate and global exposure

Linux Camera drive

Linux The camera driver under is V4L2, There's nothing to say . Here I mainly want to talk about OpenCV Call the method of the camera , And some camera related tools .

Camera debugging tool

The best tool to use is qv4l2 了 , With this tool, you can easily adjust the parameters of the camera . If you want to adjust the camera exposure while the program is running , Just open this tool , You can directly modify the exposure of the camera 、Gamma Equal parameter , Very easy to use .

 Insert picture description here
chart 12 qv4l2 Software screenshot

You can see that the software lists almost all the parameters of the camera , It is very convenient to adjust parameters .

 Installation method :sudo apt install qv4l2

There is also a set of command line tools

sudo apt install v4l-utils

It can be used after installation v4l2-ctl To control the camera .

Use RMVideoCapture Class calls the camera

DJI stay 2017 Open source a set of visual code , It contains a very useful camera driver RMVideoCapture. adopt RMVideoCapture, To bypass OpenCV Self contained VideoCapture To call the camera , Then realize various settings of the camera, including exposure 、 The resolution of the 、 Frame rate 、 Image format, etc , For specific calling methods, please refer to 2018 Southeast University open source code .

Use OpenCV Of VideoCapture To call the camera

It says DJI Made a RMVideoCapture, So is it to say VideoCapture It's really not easy to use ? No, it isn't , The probability is that the parameters are not set correctly or compiled OpenCV Compilation was not selected when V4L2.

Here's how to use it correctly VideoCapture.
First, you must compile OpenCV When you choose V4L2( I usually use CMake GUI To compile the OpenCV Of )

 Insert picture description here
chart 13 CMake add to V4L2

After compilation, it can be used normally VideoCapture To change camera parameters .
Before OpenCV Change is not supported BufferSize Of , But in 2018 year 3 month 9 Added changes to after BUFFERSIZE Support for
see OpenCV The corresponding code You can see

12th patch: March 9, 2018, Taylor Lanclos <[email protected].com>
 added support for CV_CAP_PROP_BUFFERSIZE
        if (bufferSize == value)
            return true;

        if (value > MAX_V4L_BUFFERS || value < 1) {
            fprintf(stderr, "V4L: Bad buffer size %d, buffer size must be from 1 to %d\n", value, MAX_V4L_BUFFERS);
            return false;
        bufferSize = value;
        return v4l2_reset();

That is to say, just before using the latest Library RMVideoCapture The problems solved can be used VideoCapture To solve .
For convenience, I use python Explain how to use correctly .

# Show OpenCV Compile information for , You can check whether it contains V4L2 Support , If there is no need to recompile 
# Turn on the camera 
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(1)
# Displays the number of caches , The default is 4 The maximum is 10
# Set the cache frame to 2
# Adjust the camera resolution 
cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, 800)
cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, 1280)
# Set the image to MJPG Format , In most cases, only this format can achieve the maximum frame rate 
print('setform', cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FOURCC, cv2.VideoWriter.fourcc('M', 'J', 'P', 'G')))
# Set up FPS
print('setfps', cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS, 60))
# The above two sentences print out whether the setting is successful , The successful words are True It is False
gamm = 100
expo = 1
# Set up Gamma
cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_GAMMA, gamm)
# Set to manual exposure 
cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_AUTO_EXPOSURE, 1)
# Set the exposure 
cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_EXPOSURE, expo)
# Set to auto exposure 

The parameters that need to be set are probably the above . Here I want to emphasize the following CAP_PROP_AUTO_EXPOSURE Set up , The range of this parameter is OpenCV When written in the source code 0 To 4, That is to say, the parameter of setting whether to automatically expose is not 0 perhaps 1. Through experiments, it is found that KS1A552 When the camera [0,2.6) The range is to turn off auto exposure ,[2.6,4] To turn on auto exposure .

OpenCV Description of parameter range in source code 
    if (normalizePropRange) {
        case CAP_PROP_AUTO_WB:
        case CAP_PROP_AUTOFOCUS:
            range = Range(0, 1); // do not convert
            range = Range(0, 4);

Recently applied for a wechat official account , Name is Notes on Jiangda . It is convenient for me to help others by summarizing my own learning and research experience . Interested friends can pay attention to .

Copyright notice : This article is an original blog article , No reprint without the permission of the blogger . https://blog.csdn.net/u010750137/article/details/90698203


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