Successful indie developers deal with failure & imposters
// Preface Professional success does not necessarily lead to personal happiness.That was part of a panel discussion on "Mental Health in Indie Gaming"...
2022-08-05 06:32【Boyi creates the game circle】
阅读更多Shadowless Cloud Desktop
The concept of Shadowless Cloud Desktop is a supercomputer placed on the cloud launched by Alibaba Cloud. This is a cloud desktop service based on clo...
2022-08-05 06:32【Chengyun Technology】
阅读更多Cloud Computing Basics - Study Notes
Article Table of Contents Cloud Computing Basic Study Notes 1 Cloud Computing Composition, Basic Services 14 Cloud Computing Related Technologies 22 C...
2022-08-05 06:32【monkeyhlj】
Catalog 1. Simple operations on vectors 1. %E5%90%91%E9%87%8F%E7%9A%84%E7%AE%80%E5%8D%95%E8%BF%90%E7%AE%97 1. Introduction to vector 1. %E5%90%91%E9%8...
2022-08-05 06:32【Not so simple GG】
阅读更多Network Protocol Fundamentals - Study Notes
Article Directory Network Protocol Basics Study Notes 1 ARP Protocol ARP 2 Free ARP ARP 13 Proxy ARP ARP 16 TCP and UDP TCPUDP 20 TCP Three-way Handsh...
2022-08-05 06:32【monkeyhlj】
阅读更多config.js related configuration summary
Sequence: vue.config.js is an optional configuration file. If this file exists in the root directory of the project and is at the same level as packa...
2022-08-05 06:32【MoXinXueWEB】
阅读更多D39_ coordinate transformation
1. Screen coordinates The lower left corner of the screen is the origin, the right is the positive direction of x, and the upward is the positive dire...
2022-08-05 06:32【Not so simple GG】
阅读更多The future of cloud gaming
In the past few years, the development of cloud games at home and abroad has been blowing out. Whether it is traditional game companies or technology ...
2022-08-05 06:32【Chengyun Technology】
阅读更多Tencent Internal Technology: Evolution of Server Architecture of "The Legend of Xuanyuan"
Today, I will share with you the server architecture of Tencent's game "The Legend of Xuanyuan". If the server architecture is only a result, it is me...
2022-08-05 06:33【Boyi creates the game circle】
阅读更多D39_Eulerian Angles and Quaternions
Catalog 1. Euler Angles 1.%E6%AC%A7%E6%8B%89%E8%A7%92 2. Quaternion 2.%E5%9B%9B%E5%85%83%E6%95%B0 3. Negative Quaternion 3.%E8%B4%9F%E5%9B%9B%E5%85%83...
2022-08-05 06:32【Not so simple GG】
阅读更多The use of three parameters of ref, out, and Params in Unity3D
Contents 1 ref ref 2 out out 33 Params Params 95 ref Function: Pass a variable into a function for 'processing', after the 'processing' is completed, ...
2022-08-05 06:32【IT apprentice.】
阅读更多System basics - study notes (some command records)
Article directory system basic study notes (some command records) 1 Windows common commands Windows 2 ping ping 3 arp arp 8 tracert tracert 11 route r...
2022-08-05 06:33【monkeyhlj】
阅读更多Cocos Creator Mini Game Case "Stick Soldier"
Preface 1. Application introduction https://img convert/e2281789112c1b1e90dfd6d233190e42.png Reasonably control the length of the ...
2022-08-05 06:33【Boyi creates the game circle】
阅读更多GetEnumerator method and MoveNext and Reset methods in Unity
The GetEnumerator method and the MoveNext and Reset methods in Unity function: It is a method under the System.Collections namespace that returns an e...
2022-08-05 06:33【IT apprentice.】
阅读更多LeetCode practice and self-comprehension record (1)
Article directory LeetCode practice and self-understanding records (1) LeetCode1 1 516. Longest palindrome subsequence 516 2 148. Sorted linked list 1...
2022-08-05 06:33【monkeyhlj】
阅读更多Q 2020, the latest senior interview Laya soul, do you know?
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2022-08-05 06:33【Boyi creates the game circle】
阅读更多BIO, NIO, AIO practical study notes (easy to understand theory)
Article directory BIO BIO 1 NIO NIO 64 its underlying implementation epoll epoll 196 AIO AIO BIO BIO 212: synchronous and blocks, the server implement...
2022-08-05 06:33【monkeyhlj】
阅读更多Alibaba Cloud Video on Demand
Ensuring the security of video content from being stolen, illegally downloaded and disseminated is a problem that has plagued many companies for a lon...
2022-08-05 06:33【Chengyun Technology】
阅读更多What is the website ICP record?
Many people do not know what the website ICP filing and the public security filing mean? This article will introduce the website ICP filing and the pu...
2022-08-05 06:33【Chengyun Technology】
文章目录 动态规划 1 01背包 01 5 背包问题 25 416. 分割等和子集 https://leetcode equal subset sum/ 416 httpsleetcodecncomproblemspartitionequalsu...
2022-08-05 05:24【monkeyhlj】
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- flink实例开发-详细使用指南
- Dephi reverse tool Dede exports function name MAP and imports it into IDA
- 树表的查找
在经历了IJCAI,MM,AAAI,CVPR,SIGIR的多次被拒以后(*真的太惨了,不过也是我自己工作做的不够扎实,可能被拒也不能算是坏事,有利于之后的成长吧),我终于迎来了我研究生期间的第一篇CCF A类会议论文,实属不易呀 这篇论文中的是今年的MM,一个多媒体类的CCF A,初分是两个bord...
希望能够在一页中上面分为两栏,下面分为一栏 1 新文档(没有其他的格式) 直接选中分栏的部分进行分为两栏就可以了 https://img 2 有其他格式的文档 (1) 取消修订 https:/...
c9665a24b177ee5ad601bc6f919c9931.jpeg https://img convert/c9665a24b177ee5ad601bc6f919c9931.jpeg 【写在前面】 基于文本的人物搜索旨在使用人物的描述性句子在图像库中...
一、打开命令窗口或者power shell 命令窗口:开始— 运行— cmd(window+R 组合键) PowerShell:开始— 运行— PowerShell 也可以直接搜索PowerShell 二、查找所有运行的端口 输入命令: netstat an...
Download address: ' ' Official website: ' ' https://img https://img
1349. 参加考试的最大学生数 给你一个 m / n 的矩阵 seats 表示教室中的座位分布。如果座位是坏的(不可用),就用 '/ ' 表示;否则,用 '.' 表示。 学生可以看到左侧、右侧、左上、右上这四个方向上紧邻他的学生的答卷,但是看不到直接坐在他前面或者后面的学生的答卷...
The article is reproduced for easy sorting and classification. The source address is: 1. Introduction to Open Falcon 1. The monitoring system can be u...
Preface How to improve system performance and design a reliable system is a problem that every architect or colleagues who are advancing to the direct...
题目:给你一个整数数组cost,其中cost i 是从楼梯第个台阶向上爬需要支付的费用。一旦你支付此费用,即可选择向上爬—个或者两个台阶。 你可以选择从下标为0或下标为1的台阶开始爬楼梯。请你计算并返回达到楼梯顶部的最低花费。 示例如下: https://img
Development platform: Unity Programming platform: Visual Studio 2020 and above Language: C/ Problem description When calling an object that is frequen...