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Q 2020, the latest senior interview Laya soul, do you know?
2022-08-05 06:33:00 【Boyi creates the game circle】
Last month in succession to updatecocos和unity的面试题,Believe that readers see after more or less have some harvest,在之前的分享中,Some readers fans have been direct messages ah bo,Let me share some golden nine silver ten servers andLaya的面试题,Let everyone can catch up on to the interview.
所以,Today, Po will come to share aboutLaya的面试题了!!!
啥?Ah, how so directly today,不墨迹了
This is not also in the National Day holiday,We are at rest! Let's change numerous for brief,直接点,Bad to get down to business?
So then please readers friends better、Good good study!!!!
####问题1: LayaBox 的发展经历了哪些阶段?
LayaBox 1.xWhen is mainly to solve theFLASHWeb game intoH5页游,Changed hands swim.将Flash的AS转成H5的代码,And run in its own kernel to driveH5的代码.后来随着Flash没落,H5兴起,LayaBoxTo develop the best next generation performanceH5游戏引擎,Later also support hand swim.
LayaBox2.xStage to optimize3D游戏引擎,And support the WeChat little game,抖音小游戏,QQ小游戏等.The development of language at the same time supportJavaScript/TypeScript/ActionScript
LayaBox The next stage goals there are two main,The first is to further improveLayaAir的引擎,Make him one of the best game engine,同时推出了LayaME,做UGC.
####问题2: LayaBox 做3D H5Little game what?
LayaBox做的3DWeChat small game in a small market share in the90%以上, 是非常成熟的H5小游戏开发引擎,At the same time also can be packaged toNative平台.
####问题3: Laya与UnityHow to cooperate between?
Laya Have their own core engine,有自己的开发工具,At the same time he also skillfully use theUnity的编辑器,He is how to do?Laya Engine is the kernel is independent,Pure code development complete game engine,At the same time, the game engine will provide tools,2D编辑器,是Laya自己提供的,3D编辑器LayaInstead of doing with theUnityTo edit the scene,Then toolsUnityEdit scene and role precast body intoLaya可以使用的格式,这样3D引擎和3DResources can use market more matureUnity,好用,Many resources can be Shared,And the market a lot ofU3D开发的3D游戏,LayaDo these games can be converted intoH5的小游戏.
####问题4: Laya 到底使用JavaScriptTo develop good or useTypeScript开发好?
JavaScript是弱类型编程语言,开发比较灵活,TypeScript对类型的要求比较严格,从灵活性来说Js更灵活,But flexible at the same time,Such as project brought bad maintenance,So many companies tend to choose slowly strongly typedTypeScript来开发.TypeScriptThe underlying run isJS,所以建议先学习JS再学习TS
####问题5: Laya How to use atlas?
Laya 在做UI的时候,没有图集的概念,Directly with a single small picture,UI制作完成以后,LayaDepending on the folder to a folder for us to automatically generate a atlas images,如果文件过大,This file by default does not packaged into atlas,The general default is generated to the atlas of images,If you don't think the image generated to atlas,Can specify the type of the image is not packing.The use of atlas can improve drawing performance,节约DrawCall.
####问题6: Laya 3D What are the camera model?
LayaThere are two kinds of inside the camera model,One is the perspective camera,一种是正交摄像机,The two cameras made the decision to two different types of projection imaging.如下图:
####问题7: Laya 3D The object result andUnity有什么区别?
Laya 的3D物体与Unity还是有区别的,Unity是GameObject + [Transform, MeshRender等组件], 而Laya里面是MeshSprite3D包含了MeshRenderer, 并且继承自Sprite3D,Sprite3DContains data memberstransform.所以和UnityPure component development has some different.
####问题8: Laya.Scrip 与Laya.Script3D有什么区别?
Laya There are two code component class,一个是Laya.Script, 一个是Laya.Script3D,这两个有什么区别呢?记住一条,2DThe node can only hang onLaya.Script, 3DThe node can only hang onLaya.Script3D.
####问题9: Laya UI How to change the picture inside?
Laya Image里面有个skinPoint to the picture path of the string,When we want to change the picture,只需要将Image的数据成员skin,Set to the path of the images,如果要加载网络图片,也只需要将skin设置成http的一个网络地址.
####问题10: LayaModular development fixed entrance?
LayaWriting the script code is modular development,和Unity类似,接口也和Unity相似,不过前面加了一个on, 如下:
onAwake:Component instance loading called when.
onStart: Component instance in the first timeupdate之前调用
onUpdate: Each component instance in screen refresh when calling
onFixedUpdate(): Component instance at a fixed time interval call.
onDestroy(): Component instance deletion called when.
Interface with manyUnity类似,所以UnityDevelopers will soon be able to get startedLaya.
####问题11: LayaHow do the third party resource deployment?
Develop WeChat trill little game,If the inclusion of more than the size we need to put the resources deployment to the third-party server,LayaProvides us with a third party deployment method,Only need to set up resourceurlRoot就可以了.
####问题12: LayaHow to cut the volume of engine?
Open the game scene,按住F9, Pop-up project Settings dialog box.You can use library to set for you,No, do not have to check on this can reduce the volume of the game engine.如图:
####问题13: LayaHow to play the particle effects?
Particle effects of nodes asLaya. ShuriKenParticle3D,We through the scene node lookup function to get to the particle,After get particles node,There is a data memberparticleSystemIs the particle's broadcast control,我们只要调用: ((节点 as Laya.ShuriKenParticle3D).particleSystem).play().
####问题14: 3DInside the game how to monitor touch events?
3DWe use stage for events to monitor inside,Laya.stage.on(Laya.Event.MOUSE_DOWN, this, this.onTouchStart);
Laya.stage.on(Laya.Event.MOUSE_UP, this, this.onTouchEnd);
Laya.stage.on(Laya.Event.MOUSE_MOVE, this, this.onTouchMove);
####问题15:WeChat little game how to monitor into the background and back in the game events?
if (Laya.Browser.onWeiXin) {
####问题16: Laya如何加载Unity导出的3D游戏场景?
Laya.Handler.create(this, function (scene3d) {
// 加载完成的回调
####问题17: Laya如何加载Unity*Export of precast body?
Laya.Handler.create(this, function (sprite3d) {
// 加载成功的回调
Laya的3D编辑器是Unity, 这里要注意几个问题,而且非常重要.
1: 注意一定要使用laya for unity插件指定的Unity版本,这个真的很重要,A lot of problems have might have been caused by it,Such as the scene performance is poor.
2: 一定要按照layaThe support of the specification to use related operations,比如Laya兼容组件,Laya兼容的Shader.
####问题19: LayaHow to switch the material?
r = ("节点" as Laya.MeshSprite3D).meshRenderer;
r.material = 材质对象;
####问题20: LayaHow to play background music?
Laya.SoundManager.playMusic(soundPath, 次数,
Laya.Handler.create(this, this.onSoundPlayEnd));
####问题21: LayaWhat are the project directory structure?
bin: Store code base when running,资源等,The data directory when running,非常重要.
laya: 2D UI 场景视图,Resources in the folder,专门用来做2D编辑的.
libs: Game engine in the library catalog,当前项目使用的LayaEngine codebase directory.
release: Package release to each platform release path.
src: Code path to the location of the
laya文件: Laya工程项目文件.
tsconfig.json: tsCode related some of the Settings.
####问题22: LayaHow to upgrade the engine?
这里有一个误区,Everyone thought that as long as the reinstallLayaAir的IDE,用新的IDEOpen the old project has upgrade success engine version.There is no upgrade engine version,You also need to put a new engine library copy to the project,As shown in the menu:文件-》项目-》类库管理, 选择版本,点击”应用”即可
####问题23: LayaHow to correctly do resource management and use of resources?
LayaResource loading are based on asynchronous,如果是H5游戏,Some resources may be downloaded from the server,再加载到内存,所以这个”时间段”Can lead to a black screen(无内容)With flash,所以使用LayaResources of the best resource management mechanism of preloading,Behind you what resources to use preload in first,So you can avoid black screen and content was shining,Avoid the resource loading, according to cheng card.
####问题24: LayaHow to monitor physical collision?
LayaThe collision detection of physics engine is very simple,Just in the physics of rigid body node add script,Inside the script overloading the following interface can detect physical collision
####问题25:LayaWhat collider physics engine support?
SphereColliderShape 球体碰撞器
BoxColliderShape 盒型碰撞器
CylinderColliderShapeCylindrical collider
ConeColliderShapeCone collider
####问题26: Laya*使用UnityExport the sky box should pay attention to what matters?
1:Export the sky boxcubeMap 需要勾选 Readable选项
2:Export the sky box material must be usedLayaAirUnder the sky box material
####问题27: Laya What are the parameters of the trailing?
Time Trailing the survival length
minVertexDistance Minimum distance between segments of trailing
width The tail width Settings(For the width of the curve)
Color 采用 colorGradient 方式设置,There are two optional mode
Fixed 固定模式
Blend 混合模式
texture Mode 纹理模式,The same as the normal texture pattern.
Stretch Texture map can be along the whole length of track application
Tile Make the texture along the length of the trajectory tile
alignment Track line
ALIGNMENT_VIEW Can make track for the camera
ALIGNMENT_TRANSFORM_Z According to the trajectory of the direction of the transform component alignment
####问题28: LayaHow to use static or batch?
LayaUsing static closed group of very simple,在UnityThe need to use the static consolidation model check Static Static option can be derived.如图所示:
####问题29: LayaIn the dynamic and the principle of batch
LayaIn the dynamic and batch,Is done automatically don't need a developer to do relevant operation,Dynamic and batch is divided into two kinds of,Instance merger a merger with vertex,Their requirements are as follows:
需要同MeshAnd the material conditions of double meet.In 3 d scene withMeshThe model with the same material or may exist in,In this instance with a lot of play space.
With material and model vertices less than10个.Vertex merge at present on some false shadow and the special effects model has play a space.
注意:Translucent objects need continuous rendering to dynamic consolidation,So translucent objects reduced risk of dynamic consolidation.
####问题30: LayaIDE如何清理缓存?
开发者在使用IDE的时候,Sometimes quoted some mistakes,Sometimes can be ignored directly.有的时候,需要重启IDE才可以解决.Also sometimes restart also cannot solve the.这个时候.We suggest that the developer to clear the cache first to solve the.Because in most cases is a cache problem, leading to.
在IDEThe help of the navigation menu there is an option called“Open the editor local cache”,如图所示.通过点击这里,Resources can jump to the cache directory.
On the cache directory,如图2所示.If it is the layout problem,可以直接删除layout目录.If don't know what problem.To delete all the directories and files to see clean it doesn't matter.
####问题31: Laya 3DObjects displayed serrate to do?**
由于3D抗锯齿默认是开启的,但有的开发者发现锯齿感还是很明显,如果是采用了2.2Or higher engine,那就需要检查是否使用了HDR和后期处理.
webGL 1.0不支持renderTarget有抗锯齿,使用相机HDR和后期处理管线的BloomEffect泛光效果就会引起抗锯齿无效.解决办法就是不要使用这两块功能,后期处理一般来说,开发者用的不多.
this.camera = new Laya.Camera(0, 0.1, 100);
this.camera.enableHDR = false; //关闭HDR
####问题32: LayaHow could a3D物体?
We often need to copies of the same object in the game a lot of,那么如何cloneAn object?LayaProvides the interface toclone, Laya.Sprite3D.instantiate(物体).
今天的LayaThe interview problem sets to be here to share,Welcome readers friends leave a message in the comments section,今天的内容到此结束!
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