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Hugo builds a personal blog
2022-08-05 06:13:00 【CrazyQiQi】
If you want to build a static website, one way is to write your own creation, which has a lot of room to play, but the workload is relatively large; if you want to have a website of your own in a short time, you canUse a static site generator.
Here is a summary of static website generatorsGitHub address, there are indeed too many website generators now.
I chose Hugo implemented in Go language as my static website generator. On the one hand, it was the first generator I came into contact with.As a rising star, it is increasingly accepted by everyone.
Here I will introduce how to build a static web page with hugo. There are many tutorials about building a personal blog with Hugo on the Internet, but I will take the trouble to record it.
My blog addresshttps://crazyqii.github.ioh6>
Of course, this article is based on Windows operation. For macOS system, please refer to Hugo official websiteHugo
By default you have installed Git and registered github
Of course, this article is based on Windows operation. For macOS system, please refer to Hugo official websiteHugo
By default you have installed Git and registered github
Quick Start
1. Download Hugo
I chose hugo_0.55.6_Windows-64bit.zip
- Create Hugo/bin directory and download to bin file
- We can see a hugo.exe executable file about hugo, add the download path to the system environment variable.
- Open the cmd console to check if the installation is successful, as shown below
2. Generate website
- Create a sites folder dedicated to the website under the Hugo file.
- The cmd console enters the current folder path, and as an administrator, enter hugo new site myblog (custom) to create a site.
- Of course, there is also an easy way to do that, if you have Git bash, right-click on the current folder, select Git bash and enter the command, it will be OK
- In this way, a blank site is quickly generated. At this time, if you enter the hugo server command (run Hugo), and then enter localhost:1313 in the browser, you will find that it is blank, mainly because everything in it is empty.No, we need to download the theme ourselves.
3. Download the skin theme
- Select your favorite theme in Hugo theme, jump to the relevant github page, clone to your own blog/themes filein the folder.
git clone https://github.com/spf13/hyde.git
4. Create an article
- cd to the /myblog path, enter the command, create the article
$ hugo new first.md
- You will see the article you just created in the Hugo\Sites\myblog\content path, which is a document in Markdown format
— — —
title: “First”
date: 2019-06-17T12:52:29+08:00
draft: false
— — —
- At this point, re-enter localhost:1313 in the browser to see the content
5. Deploy the website
Blogging is for sharing, so you need to deploy your website for more people to see
- Create a new repository Repository on github and name it crazyqii.github.io (crazyqii is your github username)
- Enter the command to automatically generate static files public
$ hugo --theme=hyde --baseUrl="http://crazyqii.github.io/”
- cd into the public folder and push the files in public to the remote repository
$ git init
$ git remote add origin h ttps://github.com/crazyqii/crazyqii.github.io.git
$ git add -A
$ git commit -m “firstcommit"
$ git push -u origin master
- Visit https://crazyqii.github.io , you can see the website generated by the quick build
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