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What is Alibaba Cloud Express Beauty Station?

2022-08-05 06:32:00 Chengyun Technology

Alibaba Cloud Express Beauty Station integrates cloud servers, cloud databases, object storage, global acceleration, load balancing, and web application firewalls to ensure fast and secure websites.Cloud Express Beauty Station includes more than 1,000 sets of exquisite templates covering multiple industries, and encapsulates common web page styles and website functions into control modules, which are integrated into the visual designer. Users can drag, edit, set and other operations to create their ownBuild PC website, mobile station, WeChat public account and small program.Visualized full-featured management background, truly "you can type, you can build a website".

Advantages of the beauty station in the cloud vulgar

Compared with other website building products, Cloud Express Beauty Station not only has all the mainstream functions and full coverage of common scenarios, but also supports IPv6+IPv4 dual-end access, making it faster to go online and more website.Safety.

1. All mainstream functions are available

PC + mobile phone + official account + applet four stations in one, full-featured visual operation interface, no need to play with technology to build a website.Provides e-commerce functions and member management functions, supports multi-language switching, Alibaba Cloud video, and Alibaba Cloud SMS.

2. Universal scene coverage

Covering the general scenarios of the company's official website, official website display, official website e-commerce, member management, multi-language (Chinese, English, Japanese, Korean, German, Spanish), online booking, and Baidu promotion are all available.

3. Support IPv6+IPv4 dual terminal access

IPv6, or Internet Protocol Version 6, is the sixth version of the Internet protocol, and also marks the beginning of the next generation of Internet.IPv6 not only makes uploading and downloading data faster, but also encrypts data transmission, making websites more secure, and through wavelength division multiplexing, website opening delays are smaller.

At present, most of the common terminals are IPv4, but IPv6 has entered a period of rapid development, so it has become a general trend for websites to support IPv6+IPv4 double-end access.

4. Faster launch

Alibaba Cloud App is fully self-service filing service. Download the Alibaba Cloud App for easy filing.The product has a one-click domain name resolution function, and the website goes online faster.

5. The website is more secure

General websites use virtual hosts. Even an independent cloud server cannot guarantee the safety and speed of visitors. This product integrates Alibaba Cloud Cloud Server (ECS), Load Balancer (SLB), and ApsaraDB for RDS., object storage (OSS), network acceleration (CDN), cloud shield security services and other products to ensure that the website is more fast, stable and secure.


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