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NIO works is analysed
2022-08-05 06:13:00 【sick caterpillar】
java Socket 工作机制
- SocketIt is an abstract function that describes how computers communicate with each other before.通过基于TCP/IPThe stream socket protocol establishes a connection
- A机器B机器通信—建立Socket连接—通过TCP连接(The port number specifies a unique application)----IP寻址(Find unique hosts)----Finally found the unique app on the unique host
- 客户端:
A client needs to have one before establishing a linkSocket实例,操作系统为SocketThe example does the following
- Allocate an unused port number
- Create contains local addresses + 远程地址 + 端口号 socket data structure
This data structure will always be stored in the system,until the link closes
创建Socketbefore the instance returns,需要进行TCP三次握手协议,完成TCPThe handshake protocol is completeSocket创建
- 服务端:
- 端口分配+监听:Correspondence with customers is createdServerSocket实例,It can be created successfully as long as the port is not occupied
- The operating system page will create the underlying data interface including:监听端口 + Listen address wildcard(例如 *,匹配所有)
- 阻塞+Create a socket data structure:之后调用accept(),进入阻塞,等待客户端请求,当一个请求到了,The operating system will create a socket data structure for this connection,包括如下信息
- Request source address port + 请求源端口
- 完成TCP三次握手:Associate the created socket toServerSocketAn instance of an unfinished list of linked data structures(At this time, it has not been established with the clientSocket)
- Complete socket data state transition:Wait until the client and serverTCP三次握手完成后,将这个ServerSocketCreated is complete,The corresponding socket data structure is moved from the unfinished list to the completed list
- same as aboveServerSocketEach data structure in the associated list represents one established with a clientTCP链接
- BIO即阻塞I/O,Whether it's disk or networkI/O,数据写入OutputStream或者从InputStreamReading will block,一旦阻塞,The thread is lostCPU的使用权,This performance is unacceptable in high concurrency situations.
- Situation one requires a lotHTTP长连接的场景下,例如实时聊天,It is impossible for the server to maintain millions of users at the same timeHTTP链接,Because these links are not transmitting data all the time.In this case there are plentyHTTP是不可取的,Even if the number of threads is enough,It will also waste a lot of hardware machine resources,At the same time, we cannot judge thatHTTP的优先级更高,Which one to deal with first
- In another case, the client multi-threaded concurrently obtains server-side resources,At this time, the server resources need to be synchronized,This synchronization situation is much more complicated than a single thread.
- NIO中关键类:Channel 和Selector 是NIO中核心概念
- Channel类比Socket,但是比Socket更具体,It can be seen as a means of transporting data
- SelectorSimilar to a dispatch system for transport vehicles,控制Channel的状态,is sending,Still unloaded,He is polling eachChannel的状态
- Buffer类 类比Stream,但是比Stream更具体,Buffer是数据的容器,But the particle size ratioChannel要小,一个Channel中可能有N个Buffer.
- Stream不一样,It just represents a big data container,No information is known until the data is loaded,Because he is packaged in transportSocket中了
- NIO引入Channel,Buffer,SelectorIt is to make information concrete,Every detail is handled by the open interface to the programmer's control.
- 有如下案例
/** * @author liaojiamin * @Date:Created in 15:11 2022/7/29 */
public class ServerSelectorDemo {
public void selector() throws IOException {
ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(1024);
Selector selector = Selector.open();
ServerSocketChannel serverSocketChannel = ServerSocketChannel.open();
serverSocketChannel.socket().bind(new InetSocketAddress(8080));
serverSocketChannel.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT);
while (true){
Set selectedKeys = selector.selectedKeys();
Iterator iterator = selectedKeys.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()){
SelectionKey selectionKey = (SelectionKey) iterator.next();
if((selectionKey.readyOps() & SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT) == SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT){
ServerSocketChannel serverSocketChannel1 = (ServerSocketChannel) selectionKey.channel();
//Accept server requests
SocketChannel socketChannel = serverSocketChannel1.accept();
socketChannel.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ);
}else if ((selectionKey.readyOps() & SelectionKey.OP_READ) == SelectionKey.OP_READ){
SocketChannel socketChannel = (SocketChannel) selectionKey.channel();
while (true){
int n = socketChannel.read(byteBuffer);
if(n <= 0){
- The above code is basicNIO模式:
- 通过SelectorA static factory creates a selector
- 创建一个服务端Channel,and bound to oneSocket对象,This communication channel will be registered with the selector
- Set whether to block mode,Then you can callSelector的 selectedKeysChecks all communication channels on this registered selector to see if anything is required
- If there is an event of a specified type,just return allSelectionKey,通过这个对象的ChannelThe communication channel object can be obtained,从而读取通信的数据 – Buffer,这个Buffer是我们可以控制的缓冲器.
- Selector可以同时监听一组通信信道(Channel)上的I/O状态,前提是这个Selectoralready registered to these communication channels
Buffer 工作方式
- BufferIndex and description
- capacity:The total length of the buffer array
- position:The next data element data to operate on
- limit:缓冲区数组中不可操作的下一个元素的位置, limit <= capacity
- mark:用于记录当前position的前一个位置或者默认是0
- Buffer 通过ByteBuffer.allocate(11) 方式创建一个byte数组缓冲区,The initial state is written as shown in the figure below,position位置0 ,capacity和limit默认都是数组长度,当写入11个byte时候,The location changes are as follows,代码如下
ByteBuffer(int mark, int pos, int lim, int cap, // package-private
byte[] hb, int offset)
super(mark, pos, lim, cap);
this.hb = hb;
this.offset = offset;
Buffer(int mark, int pos, int lim, int cap) {
// package-private
if (cap < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative capacity: " + cap);
this.capacity = cap;
if (mark >= 0) {
if (mark > pos)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("mark > position: ("
+ mark + " > " + pos + ")");
this.mark = mark;
At this point the underlying operating system can correctly read this from the buffer5个字节数据,并且发送出去,We are calling before the next write of dataclear()方法,The index of the buffer will return to the original position again.
allocate 与 allocateDirect的区别
通过allocate分配的内存,我们会通过Clannel获取I/O 数据,
- First through the operating systemSocket缓冲区:这个OS buffer就是底层TCO管理的RecvQ或者SendQ队列
- Then copy the data to Buffer
Replication process in both areas(OS buffer ----- 用户缓冲区)是很耗性能的
通过allocateDirect分配的内存:Manipulate operating system buffers directly
- The method returns the buffer associated with the underlying storage space,通过NativeCode operation feeJVM堆内存
- The disadvantage is that it must be called once for each creation or releaseSystem.gc()
- 如下allocateDirect初始化源码,都是用的unsafe to allocate memory
DirectByteBuffer(int cap) {
// package-private
super(-1, 0, cap, cap);
boolean pa = VM.isDirectMemoryPageAligned();
int ps = Bits.pageSize();
long size = Math.max(1L, (long)cap + (pa ? ps : 0));
Bits.reserveMemory(size, cap);
long base = 0;
try {
base = unsafe.allocateMemory(size);
} catch (OutOfMemoryError x) {
Bits.unreserveMemory(size, cap);
throw x;
unsafe.setMemory(base, size, (byte) 0);
if (pa && (base % ps != 0)) {
// Round up to page boundary
address = base + ps - (base & (ps - 1));
} else {
address = base;
cleaner = Cleaner.create(this, new Deallocator(base, size, cap));
att = null;
HeapByteBuffer | DirectByteBuffer | |
存储位置 | java Heap中 | DirectByteBuffer |
I/O | Requires user address space and operating system kernel address space to copy data | 不需要复制 |
内存管理 | Java GC回收,创建 并且 Recycling overhead is low | 通过System.gc()要释放Java对象引用的DirectByteBuffer内存空间,如果JavaObjects holding references for long periods of time can cause thisNative内存泄露.Creating and reclaiming memory is expensive |
使用场景 | The number of concurrent connections is less than1000,I/OIt is more appropriate to operate less frequently | 数据量大,Suitable for long life cycles |
NIOProvides a better approach than traditional file access,两个优化方法:FileChannel.transferTO,FileChannel.transferFrom, 另外一个是FileChannel.map
- FileChannel.transferXXX:Compare with traditional ways of accessing files,Reduce the copying process of data from kernel to user control.数据直接在内核空间中移动.
如上图中,可以看到,Either read or write,All can reduce this step of copying data from user address space to kernel address space
FileChannel.map的方式,It can also be mapped as a memory area according to a certain size block.When Fan asked about this piece of memory, he directly manipulated the file.This eliminates the need to copy data from the kernel to user space
This method is suitable for read-only operations on large files.比如文件的MD5校验等,
The following is an implementation case.
/** * @author liaojiamin * @Date:Created in 14:09 2022/8/1 */
public class FileChannelMapCopyFile {
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {
int BUFFER_SIZE = 1024;
String fileName = "E:\\learn\\问题汇总\\MYSQL.md";
long fileLength = new File(fileName).length();
int bufferCount = 1+ (int) (fileLength / BUFFER_SIZE);
MappedByteBuffer[] byteBuffers = new MappedByteBuffer[bufferCount];
long remaining = fileLength;
String fileName_1 = "E:\\learn\\问题汇总\\MYSQL_1.md";
FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(fileName_1);
FileChannel writeChannel = fileOutputStream.getChannel();
for (int i = 0; i < bufferCount; i++) {
RandomAccessFile file;
try {
file = new RandomAccessFile(fileName, "r");
Integer size = (int)Math.min(remaining, BUFFER_SIZE);
byteBuffers[i] = file.getChannel().map(FileChannel.MapMode.READ_ONLY, i * BUFFER_SIZE, size);
ByteBuffer byteBuffers1 = byteBuffers[i].get(new byte[size]);
}catch (Exception e){
remaining -= BUFFER_SIZE;
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