Implementation of nginx version of microservice architecture
1、 Introduction in the last article, introduction and technology stack of microservices, we have discussed the origin and development of microservices...
2020-11-07 16:46【itread01】
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After reading reentrantlock, reentrantlock is sufficient in high concurrency scenarios. However, because reentrantlock is an exclusive lock, only one ...
2020-11-07 16:46【itread01】
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[do you want app to run smoothly like wechat? |Experience to send Dajiang, Huawei, cherry keyboard! >>>![hot3.png][]][APP_ _ _ Hot3. PNG]! [classroom ...
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2020-11-07 16:50【itread01】
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From the day I started working on data visualization, I fell in love with it. I always like to get useful insights from data. Before that, I only knew...
程序员与公务员都是属于令人艳羡的工作,程序员收入高,公务员胜在稳定。两个不同的工种各有优势。但最近一位网友发言, 掀起了工作应该追求收入,还是追求稳定的讨论。 有位网友在职业论坛上分享自己的工作经历:自己毕业于华五名校,在腾讯公司做程序员,年薪90万保底。不论从哪个维度来看,该网友也应当是人群中精...
! [cover picture 1109. PNG] [1109. PNG] > whether it is android app or jar application, once the code is distributed, it will be in an untrusted envir...
> 简介:为什么要强调 书写规范 ?这其实并不关乎“美丑”,而是为了 更高的效率(代码阅读、开发、维护)与更方便的合作(全球通用的标准) 。如今,不管什么方向的同学都要进行“写代码”这项工作,可惜的是,很多朋友并没有意识到: 花费1小时了解代码书写规范,可以为自己节省 100+ ...
![1094728-20201109094256585-1476474648.png][] [1094728-20201109094256585-1476474648.png]:
1. To judge whether an object is alive and reclaim memory, it is necessary to determine which memory needs to be reclaimed first. In other words, it i...
![python设计模式之单例模式][python] 单例模式是一种常用的开发设计模式,它的主要目的就是确保只有一个实例对象的存在,也就是说当你希望一个类的功能比较单一,你只需要一个实例对象就可以完成需要的时候,就可以使用单例模式,以此来节省内存资源。 比如我们在web开发项目中,我们经常需要做...
[do you want app to run smoothly like wechat? |Experience to send Dajiang, Huawei, cherry keyboard! >>>![hot3.png][]][APP_ _ _ Let's start with the si...
Which course does the assignment belong to? < Table > < thead >; The objective of this assignment is / td > < td > < td > lt; the specific content of ...
> 前言 > > CountDownLatch 一个同步辅助工具,同样是基于 AQS 实现,本篇文件主要是介绍 CountDownLatch 的使用,以及源码。 > > 公众号:『 刘志航 』,记录工作学习中的技术、开发及源码笔记;时不时分享一些生活中的见闻感悟。欢迎大佬来指导! ...