Diffgram - Supervised Learning Data Platform


Diffgram - Supervised Learning Data Platform

Diffgram is annotation and training data software.


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Diffgram Dev Installer Quickstart

Requires Docker and Docker Compose

git clone https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram.git
cd diffgram
python install.py
# Follow the installer instruction and 
# After install:  View the Web UI at: http://localhost:8085

Development Install Docs
Production Install Docs
Helm Chart


  1. Flexible deploy and many integrations - run Diffgram anywhere in the way you want.
  2. Scale every aspect - from volume of data, to number of supervisors, to ML speed up approaches.
  3. Fully featured - 'batteries included'.



Support & Community

  1. Open an issue (Technical, bugs, etc)
  2. Chat on Discord
  3. Forum (Coming Soon)

Security issues: Do not create a public issue. Email [email protected] with the details. Docs


  1. Application: Support all popular media types for raw data; all popular schema, label, and attribute needs; and all annotation assist speed up approaches
  2. Support all popular training data management and organizational needs
  3. Integrate with all popular 3rd party applications and related offerings
  4. Support modification of source code
  5. Run on any hardware, any cloud, and anywhere

Technical Direction


Overview Image and Video Annotation.

Speed Ups & AI

Latest AI + More


Note for initial open core release Actions Hooks are not yet available. Please see Diffgram.com and use them there if needed.


We welcome contributions! Please see our contributing documentation.

Architecture & Design Docs

We plan to release more internal architecture docs over time. Please see the general docs in the mean time.

  • Decouple Media Core

    Decouple Media Core

    The purpose of getting out media core is to allow the file management to be independent of the annotation UI, and make all the annotations UI's to only receive a single file without consciousness of how that file was fetched.

    This is a requirement to have before starting to implement the actual text interface: https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/45

    enhancement ready_to_merge 
    opened by PJEstrada 80
  • Problem with aws s3 connection.

    Problem with aws s3 connection.

    Hi all,

    I have an issue when I trying to connect with s3 to upload my dataset. I already have all permissions (fullS3Access). But still facing this error:

    {'status_text': 'Exceeded retry limit, no valid response'}.


    Would you please help me with this problem?

    installation admin experience s3 blob-storage-layer 
    opened by josebenitezg 31
  • Fixed issues with hotkeys

    Fixed issues with hotkeys

    Seemed that the real problem was not so much with hot keys but with the selected prop of the instances. When we changed frames the watcher would always reset to false the instance select and that would cause some of the hotkeys for related to selection to stop working (like copy and paste).

    This was cause due to not updating the this.previous_current_frame value in the watcher. Now the select is working properly and the hotkeys are following

    I also tested the w,a,s,d the space bar, the escape keys, numkeys 1-9 and they all seem to be working fine.

    Please let me know if you are aware of any other hotkeys malfunctioning so I can dive deeper into them here.

    ready_to_merge bugfix 
    opened by PJEstrada 25
  • Labels Schema V1

    Labels Schema V1

    In this PR:

    • [x] Add new Label Schema Model

    • [x] Refactor frontend services to centralize api calls.

    • [x] Add new schema_id prop to label selectors.

    • [x] Add new UI to allow for schema creation, deletion and edition.

    • [x] Add support for selecting schemas instead of label files in task templates.

    • [x] Change Task template detail section so that users can edit/schemas instead of labels.

    • [x] Change Schema Editor Section to Support Schema Concepts

    • [x] Added label schema selector on Annotation UI Images

    • [x] Added label schema selector on Text Annotation

    • [x] Added Label Schema Selector on 3D Annotation

    • [x] Preload Label Schema on Task Context for all Interfaces Types

    • [x] Change API Route names on the SDK /refresh to /labels

    • [x] Update job card list view to show schema instead of labels

    • [x] Update Job detail tab to be able to update schema instead of labels.

    • [x] Add Unit tests

    • [x] Add e2e tests

    feature refactor admin experience 
    opened by PJEstrada 15
  • Local storage support

    Local storage support

    **Edit this is added https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/857 https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/releases/tag/0.15.0 **End Edit

    Diffgram only support clould storage?

    question more-info-needed planning 
    opened by scotthuang1989 13
  • Upload Wizard

    Upload Wizard

    This new feature aims to provide an easier way to upload files with prelabeled data without requiring any coding at all.

    • Creating new components for upload wizard
    • Create a new schema mapping concept to map any JSON file to diffgram's format.
    • Added stronger bindings to the input_batch concept.\
    • Added new alembic migrations to support prelabeled data at the batch level.
    • Pending to modify some E2E tests as the old upload flow will break with this new code.

    Adding this PR as a draft and WIP to give visibility of work progress.

    feature pending_work database_changes 
    opened by PJEstrada 11
  • New UI schema Concept, Annotation Homepage, Improved Task List

    New UI schema Concept, Annotation Homepage, Improved Task List

    Adds Custom UI Schema Controls


    V1 Has some rough edges Still WIP for the HTTP end points to save the schema DB And to wire that to tasks etc

    Directionally this will be a 'great what you see is what you get' way to further customize the UI. It will also help support other UI customizations like enable and disable features, alternate styles etc.

    image image image

    Also fixes image sizing in task mode

    Add Annotator Focused Screen

    annotator focused screen A lot of this is UI centric. In terms of new functions, the "Annotate" button now

    1. Crosscuts jobs. Gets next across project. Means the Annotator does not need to know which job they are working on. Also a starting point to build more around QA centric tasks UI.
    2. Uses SkipLock to strengthen guarantees. Concept that we may build this into the "on complete" / get next during normal annotation. So if the tasks happen to be small, and there are many annotators, there's a collision chance.
    3. https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/commit/9e8e49df5c85e2533ae57b4c76108c7151cf9e8c#diff-e0558f300c30e0d7e278609a6fa9363326ff3dc3871d962f7ceb28cc4f7e809eR316 Checks job ids are either in jobs assigned to user or open to all.

    The nuance here is that it's project wide, but if the job is assigned to me, or is set to to invite only, then it's not eligible.

    Tangent: Note that for status, we are checking that the status == available. The assumption here is the status is the more key thing then the user assigned. We could also check there is no user assigned, but then if an admin wants to assign it to someone else, we would have to expressly clear that or something.

    1. Show assigned users on task view
    2. Show in progress add assigned user icon

    Cleaner and User Customizable Task Home


    1. Now uses regular table
    2. Defaults to show more typical user features
    3. Shows annotation count from preview

    Better task assignment

    Improves task assignment concept.

    1. From Task Detail Page
    2. From Complete/Defer in Annotation

    Now those actions will by default assign the task the user gets to themselves. Task assignment etc still needs some more work. It's a step in the direction of making that more visible and hardening that

    opened by anthony-sarkis 10
  • upload EntityTooSmall

    upload EntityTooSmall

    After #1070,now i can upload.During uploading,comes another exception. this is my console error: image so,i go to check the docker-walrus,it gives me this: image

    There is no minimum limitation of multipart upload on S3 API of minio server. image

    How can i change the code inside shared/data_tools_core_s3.py line 153? @PJEstrada

    Here is my temporary solution,i comment out the MultipartUpload inside shared/data_tools_core_s3.py line 148-154 related. When i start to run the upload script,minio server connection error occurs.This is werid,i dont know why.Is this about message queue jam issue?Sometimes when i start upload script,the message queue dont handle it.MQ always do the heartbeat check,just miss the real job! image

    After several tries,finally i get upload worked.I dont do anything except restarting all diffgram docker services. image

    Saddly there is always a but,here comes an error. image docker hosted diffgram view: image I go to check the minio buckets page,there is no uploaded file. image

    Does it mean my file uploading fail?I dont know how to edit code inside shared/data_tools_core_s3.py,it seems that my temporary solution will lead to unexpected errors.

    opened by lackray 9
  • Error creating new connection from Diffgram to local Minio

    Error creating new connection from Diffgram to local Minio


    I've tried to use Minio (as a local storage provider) with Diffgram but i've encurred in an issue when trying to create a new connection from Diffgram to Minio.


    1- Install Minio (I've also tried with the docker version, but got the same error) wget https://dl.min.io/server/minio/release/linux-amd64/minio chmod +x minio MINIO_ROOT_USER=admin MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD=password ./minio server /home/ubuntu/minio_test_data --console-address ":9001"

    I have then created a bucket called 'images' and uploaded some data in it.

    2- Install Diffgram 1.1.11 git clone https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram.git cd diffgram pip install -r requirements.txt python3 install.py

    Selected Minio Web Server Services Storage (which is running in the same machine), inserted the required parameters and the tests: Connection, Write permission and Read permission are OK.


    I logged into Diffgram (from the webpage), tried to create a new connection to Minio, so: project -> connections -> new connection I used the same parameters as i've inserted in the install.py but i got this error:


    opened by Tachimura 9
  • Change file path from original file to the actual thumbnail file

    Change file path from original file to the actual thumbnail file

    I think the original file got uploaded instead of the thumbnail. Result is shown below (file 14 + thumb is old code, file 15 + thumb is the new code)


    This will fix #592

    opened by MathijsNL 9
  • Long term sync from Dataset to task not working

    Long term sync from Dataset to task not working

    A Task was created related to a Dataset but when more files were imported to the Dataset, the number of files in task did not increased.

    Task was created with long term sync (see screenshot attached). Dataset currently has 17, 919 but task has 17, 617. I will appreciate your kind support on this issue.

    image image image

    opened by cvm-int 9
  • Report double group by user

    Report double group by user



    Author Checklist

    All items are required. Please add a note to the item if the item is not applicable and please add links to any relevant follow up issues.

    I have...

    • [ ] added ! to the type prefix if Breaking Changes.
    • [ ] considered the impact to the SDK.
    • [ ] included the correct type prefix in the PR title
    • [ ] provided a link to the relevant issue in JIRA or Github Link in PR.
    • [ ] included the unit and integration tests
    • [ ] included comments & docs for new API Endpoints
    • [ ] updated the relevant documentation or specification in readme.io
    • [ ] reviewed "Files changed" and left comments if necessary
    • [ ] confirmed all CI checks have passed

    Breaking Changes including adding required params.

    Reviewers Checklist

    All items are required. Please add a note if the item is not applicable and please add your handle next to the items reviewed if you only reviewed selected items.

    I have...

    • [ ] confirmed the Author checklist was followed
    • [ ] reviewed API design and naming
    • [ ] reviewed documentation is accurate
    • [ ] reviewed tests and test coverage
    • [ ] manually tested (if applicable)
    opened by anthony-sarkis 1
  • New geo interface functionality

    New geo interface functionality



    Author Checklist

    All items are required. Please add a note to the item if the item is not applicable and please add links to any relevant follow up issues.

    I have...

    • [ ] added ! to the type prefix if Breaking Changes.
    • [ ] considered the impact to the SDK.
    • [ ] included the correct type prefix in the PR title
    • [ ] provided a link to the relevant issue in JIRA or Github Link in PR.
    • [ ] included the unit and integration tests
    • [ ] included comments & docs for new API Endpoints
    • [ ] updated the relevant documentation or specification in readme.io
    • [ ] reviewed "Files changed" and left comments if necessary
    • [ ] confirmed all CI checks have passed

    Breaking Changes including adding required params.

    Reviewers Checklist

    All items are required. Please add a note if the item is not applicable and please add your handle next to the items reviewed if you only reviewed selected items.

    I have...

    • [ ] confirmed the Author checklist was followed
    • [ ] reviewed API design and naming
    • [ ] reviewed documentation is accurate
    • [ ] reviewed tests and test coverage
    • [ ] manually tested (if applicable)
    opened by vitalii-bulyzhyn 1
  • Report: Spreadsheet / API export orientated

    Report: Spreadsheet / API export orientated

    Need reports like https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-AK64UpC6EQfT-_Vdj-OWwdrcvxrjHSFD7N-WKh1pJc/edit#gid=0

    The current state is that you can drill down per user, however it only shows one user then at a time. Or you can see per user, but it losses over time.

    There was a related one that was Task / By Task Status, that exported well (and maybe did both?), however it appears to have regressed.


    Some of this may not graph very well, (since for every date n number of users) so may want to have it more with the intent of being able to download to a spreadsheet or be accessible via API for further filtering by analysts etc.

    Strategically, the shift is to limit expectations for what kind of reporting is available natively in Diffgram. And better support accessing it from the API, third party reporting tools, etc. etc. There still needs to be some level of abstraction between the "raw" concepts and something usable for reporting.

    Examples are the tasks per person count and average time

    image (25) image (24)

    opened by anthony-sarkis 0
  • Reports: New report template 500 / null

    Reports: New report template 500 / null


    Click "save and refresh" Then can edit and use new report template like normal.


    Note this is only for new templates, existing reports are unaffected


    When clicking "New report" throws 500

    {error: "index.html"}


    reporting regression 
    opened by anthony-sarkis 0
  • 1.15.3(Dec 21, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Geo xyz tiles by @vitalii-bulyzhyn in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1258

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/compare/1.15.2...1.15.3

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.15.2(Dec 20, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Fix: signed urls for text audio and geo by @PJEstrada in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1257
    • Geo annotation improvements by @vitalii-bulyzhyn in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1255
    • Fix Typescript and Tests by @vitalii-bulyzhyn in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1247
    • build(deps): bump express from 4.17.2 to 4.18.2 in /frontend by @dependabot in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1239

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/compare/1.15.1...1.15.2

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.15.1(Dec 12, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • build(deps): bump decode-uri-component from 0.2.0 to 0.2.2 in /frontend by @dependabot in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1238

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/compare/1.15.0...1.15.1

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.15.0(Dec 12, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • fix: remove folder removal line by @PJEstrada in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1229
    • Text bug fixes by @vitalii-bulyzhyn in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1208
    • Instance Store by @vitalii-bulyzhyn in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1227
    • feat: Polygon Instance Refactor by @PJEstrada in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1235
    • Instance store video context by @vitalii-bulyzhyn in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1236
    • AI-51: Add Hotkeys To Radio Button by @PJEstrada in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1241
    • Add Task Stats Report by @PJEstrada in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1246

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/compare/1.14.4...1.15.0

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.14.4(Nov 30, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • fix: creation ref id for prelabeled data by @PJEstrada in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1233

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/compare/1.14.3...1.14.4

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.14.3(Nov 28, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Fix: job list API call by @PJEstrada in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1220
    • Force updating attributes on the global instance by @vitalii-bulyzhyn in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1222
    • Fix: Approval Reject Report by @PJEstrada in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1224
    • Fix: transaction timeout by @PJEstrada in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1223

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/compare/1.14.2...1.14.3

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.14.2(Nov 25, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • cleanup: removes all box creation legacy code by @PJEstrada in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1209
    • Fix: Avoid creating thumbnails Once generated by @PJEstrada in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1207
    • build(deps): bump pillow from 9.0.1 to 9.3.0 in /eventhandlers by @dependabot in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1206
    • build(deps): bump pillow from 9.0.1 to 9.3.0 in /walrus by @dependabot in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1205
    • build(deps): bump pillow from 9.0.1 to 9.3.0 in /default by @dependabot in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1204
    • fix: populate default value in multi select by @PJEstrada in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1210
    • fix: Add Partial Indexes to nullable parent ID column by @PJEstrada in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1216

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/compare/1.14.1...1.14.2

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.14.1(Nov 21, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • perf: Add statement_timeout by @anthony-sarkis in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1180

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/compare/1.14.0...1.14.1

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.14.0(Nov 18, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Box Instance Refactor by @PJEstrada in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1176

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/compare/1.13.1...1.14.0

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.13.1(Nov 18, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Fix prefetching bug pointed on the call by @vitalii-bulyzhyn in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1178

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/compare/1.13.0...1.13.1

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.13.0(Nov 17, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Image prefetcing by @vitalii-bulyzhyn in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1158
    • bump socket.io-parser from 3.3.2 to 3.3.3 in /frontend by @dependabot in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1167
    • Fix rendering on task context by @vitalii-bulyzhyn in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1173
    • Refactor: task optimisation by @vitalii-bulyzhyn in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1154
    • AI-35: feat: open first global attribute panel by default by @PJEstrada in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1174

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/compare/1.12.0...1.13.0

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.12.0(Nov 16, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • docs: Small suggestions by @anthony-sarkis in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1169
    • AI-49 Image Rotation by @PJEstrada in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1172

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/compare/1.11.8...1.12.0

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.11.8(Nov 15, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Add show ids by @vitalii-bulyzhyn in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1170
    • Add indexes to the job table by @vitalii-bulyzhyn in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1171

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/compare/1.11.7...1.11.8

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.11.7(Nov 14, 2022)

  • 1.11.6(Nov 14, 2022)

  • 1.11.5(Nov 10, 2022)

  • 1.11.4(Nov 10, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Feat job pagination by @vitalii-bulyzhyn in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1164
    • Fix dataset multiple select by @vitalii-bulyzhyn in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1165

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/compare/1.11.3...1.11.4

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.11.3(Nov 7, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Fix: Param Rename on MigrationManager by @PJEstrada in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1157

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/compare/1.11.2...1.11.3

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.11.2(Nov 4, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Prevent call to fetch global attributes if there no project string id by @vitalii-bulyzhyn in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1148
    • Add Attribute preview to the image interafce by @vitalii-bulyzhyn in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1143
    • Fix Optimize Duplicate Calls and File Fetch Speed by @PJEstrada in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1150
    • feat: add url caching in seconds for connection ID url generation by @PJEstrada in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1151

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/compare/1.11.1...1.11.2

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.11.1(Nov 2, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Fix: Optimize Signed URL Fetch on task context by @PJEstrada in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1144

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/compare/1.11.0...1.11.1

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.11.0(Oct 19, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • fix: complete hotkey by @PJEstrada in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1129
    • CORE-18 Compound File V1 by @PJEstrada in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1110
    • CORE-41 Add MinIO as default storage provider by @PJEstrada in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1127

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/compare/1.10...1.11.0

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.10.0(Oct 19, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Storybook by @vitalii-bulyzhyn in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1048
    • Refactor directory selector by @vitalii-bulyzhyn in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1121
    • Refactor directory selector by @vitalii-bulyzhyn in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1124
    • Frontend improvements by @vitalii-bulyzhyn in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1091
    • fixes: eventhub tracking by @PJEstrada in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1126
    • fix: improve speed of task list fetching for files with connection ids by @PJEstrada in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1123
    • CORE-8 feat: disable context menu on image preview by @PJEstrada in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1119
    • feat: add member edition to task template by @PJEstrada in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1118
    • feat: CORE-26 Autogenerate OpenAPI Docs from Code by @PJEstrada in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1115

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/compare/1.9.4...1.10.0

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.9.4(Oct 13, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • fix: extra white space on task preview by @PJEstrada in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1108
    • feat: CORE-27 New PR Template by @PJEstrada in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1111
    • fix: performance fixes for projects with large dirs list by @PJEstrada in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1116

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/compare/1.9.3...1.9.4

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.9.3(Oct 11, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Fix: Uppercase Imports on GCP by @PJEstrada in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1106

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/compare/1.9.2...1.9.3

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.9.2(Oct 7, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Fix us shema request by @vitalii-bulyzhyn in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1088
    • fix: add bucket to serialized assets by @PJEstrada in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1089

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/compare/1.9.1...1.9.2

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.9.1(Oct 6, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Fixes for file fetch with signed url by @PJEstrada in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1087

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/compare/1.9.0...1.9.1

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.9.0(Oct 5, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Vertex AI training action by @vitalii-bulyzhyn in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/999
    • Dockerhub Image registry change by @PJEstrada in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1082

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/compare/1.8.22...1.9.0

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.8.22(Oct 3, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • build(deps): bump vm2 from 3.9.7 to 3.9.11 in /frontend by @dependabot in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1071
    • Fix MinIO Chunking Process by @PJEstrada in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1081

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/compare/1.8.21...1.8.22

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.8.21(Sep 29, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Compress Token During Token Refresh by @PJEstrada in https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/pull/1077

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/diffgram/diffgram/compare/1.8.20...1.8.21

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.8.20(Sep 29, 2022)

NovelD: A Simple yet Effective Exploration Criterion

NovelD: A Simple yet Effective Exploration Criterion Intro This is an implementation of the method proposed in NovelD: A Simple yet Effective Explorat

29 Dec 05, 2022
Boosted CVaR Classification (NeurIPS 2021)

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Runtian Zhai 4 Feb 15, 2022
Pytorch implementation of our method for high-resolution (e.g. 2048x1024) photorealistic video-to-video translation.

vid2vid Project | YouTube(short) | YouTube(full) | arXiv | Paper(full) Pytorch implementation for high-resolution (e.g., 2048x1024) photorealistic vid

NVIDIA Corporation 8.1k Jan 01, 2023

HW3 ― GAN, ACGAN and UDA In this assignment, you are given datasets of human face and digit images. You will need to implement the models of both GAN

grassking100 1 Dec 13, 2021
Adversarial Texture Optimization from RGB-D Scans (CVPR 2020).

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Jingwei Huang 153 Nov 28, 2022
PyTorch implementation of "Contrast to Divide: self-supervised pre-training for learning with noisy labels"

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55 Nov 23, 2022
Repo for Photon-Starved Scene Inference using Single Photon Cameras, ICCV 2021

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Bhavya Goyal 5 Nov 15, 2022
Label Studio is a multi-type data labeling and annotation tool with standardized output format

Website • Docs • Twitter • Join Slack Community What is Label Studio? Label Studio is an open source data labeling tool. It lets you label data types

Heartex 11.7k Jan 09, 2023
Official code for the paper "Self-Supervised Prototypical Transfer Learning for Few-Shot Classification"

Self-Supervised Prototypical Transfer Learning for Few-Shot Classification This repository contains the reference source code and pre-trained models (

EPFL INDY 44 Nov 04, 2022
Pytorch implementation of "Get To The Point: Summarization with Pointer-Generator Networks"

About this repository This repo contains an Pytorch implementation for the ACL 2017 paper Get To The Point: Summarization with Pointer-Generator Netwo

wxDai 7 Oct 14, 2022
Perform zero-order Hankel Transform for an 1D array (float or real valued).

perform zero-order Hankel Transform for an 1D array (float or real valued). An discrete form of Parseval theorem is guaranteed. Suit for iterative problems.

1 Jan 17, 2022
SMIS - Semantically Multi-modal Image Synthesis(CVPR 2020)

Semantically Multi-modal Image Synthesis Project page / Paper / Demo Semantically Multi-modal Image Synthesis(CVPR2020). Zhen Zhu, Zhiliang Xu, Anshen

316 Dec 01, 2022
MMGeneration is a powerful toolkit for generative models, based on PyTorch and MMCV.

Documentation: https://mmgeneration.readthedocs.io/ Introduction English | 简体中文 MMGeneration is a powerful toolkit for generative models, especially f

OpenMMLab 1.3k Dec 29, 2022
Implementation for Curriculum DeepSDF

Curriculum-DeepSDF This repository is an implementation for Curriculum DeepSDF. Full paper is available here. Preparation Please follow original setti

Haidong Zhu 69 Dec 29, 2022
Official Pytorch Implementation of: "Semantic Diversity Learning for Zero-Shot Multi-label Classification"(2021) paper

Semantic Diversity Learning for Zero-Shot Multi-label Classification Paper Official PyTorch Implementation Avi Ben-Cohen, Nadav Zamir, Emanuel Ben Bar

28 Aug 29, 2022
BossNAS: Exploring Hybrid CNN-transformers with Block-wisely Self-supervised Neural Architecture Search

BossNAS This repository contains PyTorch evaluation code, retraining code and pretrained models of our paper: BossNAS: Exploring Hybrid CNN-transforme

Changlin Li 127 Dec 26, 2022
PyTorch implementation for SDEdit: Image Synthesis and Editing with Stochastic Differential Equations

SDEdit: Image Synthesis and Editing with Stochastic Differential Equations Project | Paper | Colab PyTorch implementation of SDEdit: Image Synthesis a

536 Jan 05, 2023
[CVPR 2021] Rethinking Text Segmentation: A Novel Dataset and A Text-Specific Refinement Approach

Rethinking Text Segmentation: A Novel Dataset and A Text-Specific Refinement Approach This is the repo to host the dataset TextSeg and code for TexRNe

SHI Lab 174 Dec 19, 2022
Stroke-predictions-ml-model - Machine learning model to predict individuals chances of having a stroke

stroke-predictions-ml-model machine learning model to predict individuals chance

Alex Volchek 1 Jan 03, 2022

OAK_Detection OAK设备上适配nanodet_plus,yolov5_v6.0 Environment pytorch = 1.7.0

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